Chapter 314

“Rescue, investigation.”

Wuyi’s voice was indifferent, and then explained: “On April 26, the drone that was routinely inspected found a group of mutant creatures on the opposite side of the Hanjiang River. According to the analysis, it is likely to be a group of mutant giant mosquitoes!”

“The drone tried to approach and probe, and the signal began to be unstable. The closer it is, the more unstable the signal. Under the threat of possible interruption, the drone keeps staying away!”

“The Xuan Yi team was forced to use the radio to ask for help, indicating that they could not notify the official refuge! They can only use shortwave radio, which is the past method.”

The girl’s eyes moved and stopped.

Heard that,

Wu Di was a little puzzled: “So, what do you mean?”

The girl said: “Very research value…”

All right,

A research mad!

Wu Di also knows that the signal is disturbed,


He got the first-hand news and avoided a head-on collision with the red unknown organisms.

But now it seems,

It’s always good to figure it out!

“Okay, let the drone go over and take a look!”

“With signal interference, Wutian may not be able to control the entire workflow!”

Wu Di smiled.

Artificial intelligence naturally relies on the black technology signal base of the refuge,

To control the 30 drones.

Under stable and superior signals, drones often operate smoothly.

Occasionally there is a snowstorm, and the signal will not be interrupted!

But now,

A group of mosquitoes can actually interfere with the signal, which undoubtedly makes Wu Di quite curious.

The girl nodded slightly and nodded: “Yeah!”

Wu Di: “Wu Tian, ​​control a few drones to see the situation in the green flute factory area!”

Wutian: “Yes!”


In fact,

It’s not just that the government is doing research on mutant organisms everywhere,

In the major corporate refuges, each research institute has also obtained their “experimental materials”.

Heyang City,

Tiancheng Refuge, inside the underground research institute.

In a huge nutrition cabin,

A certain bald young man was soaked in rich green pus, his complexion was hideous and distorted!

He was extremely painful, yet he lived stubbornly.

In the hall,

Several researchers watched this scene and silently recorded it.

At this time,

A scientist with gray hair came up with a frantic look.

“What a perfect creation!”

“He is more tenacious than those mice! Mutated mice can block bullets, but they can’t block laser cutting!”

“It can’t stop the corrosive liquid, it can’t stop the rockets!”

“But he, survived in the blood of the mutant cockroach for 17 hours!”

The old scientist swallowed and said to himself: “Ten thousand experimental subjects have been delivered, I hope there will be yours!”

He turned around and looked at the other two nutrition chambers.

In a nutrient cabin, densely mutated cockroaches are devouring pieces of meat.

In a nutrient cabin, dense mutant giant mosquitoes are sucking blood.



“Arrived in the Green Flute factory area soon!”

“Mutated creatures have been found! Do you attack?”

living room,

Electronic sound,

Each screen is transferred to the computer.

Wu Di switched the screen and looked at it, and said in a deep voice: “Don’t attack, see where there are human traces!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

The drone hovered in mid-air and began a careful investigation.

In the factory area,

The ice-covered buildings one after another, the snow and ice buried everything.

But at this time,

The factory area is occupied by many mutant creatures, giant mosquitoes, cockroaches…

after awhile,

In the picture, a strange group of mosquitoes appeared!

“Wait, those are… black mosquitoes?”

Wu Di frowned.

Nearby, the girl Wuyi also looked at her, frowning.

At this time,

Han Xiaowu came over. She brought two glasses of honey water, put them next to them, and smiled: “Drink a glass of water.”


Wu Di took it, took a sip, and said in a deep voice: “Wu Tian, ​​control the drone to approach!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

The drone slowly approached, and the picture gradually became clear.

There are some scattered black giant mosquitoes,

Exudes a metallic luster,

If you don’t look carefully, you will think it is a group of mechanical mosquitoes!

But in fact, that is a metal cuticle!


It looks like the black giant mosquito is larger than the ordinary red blood-sucking giant mosquito.

For some reason, these giant mosquitoes entangled in the factory area and refused to leave…

“warn! The signal is disturbed! ”



After approaching tens of meters, the drone lost its signal connection.

Internal emergency measures are activated,

The drone turned a corner, flew automatically in the opposite direction, and quickly connected again.

This is the UAV system written by Wu Di a few days ago, and it is just right to use it.

“Sure enough, it’s this black giant mosquito. It can’t burn all of it. Kill some and bring it back for research!”

Wu Di thought a little.

At this time,

Another drone discovered the situation!

“Master, on the southeast side of the factory area, I found a factory building that was artificially blown up. Do you want to go in?”

“found it?”

Wu Di looked at it and immediately said, “Clean up the mutant giant mosquitoes around! (Wang is good)”


Artificial intelligence responds quickly,

Several drones cooperate with each other,

As soon as the flame spear came out, the fire snake surged wildly, burning the mutant giant mosquitoes around the factory building clean.


The other drones blocked the angle,

One of the drones turned on the searchlight and flew into the factory building.

In the factory… very quiet!

Wu Di stared at the computer screen closely, the screen shaking…


Several corpses appeared on the screen! .

(PS: Please subscribe! I’ve got my results in my pants recently, I’m afraid I won’t be able to apply for a recommendation…)

(PS: The plot mainly revolves around the protagonist, and there are very few other supporting roles. I try to keep it simple ╮(╯▽╰)╭. This volume will not last too long, so don’t worry. String). .

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