Chapter 265

Comprehensive breeding room,

Xiao Guozi opened the door, bounced in, and saw Wu Di all of a sudden!

Her eyes lit up and she ran over.

“Brother Wu Di! You finally came out!”

The short-haired girl ran over lively, her small face full of smiles.


Wu Di smiled and patted the latter on the head.

The girl smiled, and suddenly noticed the little fox, her eyes lit up!


She stood on tiptoe, grabbed Wu Di’s arm, and approached the little fox with her head.

The little fox was startled and hurriedly got up and climbed onto Wu Di’s shoulders.

“What is this little animal?”


The girl opened her mouth blankly, her mouth slightly opened.

“Little Fox!”

Wu Di rolled his eyes.

“Eh, I can’t see it!”

The girl touched her head silly.

“After a while, hairs will grow.”

Wu Di smiled.

The little fox looked at the two of them silently, without saying a word.

Upon seeing this,

Little fruit reached out,

“Brother Wu Di, let me hug the little fox!”

“Do you think it would like it.”

Wu Di smiled slightly.

Xiao Guo immediately looked at the little fox expectantly, but the latter did not move.

Xiao Guozi was not discouraged, but stood on tiptoe and tried to hug the little fox 593.

The latter got up and hid behind Wu Di’s neck.


The deaf girl pulled her head, her white round face showed aggrieved expression.

“Hahaha, when the little fox gets along with you, maybe he will let you hug you!”

“Now, you can only take a look!”

Wu Di smiled.

The girl nodded, “Hmm”!

next moment,

She seemed to be thinking of something, her eyes rolled, and she whispered: “Brother Wu Di, I heard my mother say that you and Wuyi sister are studying new technology, and you don’t eat all day and night.”

“Ah? Ahem…Yes! There is a difficulty in research, which has been overcome.”

Wu Di coughed and hurriedly answered.

The girl’s cute little face showed a cunning color, and the corners of her mouth curled!

“Guoguo don’t believe it!”

“You must be making… um!”

Wu Di hurriedly covered the girl’s mouth,

He solemnly said: “Don’t speak, otherwise it will attract the attention of the crab beast!”


The girl nodded, her big eyes watery.

Wu Di let go,

She swallowed her lips and whispered: “Then I ask something else, Brother Wu Di, are you tired?”

“I heard it silently, that there are only exhausted cows, and no land to die from tillage, since ancient times!”

Heard that,

Wu Di’s face turned dark and said, “Don’t listen to the old dirty lady, Guoguo, don’t learn from her!”


The girl didn’t care,

“But sister silently is not bad!”

“She is not only an old dirty woman, but also a rotten woman. What she likes most is driving, and the speed is so fast that ordinary people can’t control it.”

Wu Di sighed.

Think at the beginning,

When he first met Silent, he thought this little girl was too rampant.

He is a veteran driver, but he is still afraid of stigmatizing women?


He was defeated.

In terms of speed, a man will never beat a woman.


The girl was silly, thoughtful.

“Well, Brother Wu Di, I’m going to play on the computer!”

The girl waved her hand and bounced back to the living room.

Han Xiaowu has returned with a small box.

Get dressed,

She took the small box and walked to Wu Di.

The girl didn’t care, turned on the computer, plugged in the earphones, and clicked directly into “My Computer”, and then opened the F drive, the “study materials” folder…

Comprehensive breeding room,

“I’m coming!”

Han Xiaowu opened the box, and inside was purified ice and snow, pure white without impurities.

The little fox seemed to feel it,

Got up,

Looked over there in silence.

Wu Di looked at it, grabbed a mass of ice and snow, and handed it over.

The little fox immediately climbed down from his arm and opened his mouth to eat the ice and snow!

Like the baby panda, the little fox is also very fast, which is completely inconsistent with the small size!

“Eat this!”

Han Xiaowu tried to “feed”,

The little fox still ignored her,

Without any choice,

A certain Onee-san could only sigh and quietly became a tool man.

The little fox ate half a box of snow before he stretched his waist and fell asleep.

Upon seeing this,

Wu Di put it in the ice jade hut,

“Let’s go!”

Wu Di took a look, and left with Han Xiaowu reluctantly.

Peaceful day,

There were two more friends in the refuge, and the girls liked them very much, so they went to visit them one after another.

Fortunately, baby pandas are good partners as long as you feed,

But the little fox ignored everyone except Wu Di.


April 1.

Settlement, task,

The daily point settlement volume has exceeded,

Baby pandas and little foxes start to grow rapidly after eating iron, ice and snow every day, and sparse hairs are already visible.

And on the other side,

The drones transported the metal in portions, day and night!

April 2.

Nothing happened in one day.

There was a cold wave in the evening, just in case, the drone stopped working and waited for it to be busy during the day.


April 3!

2 o’clock in the middle of the night!

There was a slight vibration in the shelter!

Wu Di woke up in the dark, frowning.

“No sky, aftershocks?”

Wutian: “Master, there were no earthquakes or aftershocks, but a blizzard was blowing on the surface.”


Can a blizzard affect underground shelters?

Wu Di was a little surprised, sat up,

“A big blizzard?”

Wutian: “Yes, the owner, but the building outside the refuge is in good condition. It will not be damaged by the snowstorm, but it will inevitably be covered with ice and snow.”

“That’s okay.”

Wu Di looked at the phone,

03:20 minutes.

It’s still early,

After he woke up, he had no sleep.

Thought about it,

Climbed out from between the two white bodies, put on clothes and went out!

The living room and corridor are very quiet.

He took a few bottles of Feizhai Happy Water, and a pack of melon seeds, and knocked himself up.

after awhile,

Wutian: “Master, the blizzard has passed, and the cart is clearing the snow…”

Wu Di: “Hmm!”

He knocked the seeds for a while and looked at the settlement panel!


【April 2, 2022】

Luxurious bedroom, let you sleep high quality! Points +4!

You get up to wash, in luxury…

The baby panda has started to grow hair. You are very pleased that there is no waste of feeding during this time. Points +5!

…. .

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