Chapter 308

Who is chasing them?

Wu Di is curious!

Dark night,

The dark world,

Even if the drone has descended, there is nothing behind the crowd.

According to the traces,

These people have run away for a long time, and they are probably frightened.

No matter how crazy you run!

“Weird thing, nothing is chasing them?”

Wu Di took a closer look and frowned.

these people,

Still running!

But behind them, there was no figure.

It seems… there is some invisible danger entrenched above those people’s heads, and Wu Di, who is one kilometer away, can’t observe it!

“Could it be an invisible monster? No way?”

Wu Di’s thinking diverged, thinking of other possibilities.


Without waiting for him to have too many ideas,

Suddenly, a man convulsed and fell to the ground.

Like 28 dominoes,

One man fell to the ground. After a while, all the men fell on the ground.

I twitched from time to time and couldn’t run anymore.

Obviously… they are not tired from running!

“The drone continues to descend!”

The night is too dark,

Coupled with the extremely low temperature and the surging wind and snow,

The drone descended to 30m, and the picture became clear.

The men’s faces were twisted and convulsed constantly,


The bodies of those people began to rot from the inside, and a large piece of flesh and blood broke away,

One by one the wounds opened.

The next moment, Wu Di’s pupils shrank, shocked!

From the wound, small things actually crawled out, like huge worms in the night!

“A little bit lower!”

“A little bit lower!”

Wu Di controls the drone,


He saw those things clearly…



Wu Di’s complexion condensed,

It was the first time he had seen corrosive cockroaches that could eat people!

And… still here!

“Could it be that these things crawled over from the Rift Valley?”

Wu Di thought for a while, and said solemnly: “Fire!”

Wutian: “Yes!”


The drone moved,

“Guardian” drones, equipped with deadly weapons, roar fiercely in the dark!

Da da da–!

The bullet rain shot out,

Under the deadly rhythm, several corpses were immediately smashed.

Those cockroaches were also killed a lot.

Green pus splattered all over the floor!

“call out–!”

The drone fired a round of bullets, whizzed by,

The missile shot out,

Detonate directly at the moment of landing!

boom–! ! !

Explosions and flames swept all around,

All the bodies were blown up,

Like a toy, it was torn into pieces.

What makes Wu Di feel sick is,

After the corpse was blown up, dense green cockroaches crawled out of it.

Part of it died in the flames,

Part of it was blown up and it was still moving. It abruptly got into the snow!


The cold wind blew past, and the flame went out in the blink of an eye.

The scorched corpse was quickly buried by the night and wind and snow.

“Can the explosion survive?”

“I’m afraid of flames!”

“A missile, high temperature and flame killed those cockroaches, but the impact generated by the explosion did not pose any threat to them!”

“This kind of thing…”

Wu Di looked carefully, his expression slightly condensed.

Like spore creatures, this cockroach is extremely afraid of flames.

Under the glacier catastrophe, this can also be explained.


It can be seen from the death of the men that these cockroaches have sharp minions, which can crush clothes, skin, and even bones!

Even… they are still digging into the snow!

“Mutated cockroach…Is it so difficult?”

Wu Di exhaled.

He has also watched many novels and movies, and the mutant cockroaches in them have become even bigger!

Cockroaches are disgusting, but when they grow larger, they are naturally disgusting.

In fact, humans can easily kill cockroaches even if they become dozens of times larger.

Cockroaches under the cataclysm are not getting bigger, but more difficult to deal with!

“By the way, their blood is still corrosive!”

“Wutian, record it!”

Wu Di rubbed his brows, a little painful.

Wutian: “Yes!”

The living room is very quiet!

Wu Di pondered for a while,

one kilometer,

It seems that those cockroaches are unlikely to threaten the refuge!

Just in case,

It is better to prepare!

“Well, starting tomorrow, let’s put the flamethrower on the drone.”

“It just so happens that Wuyi’s new weapon is very suitable!”

Wu Di pondered for a moment and made a decision.

Back to the bedroom,

He hugged the beautiful body and continued to sleep.

Artificial intelligence controls the drone, vigilantly detecting the surrounding area.

And chase down some “missing beetles”.

The weapons of the “escort” drones are not a joke. Although they have not been equipped with weapons specifically for these small things, the missiles on them alone are enough to kill a piece.

In the morning,

After all the girls got up, Wu Di and Wuyi talked about what happened last night.

Wuyi’s character is the same as always, no surprise, no other superfluous expressions, just got up to help make weapons!

A new type of weapon, simply named the flame gun,

When the firearms are converted into drones,

Wu Di went to a metal processing factory to get some alloys, and returned to make 30 with Wuyi before going to the drone warehouse to carry those drones… .

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