Chapter 299


Forging room,

There was the wailing sound of a certain girl.

She is lively and her favorite is having fun.

Even with the super-dimensional gene chip,

I haven’t studied hard,

But now… Fifty-three books!

It takes a lot of time, even if you just use the super-dimensional gene chip to remember,

What’s more, it is to learn and comprehend.

living room,

Hear the sound,

Wu Di couldn’t help but smile, shook his head, and browsed the forum.


Seems to be calm again,

A few days have passed since the ground fissure, and people’s attention quickly distracted.

Due to the weakening of radiation, many shelters have begun to contact and trade.

Some shelters have built large farms, but other daily necessities are quite scarce.

Some took refuge in all cotton fields, garment factories,

There are even giant farms,

Some shelters have raised mice and built synthetic meat factories…

All kinds of styles, dazzling!

have to say,

Under the cataclysm, the branches’ refuges all over the world can be said to be blooming, each with its own strengths.

Dafugui Farm is located in the middle of the first satellite city and Heyang urban area.

The nearest refuge in the surrounding area is the official second refuge in Heyang City!

There are also some sporadic refuges for small and medium-sized enterprises, let alone for the time being.

Disasters, transactions, blizzards, ground cracks…

On the forum,

All kinds of news are endless!


Wu Di noticed that someone was “Aite” him,

It was a post, and the host named him and the person named “Wu ~ ‖ Book!

It was the mechanical ascension cultist who was scolded last time. He actually invited others to line up with Wu Di!

Upon seeing this,

Wu Di smiled disdainfully and looked at the content of the post.

The one who was invited by the believers seemed to be a scientist in the teaching, using relatively simple vocabulary to describe the doctrine of mechanical ascension!

The human body is fragile. The mechanical body created with human wisdom can replace human body parts, which can make people possess the power in fantasy works.

With a mechanical leg, you can jump three or four meters,

Change to a mechanical arm and crash the wall with one punch!

Install a sensor device in your brain, you don’t need a mobile computer, you can surf the Internet anytime, anywhere,

The skin tissue is replaced with an alloy layer, which is invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire, and you can walk around in the rain and bullets!


One message, no insults, no quarrels, but trying to explain a great truth,

Probate others!

I have to say that there is something about this mechanical ascension teaching,

It is not comparable to the rubbish cult of Almighty Cult.

Wu Di frowned, thought a little, couldn’t help but smile.

On eloquence,

Of course he is not as good as the scientist,

But he has artificial intelligence,

Online laning, who is afraid of whom?

“Wu Tian, ​​control my account and spray him to death!”

Wu Di spoke immediately.

Wutian: “Yes!”

“Master, what method do you use? Insulting, or reasonable? Or yin and yang?”

“You just need to use it flexibly.”

Wu Di spoke slowly.

Although Wutian is not the kind of super artificial intelligence with human intelligence, it is not artificially retarded.

After a moment of silence, I immediately began to retrieve information from the entire network and started speaking in the post!

First refute the other party’s theory,

For example, mechanical soaring is inherently contradictory.

Then I talked about science,

For example, the other party’s brain device is connected to the Internet. If it is controlled by a hacker, how to ensure its safety?

There are also mechanical prostheses. After the prosthesis is installed, it will cause body rejection…

In the process,

The netizen who has no books also came,

It seems that he hates the believers very much. He spouts when he opens his mouth, and was eventually banned by the forum administrator for 24 hours.

Ruined refuge,

Qin Wushu released the mouse depressedly.


Wang Luo glanced at the screen and sneered: “You are so gentle, why do you strike out on the Internet?”

“I just think the cultists are not pleasing to the eye.”

Qin Wu’s written color is ashen,

Recalling those previous scenes, there is still a lingering anger in my heart.

Almighty Sect has been destroyed, but his memory will never disappear.

Forced him to eat human flesh,

Kneel down and recite the doctrine,

Beating, insulting,

Until he was killed by steel soldiers,

To…the present mutation.

He changed from a human to a monster, all caused by cultists!

“¨” In my opinion, the Mechanical Ascension Sect is well-organized and well-organized, and it does not seem to be an ordinary cult. ”

Wang Luo pondered slightly, and said, “I don’t feel that the other party is easy to provoke.”

“Regardless of the doctrine, all the cultists under the cataclysm should be killed!”

Qin Wu’s writing was cold, and the swollen packets on his skin trembled slightly…

April 13th.

A peaceful day,

Wu Di and others got acquainted with their new home, which was quite comfortable.

April 14.

It was another (king) object in the forum. The artificial intelligence sprayed fifteen and successfully defeated the enemy.

What made Wu Di feel helpless was that the other party actually changed hands and invited him to join the Mechanical Ascension Teaching, and said that he was related to the Mechanical Ascension!

Wu Di naturally refused.

April 15th!

The cold world is lonely.

9 o’clock in the morning!

Wu Di came to the small farm, looked at the rice and wheat on the left, and the hydroponic vegetables on the right, and touched his chin.

He came here, naturally, not for wandering, but for a very good task every day!

Advanced reward missions!


[People take food as their heaven]


(PS: Zhang estimates that it won’t be released until tomorrow. There is clearly no illegal content. I am speechless anyway.). .

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