Chapter 313

Happy hours always pass quickly,

Wu Di played a game for a while,

It was 12 o’clock all at once,

After lunch, he was in a bad mood and was too lazy to continue studying and working.

Played a game of sex for a day,

At 7 o’clock in the evening, he began to pull Wuyi and Han Xiaowu to the bedroom…

April 26!

A peaceful day,

The inspection drone found a group of green creatures flying over the Hanjiang River.

When investigating in the past,

The signal suddenly became unstable,

Can only give up the pursuit.

Simply the opposite will not cross the river.


April 27!

5 o’clock in the morning!

Most people are sleeping,

The people of Xuan Yi team looked bitter. They were very smooth in the process of capturing the “target”. They successfully attacked and caught some mutant cockroaches and mosquitoes. 28

But an accident…

They found a purple crystal ball in a place swept by mutant creatures!

At first, it just felt a little strange, and no radiation and corrosion were detected, so the team members took it away.

This area… triggered a frenzy of mutant creatures!

Overwhelming mutant mosquitoes, endless mutant cockroaches,

They were terrified in their hearts and hurriedly threw the purple crystal ball away and hid in an ice-covered factory building.

Crying without tears!

“Captain, what should I do?”

“We are running out of supplies, and in a long time, we will…”

“Yes, most of the mutant creatures outside have dispersed, maybe it can break through?”

Everyone speaks,

The complexion is a bit complicated.

Unexpectedly, a smooth operation fell short because of a strange crystal ball.

That thing…what is it?

“If we communicate to the military refuge, we can eliminate these things!”

“But… the communication equipment completely loses its signal!”

“Why, why is the signal blocked after this evil mosquito appears!?”

The law enforcement captain’s eyes were bloodshot, full of helplessness.

Mechanical force,

The requirements for informatization are very high. Once the signal is blocked, they will have no support.

You can only rely on yourself!

But they are just some law enforcement officers, not soldiers, where does the military literacy come from! ?

You are all Jinyiwei!


Is the factory area,

Many factories, and outside the place where everyone is hiding, among the red mutant giant mosquitoes,

There is a black giant mosquito with a metallic luster.

“I found a radio station!”

“Try it, it won’t work, you can only take the risk to break through!”

The law enforcement officers have no alternative.


Refuge, laboratory.

Wuyi stood in front of an experimental table, fiddling with a chip with high-precision equipment.

“The 17th 232th experiment was slightly flawed…”

She frowned, crushed the chip, and threw it into the trash can.

Then continue to make a new chip.

At this moment,

On the table next to it, an experimental radio station she assembled at hand made a “sizzle” sound!

“…Someone…we are…Xuanyi team…Green Flute factory area, mutant giant mosquitoes…signal interrupted!…support! Say it again! Support!.. …. Zizi…”

The girl frowned,

Took the radio,

The ultrashort wave button is activated.

But after a while,

The other party still didn’t reply.

The girl tilted her head to think, and walked out of the laboratory.

living room,

Wu Di is teaching the baby panda,

The latter gnawed a cell phone!

“If you don’t fight for three days, go to the house to reveal the tiles, right!”

Wu Di Yokomu looked very fierce.

The baby panda was so scared that he leaned against the sofa, his body trembling.

“You can’t listen to me, how many times have I told you not to cheat!”

“Don’t obey, believe it or not, I’ll stew you tomorrow?”

Wu Di’s face was as black as ink, and gritted his teeth: “Are you an electrical destroyer? How many electrical appliances have you broken? Huh?”

He cursed a few words, and suddenly heard footsteps.

Looking back,

I saw Wuyi walking over with a radio station.

He remembered,

That was when Wuyi was curious once,

After dismantling the radio station, I modified an ultrashort wave radio station, a laboratory product!

“What’s wrong?”

Noting the girl’s look,

Wu Di frowned.


The unclothed voice is still cold, pressing a button,

Those voices before came again!

Xuan Yi team, factory area, giant mosquitoes…

“For help?”

Wu Di’s eyes moved.

It seemed that it was in the green factory area where a Xuanyi team was attacked.

Is it a mutant giant mosquito?

“It’s such a rubbish, the mutant giant mosquito can’t be killed?”

Wu Di was speechless.

He also knew about Xuan Yi team,

Tiandi Xuanhuang, A, B, C, D, the official general law enforcement team division.

The Xuan Yi team shows that this team is very armed and has good personal qualities.

Coupled with the official backstage, a group of mutant giant mosquitoes can’t handle it?

“The green flute factory area seems to be just across the Hanjiang River, a few kilometers away!”

Wu Di thought a little,

Wuyi tilted his head and looked at him, his small face was full of indifferent, as if he didn’t feel compassionate because of the request for help.

She said lightly: “What do you want to do?”


Wu Di was taken aback. . .

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