Chapter 300


[People take food as their heaven]

Task content: food, clothing, shelter, transportation, food is the top priority! How can the farm be too shabby?

Task requirements: spend at least 2000 points to upgrade the farm.

Task reward: 1000 points, random plant medicine x1.


Golden light,

Shining on the “Daily” category panel,

Wu Di just spent 1 point to refresh, but he was dazzled by golden light all at once!

Advanced reward missions!

“I go!”

Wu Di was a little excited.

How long has it been since he had a high-level reward mission?

20% chance,

It feels smaller than 2%!

“Calm down, think about it!”

Wu Di groaned.

This task is not simple, but also simple!

Just upgrade the farm. Isn’t that simple?

“With a reward of 1000 points, this task must not be missed, not to mention that there is an unknown potion.”

“But with 2000 points, I’m still a little bit close now!”

Wu Di frowned.

This is not a random task, but a daily task,

In other words,

If it is not completed within today, it will be automatically deleted tomorrow!


It is impossible for him to wait for the settlement panel.

“Remaining points: 1863.”

“Almost a little bit!”

Wu Di groaned.


He now has a good solution!

Feng Qianyi!

[Achievement], but there is the achievement [Concubine is worse than stealing],

Can get a lot of points,

And it only takes a few hours…

“I wanted to go in slowly, it seems…”

Wu Di sighed.

It really doesn’t work,

He could only “reluctantly” and had to attack Feng Qianyi.

Thought about it,

Wu Di got up and walked to the orchard.


The beautiful woman Feng Qianyi is chatting with Han Xiaowu.

As soon as Wu Di walked in, they noticed, glanced at each other, and both laughed.

“Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here!”

Han Xiaowu’s face is blushing, and her beautiful eyes are full of inexhaustible flattery.

The beautiful woman looked forward to her posture, with a frown and a smile, her lips were pursed slightly, enough to make Wu Di’s heart beat faster, and the flames in her heart rose.

These two people, a Onee-san and a beautiful woman, have different styles, but they all have extraordinary appearances.

The charm spans mortals, and it is difficult to describe it in words.

In short,

People are extremely beautiful!

Han Xiaowu was wearing a white jacket, and walked with a smile.

“Wu Di, we happen to be looking for you for something.”

“what’s up?”

Wu Di greeted him.

“That’s it, Qian Yi feels that our refuge has fewer breeding species, and wants to raise a little more!”

“for example?”

Wu Di frowned.

“Rabbit, bee!”

Han Xiaowu smiled and said, “It just so happens that these two types of things can be traded with other refuges!”


Wu Di hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Rabbits are not difficult to raise, of course not as pets, but to eat!

After all, the bunny rabbit is so cute, whether it is an explosion or a stew, it will taste great!

As for the bees,

Needless to say how good something like honey is.

“So, are you going to trade with other shelters?”

Wu Di spoke lightly.

“Just have this idea, we want to ask you.”

Han Xiaowu explained: “I saw the rabbit and honey thing on the Internet before. There is an evacuation shelter near us that needs medicine. I want to use these in exchange for some medicine.”


“Well, one called the Gopher Refuge!”

As Han Xiaowu said, he brought the computer over and showed it to Wu Di.


He is a self-proclaimed Gopher Sanctuary, speaking for drugs, trading rabbits and bees!

Since they have specialized bee farms and rabbit farms, they can pick some rabbits in good condition and send them in pairs.

As for the bees, a bee hives and bee breeding manuals are presented.


If you only need honey, you can.

“pretty good!”

Wu Di took a closer look and smiled: “However, just in case it is still necessary. Next time you encounter this kind of thing, let Wutian invade the other party’s network first, or send a drone to investigate!”


Heard that,

Han Xiaowu was also shocked.


Caution is necessary!

“How much medicine do they need?”

“Not many, just some common medicines, such as cold medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, etc., we have a lot of them in our warehouse, and they basically don’t use them.”

Han Xiaowu grinned.

Because of the presence of the miracle medical cabin, plus the injection of cell enhancement fluid and the use of genetic medicine, common minor problems have disappeared.

Almost all the medicine in the warehouse can only fall into the dust!

“It’s okay to take some out to trade.”

Wu Di nodded slightly.

At this time!

There was a voice in my mind.

Mechanical Brain: “Host, trigger random tasks.”


Random tasks again?

Wu Di was taken aback,


When Han Xiaowu saw Wu Di in a daze, he couldn’t help but wonder: “What’s the matter?”


Wu Di’s eyes flashed and he ordered: “In this way, you go to the warehouse to sort out the medicine, I’ll come over later.”


“Listen to you!”

Han Xiaowu and the beautiful woman responded and walked to the warehouse.

Watch them over,

Wu Di also called out the [Mission] panel in his heart,


In the “random” category, there is one more task!


[Rabbit and grass and bee and flower]

Task content: You have learned about the new breeding species, and you decide to raise more!

Task requirements: trade at least 10 pairs of rabbits, 10 beehives!

Task reward: 500 points.


……… .

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