Chapter 241

The “White Terror” series of drones are not terrifying technologies.

Important things such as materials and batteries are very common in modern times.

But in terms of design and internal technology, it is slightly higher.


After obtaining the blueprint technology, the scientific research personnel of the military refuge immediately stated that they could let the arsenal to start production now!

People in the Quartermaster Department heard that

I also understood the benefits of an advanced drone for disaster relief, and immediately asked the arsenal to stop research on other weapons, and began to produce drones quickly, and put it into the disaster relief process.


The impact of the white terrorist drone-then diverged.


the other side,

In the refuge,

Wu Di also came to the incubation room and started to expand and upgrade the refuge!


Of course, the three incubation rooms decided early!

“The brain of the machine, according to what I said before, made all of it into an acre of land!”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”

Points -1800!

Remaining points: 5093!


The familiar white light enveloped the incubation room!

after awhile,

The white light dissipated,

The upgrade is complete!


Wu Di is standing in the crop cultivation room.

After the upgrade, the surrounding space really expanded a circle,

Land, plumbing, sprinklers, etc., have all changed!

“An acre of land is a square meter, it’s really big!”

Wu Di nodded in satisfaction.

“Now, I’m waiting for the high-yielding seeds from the military area refuge!”

Thinking of seeds and fertilizers, Wu Di’s heart moved.

Why… don’t you try to upgrade yourself?

“Mechanical Brain, can you upgrade fertilizer and seeds?”

Robotic Brain: “The host, the pharmaceutical laboratory can purchase the production-increasing pharmaceutical drawings, and the effect can be superimposed with the fertilizer. As for the fertilizer, you can upgrade the fertilizer manufacturing workshop, and then upgrade it all the way to produce high-grade fertilizers that can effectively increase crop yields. ”

“In terms of seeds, the host can research high-yield seeds on its own, or expand the laboratory to add [Crop Research Labs] to purchase higher-yield seeds.”


There are ways to get high-grade seeds and high-grade fertilizers.

“Fertilizer workshops and crop research laboratories.”

Wu Di stroked his chin.

“The seeds in the refuge are relatively ordinary now. First wait for the country’s high-yield seeds and good chemical fertilizers, and then talk about other things.”

Wu Di pondered slightly and walked to the [Hydroponic Vegetable Room] and [Orchard].

Watched separately for a while,

Both the glass greenhouse and the glass greenhouse have been expanded,

Not only the area, all kinds of glass boxes, sprinklers, fluorescent lamps, etc.,

All increase!

What is missing is only the plants in it.

“very good!”

After reading it, Wu Di nodded in satisfaction.

Walked out of the incubation room.


He walked to the left side of the underground shelter.

On the far left, stop by the cold wall.

“Here, an underground farm is planned.”

Wu Di looked at the 3D model of the shelter, and nodded slightly.

“The mechanical brain has opened up a farm of chickens, ducks and fish!”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, you have enough points now, build a lowest level or build a higher level?”

Heard that,

Wu Di pondered slightly and said, “Don’t be too rubbish, try to keep it below 3000 points!”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”


【Advanced Integrated Breeding Room】(Open up)

Branches: Open up space (1500-500), overall materials (1000-500), advanced chicken house (300-100), advanced duck shed (300-100), advanced fish pond (300-100), various equipment (500 ).

···········Ask for flowers··············

Introduction: The chicken talks with the duck, and the fish listens.


“So much is reduced. Add up to 3900, but now it’s only 2600!”

Wu Di smiled.


A reminder came from the mechanical brain.

“Host, this is an expected reduction, requiring a lot of plastic, wood, stone, metal, water and other resources. At present, you only have plastic, metal and water resources to meet the requirements. There is a big gap between wood and stone.”

….. ……. …….

“Wood and stone…”

Wu Di moved his eyes and nodded: “This is not difficult. The neighbors’ houses should be able to meet the requirements.”


Neighbors who don’t know where they are going are of course impossible to come to protest.

Wu Di checked various resources, and there was nothing wrong with the others, mainly wood and stone!

The stone is easy to say,

In terms of wood…

He looked at the detailed map before the cataclysm. The place where his refuge was built was relatively remote, but after all, it was on the edge of the Third Satellite City, and there were also various streets around it.

And on a street one kilometer away from the shelter, there is a neighbor!

“Goubuli Baozi Shop”!

In pursuit of simplicity and brand, this store is pure wooden houses, elegantly decorated, and ancient style.

Before the cataclysm, this was considered an online celebrity shop.

The scale is not small!


Now the whole store has been covered by ice and snow.

“Wutian! Target Goubuli Baozi Store!”

Wu Di commanded: “Give you drone control permissions, make a way for me, and then use a cart to demolish the house!”

Wutian: “Yes! Start the drone console…”. Where.

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