Chapter 312

A small refuge for humans,

A hotbed of cockroaches alive,

have to say,

This is a tragedy.

But under the cataclysm, such tragedies can be seen everywhere…

The corpses scattered in the snow can be seen everywhere,

At least there are hundreds!

And these humans have become tools for the reproduction of cockroaches,


They can reproduce quickly by sucking blood!

“Blood is highly corrosive, and it is not afraid of corrosion!”

“The stratum corneum can withstand a certain degree of impact, fearing high temperatures and flames.”

“Roughly estimated, with extraordinary destructive power, it can crush ice!”


Wu Di recorded on the computer,

His eyes fell slightly.

He looked at the images detected by the drone again, and sighed slightly.

hard to imagine,

Moving to such a far place can be affected by mutant creatures.

If it is still in the third satellite city, near the Rift Valley, what will happen?

“I have a drone group now, which can be said to be very powerful!”

“In terms of safety, there should be no problem…”

“Continue to upgrade the shelter!”

“As long as the daily settlement points continue to rise, problems can be resolved in time.”

Wu Di groaned and calmed down.

Vigilance is necessary,

But you can’t mess up your own rhythm.

After so long, he has saved a lot of points,

Daily settlement, usually around 200 o’clock,

The task also has 10 points,

Occasionally brush out a few things you can do, earn 30, 40 points,

Not bad.

Thinking of this, Wu Di looked at the remaining points and smiled.

He relaxed and rubbed the head of the little fox lying next to him, making it fluffy and comfortable.

The little fox squinted,

I rubbed it in his palm with some enjoyment,

Small paws rested on his fingers, and his slender body was slightly bent.

“On the Internet…”

Wu Di opened the forum and browsed it.

In the forum,

Still very lively.

It can’t be compared with before,

Many places have been disconnected from the network, and not all shelters have advanced equipment.

Coupled with various disasters, natural and man-made disasters have occurred in many refuges.

In the forum,

There are a lot less sand sculpture netizens, and most of them are worried and complaining.


“The Fourth Sons Refuge drove 40,000 people away! People protested, and hundreds of people were run over by tanks!”

“The latest official news is that in the coastal city of Shencheng, an official refuge has fallen, and more than 400,000 people have died.”

“There have been many mutants on our side, but it seems that they don’t attack humans?”

“Can mutants and humans coexist peacefully? Maybe they can, but it’s dangerous!”

“Crying, there was a problem with the air purification pipe last night. My dad repaired overnight for the safety of the refuge, but he was frozen into an iceman by the sudden cold current…”

“I’m looking for medicine, I’m looking for medicine! Say it again, the location is on the outskirts of Gaoshan City!”



From the first daily one, it will only appear after a long time now.

The official control over the various shelters is getting smaller and smaller,


Some companies have evacuated and blatantly shut down corporate servers on the grounds of “insufficient energy”.

Created its own intranet.


Radiation and low temperature have been used by humans,

But living supplies began to be in short supply, and many shelters lacked either this or that.

Someone is sad,

There are also people who live indifferently.

The environment of the refuge is like a cage made of cast iron, so many people are trapped in a small place…

The frozen world is ruthless.

“What is the country preparing for?”

“When will Liang Yu reply?”

Wu Di’s heart moved slightly,

After a long time,

Liang Yu still didn’t reply.

He was a little worried, and occasionally went to the liaison officer of the military area refuge to inquire.

The latter is also unclear.

But he said that he can rest a hundred hearts,

Because at this time, scientists are the most important,

Especially “Old Liang”,

As a senior academician, the country will desperately protect.


Wu Di shook his head.

Hyundai has no aristocratic family members,

Hundreds of years ago, Daming was born in the flames,

The civil service group and the honorable world have all experienced a blood reshuffle,

The new family and honors are stronger and less stupid.

Although Liang Yu never said,

But from her usual observations, her behavior in the military refuge and the conversation and demeanor of those people can be seen!

Liang Yu’s family has a status that cannot be ignored in the military!

Generals, politicians, scientists…

A modern family, the power is terrifying!

Thought for a while,

Wu Di continued to surf and browsed the Internet for a while,

Suddenly I saw a post from a person from Mechanical Ascension Sect again.

This time,

Because he was thinking about Liang Yu in his heart, he didn’t end the line either, just watched it for a while.


It’s Mechanical Ascension again propagating doctrines,

The one called “Wu Shu” is also chatting with the other party,

Wu Di couldn’t help laughing, and shook his head without thinking.

After watching for a while, Wu Di opened a stand-alone game to play…

(PS: It will be released soon.). .

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