Chapter 278

April 11!

6 o’clock in the morning!

Wu Di woke up, relaxed.

“After a nap, I feel much more comfortable.”

Wu Di stretched his waist and looked at the sleeping girl in his arms.

Gently detached from her arm,

Down to the ground.

Putting on his clothes, he walked out and said in his heart: “Machine brain, open the settlement panel!”

Mechanical Brain: “Yes!”


【April 10, 2022】

This time the rest is not perfect, points +2.

The decoration of the shelter makes you feel very comfortable. Points + 5.

The living room makes you feel very comfortable, points +5!


Refuge member Xiaoguo’s “fruit training” skill reached the entry level, points +10!

Refuge member Han Xiaowu’s “Da Ming Cuisine” skill reached the proficient level, points +50!


Busy day,

28 You have finally prepared all the new alloys, very satisfied! Points +10!

At the moment of upgrading, the Tongtian Guangzhu attracted the attention of countless people! Points + “50”!

The refuge protection system was successfully upgraded, and since then, the refuge is comparable to a fortress! Points +50!

You feel that the shelter is safer. Points +4!

You gave a lesson to baby panda, who won’t repent, points +5!

When tired, you decide to take a good rest. Points +2!


“Final settlement: 451 points!”

“Remaining points: 1473 points!”


“not bad.”

Wu Di nodded slightly. The past few days have been relatively busy, and his points are more than normal.

Naturally, there was a small “rise” yesterday.

Came to the living room,

Wu Di saw on the table, the computer had been repaired.

He turned on the computer casually, connected to the Internet, and went to the forum to check the news.

On the forum,

Gradually became less joyful,

All kinds of worries and fears are on the surface.


“Our refuge has driven away more than 3,000 people. It’s so cruel!”

“You’re pretty good, you haven’t been driven away, our shelter has introduced a elimination system, and I will most likely be driven away next week!”

“What are you going to do in the future?”

“What else can I do? If I don’t die, I will go to other shelters.”

“But the official refuge is also suffering heavy casualties…”


Wu Di watched for a while, then opened the chat group, ready to see what the group friends were talking about.

Mostly about recent disasters,

The head of “Liangyu” is always gray, and I don’t know if it has reached the plateau.


She has not been in contact, and it is estimated that she is still on the way.

Inside the group,

Friends from all walks of life are also a little worried.

Such as Bai Yueguang, the old farmers, these far away are okay,

Several private refuges near Heyang City, a group of friends named “Wang Hei” and a group of friends named “Zhang Xu” have been killed and disconnected.

The rest of the private refuges are lucky and are not near the fissure.

“A glacier appeared in the Rift Valley!”

“Did you watch that night three days ago, the underground river erupted, the rising water turned into ice, and the rift valley turned into a glacier!”

“Fortunately, it was sprayed with water. If it was sprayed with magma, I would have run out of blankets that day, and the third satellite city can’t stay!”


Many people are in a good location, and Wu Di has also learned a lot of news.

From the underground crisis,

People who had settled down in the Ice Age panicked.

after all,

At first, people were concerned about radiation, meteorites, or nuclear bomb crises.

So all kinds of underground shelters are very common!


The earth is restless!

Silently: “I remember the refuge of the son is an underground refuge, right?”

Wu Di: “?”

Silently: “Fuck, goodbye!”

Azhe: “The old witch Harhammer is hiding! But, brother, your refuge seems to be next to the Rift Valley, are you sure you don’t leave?”

Old Chen: “Yes, Wu Di, think about it. If you turn to me, I’m totally welcome.”

Azhe: “You can come to our corporate refuge. We have launched the electromagnetic weapon plan and the ramp plan. I won’t tell you more about it, but it’s super awesome!”

Silently: “I’m back again! The son wants to come to my refuge, don’t you just give me the little fruit as a maid!”


Everyone cares or laughs,

Mostly good intentions,

Wu Di replied a few words casually, just telling them that he already had a plan and there was no need to worry.

Upon seeing this,

Everyone didn’t ask much.

Withdrawing from the forum, Wu Di thought about it.

Everything is ready, he can start!

“One hundred kilometers, the third satellite city must not stay, the location should be good.”

Wu Di closed his eyes,

He has a favorite location,

Located between Heyang City and the First Satellite City!

It was far away from the fissure area, and the terrain was flat. Before the catastrophe, it was originally a modern large farm of the super rich.

After the cataclysm, the rich yo-yo, and the farm was buried by ice and snow.

“Safety, connectivity with other shelters!”

“Also in the event of a disaster, whether the location can be withstood.”


Thoughts came out one by one.

Wu Di tried to find a better place, but had no goal.


News came from Wutian!

“Master, there is a piece of news that may be of interest to you!”

Wu Di: “?”

Wutian: “Half an hour ago, unidentified river water gushed out of the rift valley next to the refuge, with huge amounts of radiation, suspected of nuclear pollution.”.

(PS: I wrote 50. It seems that the anti-piracy system has added two numbers to it.). .

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