Chapter 301

“What a coincidence!”

Wu Di smiled.

have to say,

This random task was solved all at once~ the urgent need!

“There are mission content. It seems that the shelter does have rabbits and bees. It is not a lie, but…”

Wu Di thought slightly in his heart, but decided to be cautious-some!

“Wu Tian, ​​go to invade the network of that gopher refuge, and send a drone to investigate by the way!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

“Invading…Signal connection…100%!”

“Retrieving information…”

“Getting information, statistics…”


The news came back without days.

“Master, the news statistics have been completed, the drone has lifted off and is heading towards the goal!”

“The weather is sunny during the day, and it is estimated that you can reach the target location within 43 minutes!”

“The message is below……”

on the computer,

A window popped up, listing some information about the gopher shelter.

This is also a refuge without an intranet,

It can be regarded as a small and medium-sized refuge,

There are only more than five thousand people.

Before the cataclysm, they built a huge shelter based on a big mountain!

have to say,

They are lucky,

In the continuous disasters, the mountain on the Gopher Refuge stood still, and did not collapse due to ground cracks and sky tilt.

Therefore, although many people died in the Gopher Sanctuary, it has been preserved to this day.


One of their drug warehouses was destroyed in the disaster,

The drug “group kills”.

Now, when there is a shortage of medicines in the shelters, they will ask for help online!

In terms of security,

The gopher refuge has organized some protective measures,

Power grids, crossbow guns, etc.,

Very few firearms!

“An ordinary residents’ refuge!”

Wu Di groaned slightly, sitting on the stool, trying to contact him.


One person responded.

Zhang Xu: “Hello?”

Invincible son: “Hello, I read your information on the Internet, and I heard that you need a lot of drugs?”

Zhang Xu: “Are you a refuge near Heyang City?”

“Yes, we need a lot of medicines, just the common ones!”

Invincible son: “How to trade?”

Zhang Xu: “10 boxes of cold medicine change…”

Invincible son: “No, it’s too expensive! I think…”

Some bargaining,

With the information, Wu Di knows the situation of the other party. So the process went very smoothly,

The price was kept at a very suitable price.


Gopher Sanctuary!

Zhang Xu touched his forehead, a little painful,

“How does this invincible son feel like a psychologist, completely hitting my psychological price line!”


Several people wearing headphones and black uniforms saw Zhang Xu,

All showed doubts.

Zhang Xu shook his head and said in a low voice: “Well, everyone, don’t eavesdrop on radio information anymore. A deal is coming.”

“Where? Isn’t it a natural refuge again?”

A young man in a black uniform said depressed: “Their conditions are so outrageous, they just slaughter us as pigs!”

“It’s not him, it’s another refuge! The person who traded with us under the pseudonym, used a drone…”

Zhang Xu explained.

···········Ask for flowers··············

He has just discussed the content of the transaction with Wu Di. A batch of medicines in exchange for 20 pairs of rabbits and 10 modern beehives!

Hearing this, everyone’s complexion changed slightly.

Forty rabbits are nothing, but 10 modern beehives represent 10 beehives.

Only in exchange for a batch of medicines!

“Is it a bit of a loss.”

Some people are not angry.

“It doesn’t matter if we lose money. Anyway, we have many beehives, so I’m afraid that the Tiancheng Refuge will eat people without spitting out bones!”

Zhang Xu shook his head and waved his hand to let everyone get ready. The other party is coming right away!

…… .. …


The weather has a great influence on drones,

The weather is sunny during the day,

The drone can also move forward at full speed!

About 40 minutes later, the drone arrived at the Gopher Sanctuary and started investigating from a distance!

The escort-type and “engineer-type” drone cameras are modern high-precision focusing lenses upgraded without clothes design, which can shorten a long distance!


Investigating the situation is not troublesome!

After observing for a while, Wu Di confirmed that the other party was not a bad-hearted person.

So he got up and went to the warehouse to prepare some medicines and packed them in a big box.

Then put on safety clothes,

Take out the shelter!

He came to the drone warehouse, the warehouse door opened automatically,

Into the head,

It is a huge drone console with a drone around it!

“Wutian, launch 10 engineer-type drones and 5 escort-type drones!”

Wu Di spoke.

Wutian: “Yes!”

The electronic sound falls,

A drone was activated and flew outside with the assistance of the elevator platform! . Where.

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