Chapter 319

On weekday nights, there are occasional blizzards.

But this time the blizzard was very big,

Swept a radius of dozens of miles!

Outside the shelter,

The ground that had been cleaned up was suddenly covered by wind and snow.

In the dark night, the whistling sound is endless!

Wu Di went to the living room and turned on the shelter system to check the situation of each building.

“Ecological Park, completeness: 100%!”

“Metal processing plant, completeness: 100%!”

“Signal base…”

Look at the buildings one by one,

Wu Di breathed a sigh of relief.

The blizzard made the monitoring system and the drone useless, and we had to rely on the self-check system to detect the situation.

“Good guy, it’s been a long time since this blizzard.”

Wu Di came to the ecological park and looked out through the glass wall.

The wind is whistling, and the sky is full of ice and snow!

In the dark world, there seem to be countless ice and snow beasts roaring, which is heart palpitating.

It happened to be in the middle of the night,

Simply nothing,

Wu Di thought about something that needed to be upgraded.

These days,

He has already saved a lot of points,

Already have enough ability to upgrade and expand the shelter!

In his initial plan, as the shelter expands, the heating needs to be upgraded.


Build a defensive building!

The reason is nothing else, it is the mutant biota!

These days,

Wu Di has been sending drones to observe the opposite side of the Hanjiang River.

In the Rift Valley, most of them are red mutant giant mosquitoes with blood-sucking ability.

Many of the blood-sucking incidents were caused by these giant mosquitoes.

A small part,

Is a black giant mosquito,

Can interfere with the signal, the principle position, but the shortwave radio is not affected.


Some cyan and purple giant mosquitoes appeared,

Unclear specific information.

In the rift valley, although both sides are covered by ice,

But at the bottom of the valley, the underground river of nuclear pollution was still flowing quietly.

Wu Di used to control the drone to go down, but because of the black giant mosquito’s blocking, he couldn’t go deep.

But I also saw some images that made him feel horrified!

Dense cocoons,

Look into it,

I am afraid there are millions of them!

Millions, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of giant mosquitoes are terrible to think about!

In contrast, the UAV’s flame gun is strong, but after all, it only covers a part of it.

Once the 30 drones encounter a million giant mosquitoes, they may only burn a small part of them, and they will be “swallowed” by the giant mosquitoes.


Need that kind of large defensive building,

You can burn a large piece of it, and how many giant mosquitoes come can be turned into ashes!


It’s clothes.

Because clothes can be used for a long time, Wu Di has never considered producing clothes in the shelter.

But after so long, and with extra points in hand, it’s time to consider this.

Cotton fields, silk, or other materials are all fine!

“The points are almost enough!”

“Let’s start the day!”

Wu Di groaned slightly, watching the blizzard outside the glass wall, his eyes condensed slightly.



About 11 o’clock, the blizzard finally stopped!

The wind and snow that swept everything left, and the dim sun shrouded the world again.

Hearing the news, Wu Di also stood up and walked to the heating room.


【Heating Room】

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: [Small heating center]

Branches: open up space (150), overall materials (200-100), nether energy heater (500), refuge heating pipe (100).


The heating center must naturally be placed underground,

Connected to the shelter.

Wu Di looked at the attribute panel carefully, and decisively chose OK!

Points -!

The white light flashed,

The small heating room has grown several times larger,

A huge machine appeared in front of Wu Di,

On the ground, there are dense pipelines by the wall, connecting the entire shelter!

At the same time, Wu Di keenly felt that the surrounding temperature began to drop…

Wutian: “¨” Master, the overall temperature of the refuge is dropping, please turn on the heating equipment in time! ”


Wu Di walked over and looked at the machines in the heating center.

Start the machine.



“Welcome to use Youneng heater!”

“Energy: 0%!”

“Warning! Insufficient energy, please replenish energy in time!”

There is no shortage of Nether Energy Crystals.

Wu Di went to the Big Mac Recycling Station and took dozens of Nether Energy Crystals and put them in the cabin.

The heater soon started to work,

The surrounding temperature gradually returned to normal.

“No sky, take over the heating center.” Wu Di said.

Wutian: “Yes!”

“Real-time temperature monitoring: 22 degrees Celsius…”


After finishing the heating center, Wu Di came to the laboratory.

Wuyi is sitting in front of a computer, moving the mouse, operating something.

Seeing Wu Di coming, she turned her head and said lightly, “I have the design drawings.”

“So fast?”

Wu Di showed joy,

A few hours ago, he and Wuyi talked about his thoughts.

The latter took the initiative to find the design drawings of the defensive building.


Wuyi’s personality is the same as before, and he speaks lightly.

By the way, let go of the position,

Let Wu Di be able to see the computer screen!

On the screen,

It is a design drawing of a tower-shaped building! .

(PS: Depressed, the cold is not healed, I feel dizzy all day, I wanted to change five times today, but now I can only look at tomorrow and see if I can add changes.)

Roar. . .

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