Chapter 318

Forging room,

Wu Di is exploring the impact of bioenergy crystals on him.

Wutian suddenly heard a message that interrupted his thoughts.

“Liang Yu?”

Wu Di looked surprised and hurriedly said: “Connect!”

Liang Yu has been away for a long time,

If it weren’t for knowing her whereabouts, Wu Di would think she was cold.


Communication connected!

With a sound of “chichi”, a familiar female voice heard,

Slightly cold, like an orchid on a snow-capped mountain, it makes people feel refreshed by the smell.

“Wu Di?”

“Miss Liang, this is Wu Chi! Wait a minute, I will go and pull Grandpa out of the coffin.”

Wu Di teased,


Liang Yu chuckled, and Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly. He smiled and said, “You miss 28 me?”

A slightly hoarse voice, with a trace of unspeakable emotion,

Wu Di was slightly startled,

For some reason, there were a lot of words in the throat, but they all swallowed back in the end.

He thought for a while, did not answer, but smiled lightly: “Is it here?”


the other side,

Liang Yu’s voice was also very calm, and he couldn’t hear any emotions. He said: “I am now in the plateau refuge…or the national refuge, a base of tens of millions (level)!”

“There is more than one shelter like this. They are located in various parts of the plateau, showing the tendency of squatting the horns!”

“Here…it should be considered very lively!”

Liang Yu hesitated and said, “Wu Di, after I got here, I heard and saw a lot of things…”

“Our communication is monitored by a security system. If I spit out keywords, I will be disconnected immediately, so I can’t tell you.”


Heard that,

Wu Di frowned.

He originally thought Liang Yu came to communicate, just want to talk about it and report safety.

The result… Is Liang Yu actually okay?

He didn’t say anything to interrupt the other party, and continued to listen.

Liang Yu: “But, there are things I can tell you!”

“The country has detected a crisis from the deep sea. The mainland is moving frequently. There may be a super tsunami in the future, and coastal areas will be submerged!”

“Time…probably within 1-3 years.”

Big tsunami…

Wu Di was a little surprised.

Now that the world is frozen, where does the tsunami start?


Liang Yu is not a person who likes to make jokes either.

She said so, there must be a reason!

The movement of the continental plates, if it is the kind of continental drift in prehistoric times, a super tsunami is entirely possible!

Even the entire world, all continents and oceans, will undergo tremendous changes!

Daming built a refuge on the plateau, possibly also to prevent the big tsunamis in the next few years.

1 to 3 years,

Looks far away,

But for the country, it may pass all at once.

“thank you, I know now.”

Wu Di nodded slightly,

This news is still very useful.

Although a few years later, he might fly to the sky.


Liang Yu smiled slightly.

The two chatted for a while, and Wu Di also understood her means of transportation to the plateau.

In most cases, it was the official railway opened by Ming Dynasty.

Occasionally take the car, it takes a long time to reach the destination.

Speaking of the back,

Wu Di also raised a mouthful of recent events.

Mutant giant mosquitoes, mutant cockroaches and mysterious purple crystals.

Heard that,

Liang Yu was also a little surprised, and said in a deep voice: “Mutated creatures are available all over the world, but this kind of order is very orderly, and there are very few suspected wise ones!”

“Wu Di, you have to be more careful, it’s really impossible, you can let me know, I will find a way to help you get a few plateau tickets!”

“It’s okay, I’m still safe at the moment!”

Wu Di smiled.

After talking for a while, Liang Yu had something to do, so he hung up the call.

Wu Di put the phone down and looked at the screen, his face slightly condensed.

3 years……

A long time ago, when Azhe came to deliver the car to Wu Di, he mentioned the railway.

But then ice and snow fell and the railway was also frozen.

Wu Di did not pay attention.

But now it seems that the country has been reopened before, and a lot of manpower and material resources have been spent on maintenance to ensure the operation of some railways!

The goal is to transfer the center to the plateau area!

It seems that

Changes in the mainland are unstoppable,

The tsunami is definitely not a lie!

“Fortunately, with Gold Finger, it will develop slowly, and then there will be a way to deal with it!”

Wu Di pondered slightly, letting go of his worries.

After staying in the exercise room for a while, Wu Di went to the living room to rest. Drinking, eating snacks,

Teasing the two little pets.


He took another pan-life substance and swallowed its vitality…

May 11!

A rare blizzard came,

Day and no light,

The whole world is dark,

Dark clouds enveloped the sky, and strong winds and heavy snow roared down.

The blizzard is too big,


Wu Di woke up and hurriedly got up to check the situation. . .

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