Chapter 279

By the side of the refuge,

In the Rift Valley!

In an ice-bound world, rift valleys are naturally inevitable, and the two walls are covered by ice ridges and snowflakes!


With the sound of water,

At the bottom of the rift valley, the earth and rocks were washed away, and endless green water gushed out, which soon gathered into a river.

In the extremely low temperature, this glacier rose for a while, and then a layer of ice was condensed!


The green color looks quite terrifying in the night!


An escort drone is floating stably, and the camera is elongated, recording all this completely!

Wu Di, who was in the refuge, was turning on his computer and watching this scene silently through the video window!

“Nuclear Pollution?”

Wu Di pondered for a moment, thinking of the old village and town shelter, nuclear pollution did not seem to be an accident!

It’s probably artificial?

A nuclear power plant leaked?

Or is there something wrong with a nuclear laboratory?

“Wutian, do you see relevant information on the Internet?”

Wu Di asked.

Wutian: “Master, I have just retrieved the information on the Internet, and there is no information about nuclear power plant leaks or accidents in the nuclear laboratory detected around Heyang City.”

“In the public information, there are no large nuclear power plants and nuclear test laboratories near Heyang City!”

“The nuclear materials are also under the supervision of Ming Dynasty officials, and they are all in the official large-scale shelters!”

“After the catastrophe, among the major shelters that publicly built “small nuclear power plants”, there were two official large-scale shelters, the Heyang Military Region Refuge, and the one that secretly built small nuclear power plants, only Tiancheng Refuge!”

The technology of this life is more advanced than the previous life,

Nuclear power plants are also miniaturized,

It is widely used all over the world.


Nuclear leakage and nuclear pollution are not uncommon terms.

However, under modern technology, unless human beings do it themselves, nuclear leakage will not happen in general!

after all,

Everyone knows the dangers of nuclear pollution!

But now the cataclysm has changed…whatever happens is possible!

“This nuclear-contaminated water came out of the ground. It wouldn’t be the natural refuge to kill it~‖?”

Wu Di’s face twitched.

Wutian: “Ten minutes and 20 seconds ago, I had invaded the other party’s external network, and no news of nuclear leakage was found!”

“Master, the only noteworthy news is that there was a rat disaster in Tiancheng Refuge. About 6,000 people were killed by the sudden surge of rats. At present, the rat tide has been eliminated and Tiancheng Refuge has blocked news.”

Heard that,

Wu Di nodded slightly.

He has seen mutant mice,

The rat tide must be scary!

The Tiancheng Refuge is so big that it is normal for more than 6,000 people to die.

“Could it be that the nuclear power plant secretly built in Tiancheng Refuge was destroyed by the rat tide, causing nuclear pollution of the groundwater?”

Wu Di’s thinking diverged, and he guessed.

“Fortunately, I don’t drink groundwater!”

“This matter, let the official headache go.”

Wu Di shook his head, thought for a moment, and told the people in the chat group about the nuclear pollution of the groundwater, and by the way notified a correspondent in the military refuge.

Heard the news,

Everyone in the group was very surprised,

Some shelters that do not rely on groundwater are okay, and some shelters that rely entirely on groundwater suddenly panic.

The correspondent of the military area refuge responded a message to Wu Di.

“Mr. Wu, thank you for your reminder!”

“In fact, we have just discovered the abnormality of the groundwater, and we have sent a team to detect it.”

“By the way, the above commanded that Mr. Wu’s refuge is located near the rift valley, which is quite dangerous. If you have ideas, you can enter the military area refuge. With your scientific research ability, you can have a good treatment in the military area refuge! ”

This is the military refuge thrown out an olive branch!

In this regard,

Wu Di naturally declined, and asked about Liang Yu’s news by the way.

But the other party is just a small correspondent,

One question and three questions,

Wu Di didn’t bother, and hung up the call.

“Never mind!”

“¨” Start as soon as possible, this rift valley is not a mysterious hole, it is too threatening to the refuge. ”

Wu Di got up and looked at the map.

Within one hundred kilometers,

There is no better location for that farm.

Of course it’s not perfect…

Wu Di took out the “over-limit particle model” and activated the scanning function.

Some changes were made to the model immediately, with the addition of a pocket-sized metal processing plant and changes to the wall.

A closer look reveals that it feels like a delicate toy.

“The refuge can be taken with you, but everyone has to be together!”

“Just in case, before leaving, let’s give the two women some potion.”

Wu Di thought for a while and walked to the laboratory.

It’s not the first time that Wu Di has made cell enhancement liquid, first-order genetic medicine, and practice makes perfect. There is no difficulty and pressure.

The first is “Cell Strengthening Liquid”, (Wang’s good)

He spent a little bit of points to buy two specific materials and made them successfully once.

All have reached the “excellent” level of more than 90%.

Then there is genetic medicine…

This has to choose pan-life materials!

Wu Di thought for a while and came to the warehouse.

In the huge refuge warehouse, boxes and shelves are placed in different categories, and the number is extremely large.

With a “da”,

The lights illuminate the surroundings!

Wu Di went straight to a big shelf and looked at the two glass boxes above!

“The Flower of Ice Crystal” and “The Fruit of Explosion”! .

(PS: I double-checked the previous chapter and made sure I wrote 50. It should be the website’s anti-piracy function with two numbers added to it!). .

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