Chapter 266


The panda’s black and white hair has become clear, and the growth rate is beyond your expectations, but it’s okay to think that the birth is extraordinary, the points are +10!

The little fox is actually a white fox, looks very beautiful! Points +10!


Refuge member Feng Qianyi’s fruit training skills reach the master level, points +100!

Your “Chinese language programming” ability reaches the master level, points +100!


“Final settlement: points +!”

“Remaining points: 77-50 points!”


“Yesterday there was-point! Not bad!”

Wu Di nodded in satisfaction.

With the presence of future chips, his Chinese language programming broke through unconsciously,

This is also normal!

In the future of the parallel world, Chinese language programming is becoming more and more sophisticated. After many revisions, it is integrated into a computer language “Easy”!

Bagua structure, full Chinese system.

Wu Di estimates that it won’t be long before this skill of “Chinese language programming” will be transformed into “easy” entry!


The beautiful women also made progress yesterday,

This is undoubtedly a coincidence!

But there is a reward of 100 points, which is a good thing.

“Remaining points…”

Wu Di looked at the remaining points!

A number close to eight thousand is very scary!

“Accumulate to the present, it’s time for the metal processing plant to start!”

“Furthermore, we need a huge metal warehouse, and then we will buy drawings, produce special alloys, and upgrade the protection system of the entire shelter!”

Wu Di closed his eyes.

One second later,

He got up and said to the air: “Wutian, how much metal has been shipped back?”

Wutian: “Host, these days, it’s hard to work during the day, and it’s difficult to work at night. It can only be shipped if the weather is good. A total of 21 tons of steel, 3 tons of copper, and 1 ton of various alloys were shipped back!”

At the Chow Tai Fook garbage station, there are at least dozens of tons of metal!

The drones were working day and night, and only brought back more than 20 tons.


It’s just a small part of the garbage dump.

Visual inspection,

If the metal from the entire garbage station is transported back, there will be more than 50 tons of metal income!


Wu Di looked happy and walked to the side of the stairs.




A terrifying blizzard suddenly came, covering the sky and turning the frozen world upside down!

The ice and snow were blown up and danced in the sky with the cold current,

Like a long ice and snow dragon.

The land was shrouded in wind and blizzard, in chaos!

In the ruined refuge,

The mutant in the cave looked outside in horror, and hurriedly retracted into the cave.

Close the rough door!

In a simple room in a pothole, Wang Luo sat on a soft bed, wearing a radiation-proof suit, and his face under the mask was a bit dignified.


Qin Wushu touched his head and curiously asked, “Wang Luo, what are you doing so excited?”

“It’s just a blizzard.”

“Do you feel the vibration?”

Wang Luo looked serious, touched the ground, and whispered: “I am a veteran and I have been on the plateau for a while.”

“so what?”

Qin Wushu was a little at a loss.

“This is not an ordinary blizzard…”

Wang Luo’s face was heavy,

“God… it’s going to fall!”


The sky is going to fall!

next moment,

With a boom,

The entire ruined refuge shook, and the mutant people kept exclaiming, trembling in the natural disaster.

And the other shelters are not much better!

Military area refuge,

A big mountain collapsed in a snowstorm!

It spread to some buildings of the military area refuge, and hundreds of people died and thousands were injured and fled.

Liang Yu and others felt that they couldn’t sleep, so they hurriedly started rescue operations.

Official refuge,

Inside the air-raid shelter, a huge crack broke open, and countless people were killed and injured…

Lianshan Refuge,

A big mountain collapsed,

Avalanches, landslides, flooded half of the shelter…

One by one refuge,

A safe gathering place for human beings,

Under this terrible snowstorm, disasters continue!

The ground is cracked, blizzard!

Mysterious deep hole, scary steam!

The volcano erupted and the earth river surged.

During the Ice Age, terrible disasters occurred at the same time in all parts of the world and on all continents.

The catastrophe seems to have begun, and humans all over the world have suffered heavy casualties.




The blizzard is ruthless and indifferent, like a god above, with infinite majesty.

···········Ask for flowers··············

Inside the shelter,

Wu Di is thinking about where to open up a “metal processing factory”,

Suddenly, I felt a trace of vibration.

“The snowstorm outside won’t be so big, right?”

Wu Di was a little surprised.


Wutian electronic audio!

“Master, the geological probe has detected the situation!”

“At the bottom left of the wall on the left side of the refuge, the ground is cracking…”

The sudden reminder made Wu Di nervous.

He hurriedly turned on the computer and said in a deep voice: “Open the image detected by the geological probe!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

A cutaway view of a soil layer unfolded, and the refuge shrank into a small square,

At the bottom left,

The earth actually split an arc, and spread to the surroundings!

….. ……… …

“Mysterious deep hole?”

Wu Di frowned.

Wutian: “Master, it’s not a mysterious deep hole, but a crack in the ground.”

Wu Di: “Can the extent of the ground crack be detected? Will it threaten the shelter?”

Wutian: “Please rest assured that the refuge is strong enough to withstand the impact of the cracks.”

Cracks appeared in the earth, spreading from the bottom to the surface!

One thousand meters,

Two kilometers,

Three kilometers…

There is no doubt that this is another disaster that experts and professors can’t figure out even if they want to break their heads.


They will use “continental plate movement” and “magnetic field changes” to explain.

Ten minutes later, the ground crack stopped!

On the surface 500 meters away from the refuge, a crack in the ground up to a thousand meters deep appeared.

From east to west, it is thousands of meters long!

“This is really a dangerous neighbor.”

Wu Di was speechless.

I couldn’t help but say from the bottom of my heart: “Machine brain, can I take the refuge to a high altitude? Come to a city in the sky!”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, as long as you upgrade enough technology, it’s okay.”

“But you are not recommended to do this, because in the current environment, the high-altitude situation is worse than the underground!”

“All right, I will complain.”

Wu Di smiled, but his face became solemn.

Mysterious deep hole, cracked ground…

The earth seems to be restless!

The underground shelter he built does not seem so easy now.

Do you want to… move the shelter to another place! ? . Where.

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