Chapter 306

The upgraded farm,

Wrapped by a layer of tempered glass!

People in this new ecological park can easily see the outside scene.

But if it’s outside,

But you can’t see the picture in the ecological garden!

The two women admired the scenery outside for a while, and then continued to work.

The ecological park has just been upgraded,

There are some open spaces where you can plant seeds,

Moreover, Han Xiaowu has to deploy “Plant Growth Potions (1)” to shorten the growth time for crops by one to the next!

April 16.

Calm for a day!

April 17!


Darkness swept the world, and the temperature fell madly,

Above the dome,

A thick layer of ice cloud is condensing, it seems that it will dump down at any time,-bury the whole world.

In the laboratory,

Wu Di is writing code to update a system he wrote!

“The new system features should be more.”

“The logic system is completely replaced by artificial intelligence. Although I am not writing much advanced artificial intelligence myself, I can do some basic work!”

“The defense system must be linked to the detection system!”

“Create a sub-Internet cafe internally, with a gossip structure…”

Wu Di is thinking seriously and is studying.

At this time,

Wuyi came over.

She put on a big white shirt and didn’t wear anything else.

Under the white and slender legs, two small white feet stepped on the ground.

“No clothes?”

Wu Di heard the footsteps, turned his head and smiled, picked up the girl’s petite body and placed it in his arms.

The latter looked cold and whispered: “I modified the weapon!”

“What weapon?”


Wuyi tilted his head and explained: “The material is broken porcelain and dawn alloy type 2. The previous firearms are prone to accidents in the ice and snow, so I designed a firearm that can still operate normally at tens of degrees below zero. The main attack methods are: fire-breathing, flaming rockets!”

“The weapon you designed?”

Wu Di nodded.

Regarding dead human parasites, spore creatures, he never concealed it,

So all the girls in the refuge know.

But he did not expect,

Wuyi would actually go to research weapons!

“let me see!”

Wu Di moved his eyes and nodded.


The girl nodded and took him to the workshop!

On the side of the gun manufacturing stand, there is a thick-barreled gun with a length of more than one meter, which looks very sturdy in style!

“This is ammunition.”

Open the cabin without clothes,


There is a quick square “oil cake”, and some strange-looking pocket rockets.

“Compressed oil cake, one piece is equivalent to 1L of activated oil!”

“Small pointed flame rockets, the size of the palm of your hand, can explode a two-story house and burst into flames.”

Heard that,

Wu Di took a closer look, his eyes brightened.

This weapon is very versatile,

You can use it by yourself or hang it on the drone!

“Thanks, I didn’t expect you to be able to research such a good thing.”

Wu Di smiled.


Wuyi thought for a while, and said, “I’m already teaching Xiaoguo to learn bomb making. She should be able to get started soon.”

“I researched these weapons first, and also made teaching materials for her.”

“Hahaha, then you are really a good teacher!”

Wu Di messed up the girl’s hair,

The latter showed a trace of movement on his small face, and said: “Also, I read on the news that there is a shelter that is dead and clean, so I am a little worried about the safety of the shelter…”

“What refuge was swallowed by the crack of the ground!?”

···········Ask for flowers··············

Wu Di frowned.

“No, it’s a mutated creature!”

Wuyi recalled, and said, “According to the Heyang military’s report, some of the corpses were drained of blood and some were corroded.”


It seems that it is inconvenient to explain it alone.

Wuyi turned on the console and the screen lit up, and then said, “Wutian, send me the pictures of the previous military reconnaissance squad!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

The electronic sound falls,

Pictures immediately came on the screen.

Wu Di opened it and took a look.

…… .. …….

In the picture,

It was a terrible situation.

It seems to be a huge human team, which has become a pile of corpses.

Unlike the parasites he knew, these humans were terrified and hideous before they died. What kind of monsters seemed to be encountered?

“Draining blood, is it a zombie? Or a vampire?”

Wu Di couldn’t help laughing.

He has never heard of zombies or vampires radiating radiation.

“Indeed, I will study it with you.”



late at night,

The world is dead.

In the terrifying low temperature environment, no one will be stupid enough to come out to die.

The cold current is roaring in the sky, and the blizzard is gestating. It seems that it may come at any time!

And at the moment,

On both sides of the cold river,

In the darkness, dark green cockroaches crawled out,

They move in groups and enter the surface of the river!

The original white surface of the river was suddenly covered by dense dark green!

Just like a green river, passing through the river!


A small refuge by the cold river! .

(PS: Sleeping drowsy, only to find out

Chapter 4 was not published. ). Where.

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