Chapter 309

April 18!


12 o’clock!

Han Xiaowu was holding a tray with hot food on it.

High quality rice,

Add a bowl of corn rib soup!

A small stir-fried cabbage, simple home cooking, looks quite attractive.

After so long,

Han Xiaowu’s culinary skills have long been proficient,

If it’s a peaceful age, it’s okay for her to say that she is a chef.

She walked through the aisle and came to the drone warehouse with the tray!


The underground passage door opens,

Han Xiaowu walked out, looked around, and found two people who were changing weapons for a “guard-type” drone.

Feeling helpless, she walked over and said angrily: “Master, miss, it’s time to eat!”


Wu Di was holding a wrench and gestured. Hearing the sound, he suddenly raised his head and saw a speechless Han Xiaowu.

He couldn’t help but smile, and said: “Let’s wait, I’m busy now!”

“It’s the same to make it after eating, you guys do it like research!”

Han Xiaowu rolled his eyes and said seriously: “Research can’t be disturbed, so you sometimes skip meals, just forget it, but it’s not necessary to skip meals for such simple things, right?”

“First-order life forms are also humans, not gods! It is necessary to eat on time!”

The little cook has obviously taken on the role of the hostess.

Talking about,

Just like the old mother at home.

Wu Di and the girl looked at each other, shrugged, and put down the tools in their hands.

“Fine, eat!”

In the drone warehouse,

Has a cleaning device,

Wu Di and Wuyi casually washed their hands and faces.

Han Xiaowu also moved a table over and put down the food on the plate.

The hot meal soup looks extremely delicious.


Wu Di tasted it and praised: “It tastes good!”

“Eat if it’s good!”

Han Xiaowu stuck her waist,

A glamorous and pretty face, with slightly curly hair, plain face, white and almost free of impurities, just like heavenly craftsmanship.

The girl without clothes sat on the side, eating quietly, her mouth slightly opened,

Cute and pure face, petite body under a big shirt,

And those long and thin legs that are youthful and invincible,

For nothing,

More attractive than meals!

Two beauties, one big and one small, are in front of them.

Wu Di moved in his heart, admiring the beauty of the two beauties while eating.


He swallowed a whole meal, ate his share of food, and drank a bowl of soup.


He exhaled, his stomach was warm and comfortable.

Upon seeing this,

Han Xiaowu smiled faintly, and handed over the clean towel in his hand.

Wu Di rolled his eyes, rejected the towel, and pointed to the corner of his mouth.

“Help F*ck clean.”


Old husband and wife, Han Xiaowu doesn’t know what Wu Di means,

Can’t help but blush,

Take a look at Wuyi,

The girl looked indifferent.

She hesitated, then bent over, her thin lips lightly opened…

Han Xiaowu left with the bowls and chopsticks,

Wuyi looked indifferent, got up and continued to work.

Wu Di hugged her beautiful legs and said with a smile: “Would you like me to give you a bite?”


The unclothed face was slightly red, and a hint of pink appeared on his neck.

“I want something else…”

Her voice was cold, and there was a hint of intoxicating charm in her eyes.


Five p.m!

Drone warehouse, experienced various events!

The two finally equipped all drones with blaze guns. They have huge firearms with medium and short distance jet flames and blaze rockets, which can only be mounted under the drones!

This new type of weapon has a good antifreeze core, but it doesn’t worry about its performance at low temperatures.


Wu Di patted the wing of the last drone, and took a long breath: “Finally got it done!”


The girl replied from the side.

There was still a hint of blush on her small face, and she was a little tired.

After getting the drone weapons, the two went back underground and took a good bath in the hot spring bath!

After all, the drone warehouse is on the surface,

Although there are warm films,

Because of the outside influence, the temperature is not high.

To the underground,

The temperature was normal immediately, and Wu Di felt much more comfortable.


April 19!

Wu Di worried that the mutant creature did not attack. He breathed a sigh of relief, but did not relax his vigilance either.

On this day, everyone in the refuge planted seeds in the ecological garden.


April 20!

Nothing in a day,

Acid rain fell in the middle of the night and did not cause damage to the shelter.


April 21!

Nothing in a day,

Wu Di brushed out a nice (Wang Hao) little person, and earned 10 points!


April 22!

Wu Di finally finished gnawing the knowledge of the future code, and also got a new knowledge skill [Easy Language],

getting Started!

April 23…

April 24…

April 25,


After breakfast, Wu Di continued to study the code and write the system.

For many days without incident,

Wu Di also put aside the matter of mutant creatures.


this day,

Uninvited guests are here…

(PS: My book is Feilu’s earliest catastrophe novel, and I only wrote this one, so I’ll make a statement here.). male.

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