Chapter 307

The cold river is wide,

Down the river,

There are many villages and towns.


At this time, there was no one in the villages and towns on both sides of the Hanjiang River.

Ice and snow buried the towns,

The people in the town also went to different shelters separately.

Tiger Leap Refuge is a small refuge built by some active people!

Hundreds of people,

Using a solid cellar, a suitable underground shelter was transformed,

Go live so far!

April 18!


It should be time to sleep, the extremely low temperature is enough to freeze everything!


In a humble refuge!

In a room where farmers used to stack potatoes and other cellars, there are floor shops!

Some people in the refuge slept here, relying on the heating machine in the middle to dissipate the biting cold.

“This horrible weather is getting colder and colder.”

In the ground shop,

A man with a scar on his face got up and squatted by the heater, feeling a little depressed.

Most of the people in this room are the little bosses of the refuge.

It is ironic to say that they are full of thoughts. After the cataclysm comes, they feel that Daming is going to die, and they want to “struggle” to have a new life.

Actually, I just want to riot!

Unfortunately, the mob did not succeed, and the successive disasters made them crouch in the refuge.

Looking at the blizzard and sighing.

“Te mother, when will this horrible weather be normal?”

The scar-faced man no longer wants to fly yellow.

They are not technical talents in simple refuges, and if this continues, everyone will either starve to death or be frozen to death.


The heater sounded an alarm,

The heating suddenly stopped!

The scar-faced man was taken aback and hurried over to check!

This kind of complicated machine often comes with quality inspection equipment. Scarface men don’t need any culture, just press a button.



“Internal system… intact!”

“Energy… intact!”

“Warning! The heating pipe is blocked!”


pipeline! ?

The scar-faced man hurriedly looked at the pipe and unplugged it.

next moment,

I saw in the pipeline,

A dark green cockroach crawled out!


The scarred man’s complexion changed and he stepped on it decisively.

With a slap,

The cockroach was trampled to pieces,

The green pus splattered out, landed on the heater, and landed on the sleeping brothers.

Something frightening happened,

The exterior of the heater began to corrode,

Those brothers who were asleep suddenly woke up screaming, the body that was stained by the pus was corroded.

The flesh and blood evaporate, and the white air rises!

“what happened!”

“Grass! It hurts! Grass!”

“Help! Help!”


Everyone woke up,

The scar-faced man backed away in horror, but saw cockroaches crawling out of the pipe one after another!

Like the tide,

All of a sudden flooded into the refuge!


He screamed in horror and ran out frantically.



4 o’clock!

In the refuge, in the luxurious bedroom, Wu Di put down the unclothed girl,

The latter’s cheeks were flushed and he fell asleep.

Wu Di lay next to him contentedly, a drop of sweat slipping off his forehead.

“Do you want to speed up in the future?”

“Now, Han Xiaowu is 2 hours, without clothes for 2 hours, I can only sleep in the middle of the night every day, it’s a bit bad!”

Wu Di thought wildly,

Smelling the fragrance of the two beauties around me, it was quite refreshing.

At this time,

On the cabinet not far away, the mobile phone lights up, and there is an electronic sound of Wutian…

“Master, a human was found one kilometer away from the refuge!”


Wu Di recovered, and said solemnly: “How many people? Are they armed? What’s the situation?”

Wutian: “The drone is approaching, analyzing…”

“Master, there are about twenty or thirty people scattered around, seem to be fleeing, unarmed.”

Heard that,

Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief, a little confused.

There are not many people around the new home.

The nearest refuge is the official second refuge.

“No! Of the public refuges, the official second refuge is the closest, but some private small refuges may not be far away from here!”

After thinking about it,

Wu Di got up, put on his clothes and walked out.

He turned on the computer, without ordering, Wutian automatically transmitted the drone’s picture to the screen!


There is a dead silence in the world,

The dark snow and ice land is like a painting!

But in this picture scroll, there are 20 or 30 people running desperately, looking extremely embarrassed.

Because it is dark night, no light, plus wind and snow blocking. Wu Di can’t see clearly either,

But you can still notice that the clothes on those people are very thick,

But it’s messy,

It seems to be put on casually!

“Unexpected visitor…”

Wu Di pondered for a while and lowered the drone a little so that he could see clearly!






At a height of about a hundred meters above the ground, Wu Di finally saw it clearly.

It’s actually a group of strong men,

Fleeing in the dark with a look of horror!

“Fleeing late at night?”

“Who is chasing them?”. .

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