Chapter 305

The fragrance of flowers came,

It’s a purple color at the entrance,

Quite spectacular!

Even though I was prepared in my heart, I have watched some special effects videos in this area before.

Can really see,

Wu Di still couldn’t help being shocked!

A flower, the growth of a life, completed in the blink of an eye,

It will always be shocking!

“Unbelievable…Is this a plant growth potion?”

“It’s just a magic trick.”

Han Xiaowu whispered to himself,

Looking at Wu Di, his eyes are complicated.

She couldn’t understand more and more,

The mystery of Wu Di always refreshes her cognition again and again.


This man is a black hole in the universe, where the secrets are endless,

Attracting people, but also has the power to let people die.

“Wu Di, can’t we not produce this medicine?”

When Han Xiaowu’s eyes moved, she was wise, and she suddenly thought of many pictures.

If there are a lot of such medicines, there is basically no shortage of food after evacuation.

Even, there will never be a shortage!

“Do not!”

Wu Di shook his head and whispered, “Only this bottle. The shelf life is 36 months.”

“…Well, I am greedy.”

Han Xiaowu’s heart suddenly cooled with excitement.

Think a little,

He groaned: “The refuge has sufficient supplies, do you want to use it?”

“Keep it here and see what happens later!”

Wu Di shook his head slightly.


Han Xiaowu nodded and said in a deep voice: “Then I will get a safe?”

“What kind of safe is used in the shelter?”

Wu Di was speechless.


This is a bit embarrassing to say, there is really a safe in the warehouse…


It was when he first bought supplies,

Given to him by a boss,

What is said to be made in the country, extremely powerful!

And then they are all eggs,

The cataclysm has passed so long, that safe is still eating ashes!

In fact,

In today’s world, refuges are scattered all over the place,

The safe can be said to be the least useful security item.

After all, if people can call your house, would you still be afraid of a safe deposit box?

“Waste utilization.”

Han Xiaowu pursed his lips and smiled.

Heard that,

Wu Di suddenly thought of those 100 toilets,

It seems that it can be used as waste.

100 toilets, materials are glass, white porcelain, stone, metal and wood!

Every toilet is very small and delicate, not dirty!

Wu Di is not going to dismantle it, it would be too wasteful, but is going to use it as a foundation and rebuild it into other buildings!

However, there is no clue yet.

“Okay, you take it.”

Wu Di passed the potion and talked about the bees and rabbits.

Han Xiaowu nodded slightly, nodded and said: “I see, leave it to me.”

“Well, besides, I converted the farm into a small agro-ecological park, which has a much larger area.”

Wu Di said again: “You can check it out later!”

“no problem!”

Han Xiaowu nodded, pursing his lips, and said with a smile: “Changing worker Han Xiaowu promises to complete the task!”

“You are not a long-term worker, you are a self-employed worker!”

Wu Di laughed and patted the latter’s soft waist.

Han Xiaowu chuckled, afraid of itching, and hurriedly avoided his hand and walked into the refuge.

“Yes, Not Bad!”

Wu Di snorted, went back underground, and continued to nibble on future code knowledge.


April 15th!

11 o’clock in the morning!

Approaching noon,

The sun shrouded the ground outside, and the temperature rose slightly.

it is a pity,

Even in the daytime, when the sun is shrouded, it is still minus 20 degrees,

It’s extremely cold.

In the small agro-ecological garden, Han Xiaowu wore brown plain clothes and a straw hat, playing with a piece of equipment.

The beautiful woman is standing next to her, also familiar with a high-tech device.

These devices,

They all come with the eco-park,

In the mechanized modern ecological park, many basic operations can be completed by machines.

No manual labor is required.

“Ecological park…Before, my side was considered a small ecological park.”

The beautiful woman recalled the refuge in the villa area,

Can’t help but feel a little stunned.

time flies,

By now, the former luxurious and powerful villa area refuge has become a ruin.

The ambition of the son of a thousand families, the arrogant Chen Dalang, the sullen Chen Erlang, the greedy and selfish Wang Dahai, and the coldly clinging foreigner.

Now…I can’t find the head of the grave.

“Why, remember the past?”

Han Xiaowu moved her beautiful eyes and smiled: “Remember?”

“I don’t miss it, it’s just a little embarrassing.”

Feng Qianyi sighed after turning her beautiful eyes.

“The shelter in the villa area is actually not too big, with a small population, but the situation is complicated and there are everyone.”

“Under the cataclysm, people’s hearts have exceeded our imagination.”

Han Xiaowu’s face became cold, recalling those thugs before!


Thinking of Wu Di before, I couldn’t help but smile.

She whispered: “Sister Qianyi, let me tell you, before, that guy Wu Di was a first-time brother!”


Feng Qianyi’s eyes moved, a little surprised.

According to her understanding,

Wu Di should be an arbitrary overlord,

Although there is a bottom line in action, every move has a force of force that makes people afraid to resist.

Before… was actually a first brother?


Han Xiaowu recalled it and said with a smile: “I was also scared at the time. I thought he was a bad guy, but he didn’t do anything bad, so it lasted for a long time.”

“After getting along for a while, I realized that this man looks domineering and cold, but in fact he is a little innocent…”

“Innocent and simple?”

“No, I’m talking about the heart of a child…”

Han Xiaowu shook his head, his eyes watered.

“Under the cataclysm, who can guarantee that his original aspirations will remain the same? Until now, who can guarantee that his face remains the same as before?”

“Wu Di guy…I always feel that he is like an immortal, out of place.”

“It seems that the whole world…has nothing to do with him.”

Speaking of which,

Both women’s eyes softened,

Squinting slightly, sighed inwardly.


Women’s minds are also very simple.

They were protected by Wu Di and dedicated their bodies to Wu Di, which was considered normal.

Under the cataclysm, only idiots will have princess disease, asking for this and that.


Wu Di is a cloud of fog,

Not only has the mysterious ability, his personality, character, his every move, and the way he handles things are like an outsider!

“Yes, outsider!”

Feng Qianyi felt it too, and groaned: “I always feel that he doesn’t take all of this seriously. There is a…” not in this mountain!”

Both women were silent,

There are some things they are reluctant to say.

That will increase fear!

If Wu Di doesn’t take everything seriously, what about them?

Ignore everything,

It represents the extreme coldness,

Even Han Xiaowu, who has shared a dream with Wu Di, feels Wu Di’s coldness.

At this time,

Han Xiaowu sighed and changed the subject.

“Sister Qianyi, you said…Will the world be destroyed?”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

Feng Qianyi’s eyes moved slightly, and he whispered: “The world is changing, but humans can’t analyze it.”

“The mysterious approaching meteorite, the alien visitors in the meteorite, the mysterious deep hole, the unexplorable ground crack, and the weird snow and ice catastrophe now!”

“The future…no one knows.”

The two looked to the side,

Through the glass,

The world outside the window was white.

The sunlight fell on the snowy ground, like a mirror, with white light shining. . .

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