Chapter 323

This picture is quite vague,

Wu Di needs to look at each other to see what’s inside.

Slightly dim environment,

Kind of like a valley?

“No, it’s a glacier rift!”

Wu Di took a closer look and remembered.

Isn’t that the huge ice-bound rift that I saw before?

There are white prismatic ice layers on both sides,

Appears jagged,

Looks very hideous.

Under the frost and snow, is a fuzzy area,

The uneven bottom of the rift valley,

Many small things are faintly visible.

“Mutated giant mosquito?”

“It seems that there are other mutant creatures…wait, is that a silkworm?”

Wu Di was shocked and hurriedly looked.

But the photo is too blurry,

It looked like a silkworm, but he couldn’t confirm it either.

Thought about it,

Wu Di contacted that No Book and asked: “Did you read my post?”

No book: “Yes, do you think this?”

Wu Di: “Are there any clearer pictures?” 28

No book: “I can’t go down. There are too many mutant creatures. If you force it over, I will definitely die.”

Did you actually go there by yourself?

Wu Di was a little surprised,

In the Rift Valley, there are as many mutant organisms as cow’s hair, plus nuclear pollution,

Even if they are well-trained and armed with base support, they dare not approach it rashly.

This is called “No Book”, so courageous!

Of course, it’s not necessarily just brave…

Wu Di turned his mind and replied, “What do you want?”

Wushu: “Prince Invincible, thank you for speaking to me before, but in business, I can confirm that it is a mutant ice silkworm, a silkworm that can live in the glacier! Don’t lie to you!”

No book: “Our shelter is now in short supply of food. According to what you said, 500 kilograms of food and supplies are indispensable!”

This person was not welcome, and directly offered his own price.

But as he said,

For the current Wu Di, 500 kilograms of materials are not much.

Wu Di: “Yes, I promise you.”

No book: “Okay! I will tell you the detailed address…”


Ruined refuge,

After the transaction is completed, agree on a date for the food transaction,

Qin Wushu breathed a sigh of relief.

He recovered, and said with a smile: “It’s done. I paid a price of 500 catties for food, and he agreed.”

“It’s very profitable to exchange five hundred catties for one piece of news.”

Wang Luo nodded.

Qin Wushu smiled suddenly and said: “I feel a little sorry for him when I say it. On the forum, he said a lot for me, but I refused to let the transaction. I guess he is a little angry now.”

Heard that,

Wang Luo’s eyes moved, and his brow frowned: “Have you told him the target address?”

“Yes!” Qin Wushu was startled.


Wang Luo’s face twitched, and he said helplessly: “Trust me, he is not angry now, but will be a little happy.”

Qin Wushu: “???”


“Trust me so? Take the initiative to tell me the address, are you afraid that I won’t give the supplies?”

Wu Di was a little surprised,

But when he got the address, he naturally didn’t think much about it. He directly activated the drone and flew towards the target location!


It is the Rift Valley of the Third Satellite City, probably on the outskirts of the southwest side.

The land is cracked, and the long and narrow rift valley is ten kilometers away from Wu Di’s current refuge!

It happened to be noon,

Sunny weather,

The world outside the door is calmer,

The drone has a smooth journey without encountering any special circumstances.

After about half an hour,

The drone avoided a cold current and arrived at the target location!

Over the Rift Valley!

Looking down from a high altitude, there is nothing strange about the Rift Valley.

Ice, prismatic, uneven snow.

But as the drone landed,

The picture is also clearer,

You can gradually see some of these pictures.

Mutant creatures!

Giant mosquitoes, red, gathered in groups.


Among them are some giant black mosquitoes!

“Warning! Unstable signal!”

“The signal is unstable!”

“Emergency measures will be launched soon…”

“Di! The signal is disconnected, and the drone port automatically initiates emergency measures!”

“…The connection is successful! The drone has returned to the air!”


There are black giant mosquitoes, and it won’t be long for the drone to go down.

But before returning home,

Still took a few clear pictures!

At the bottom of the complex and broken rift, there is a dense “web” of frost,

Above the mesh,

Creeping silkworms!

“It should be them!”

Wu Di narrowed his eyes.

Mutant ice silkworm, under the glacial cataclysm of the extinction of all things, it is almost impossible for the second species to appear!

“The question now is, how can I take it away?”

Wu Di looked around,

Near the silkworm, giant mosquitoes have avoided,

But it is the giant mosquitoes that dominate the rift valley. The silkworms are only a small part of the bottom, so it is impossible for drones to avoid the giant mosquitoes.

Naturally, it is impossible to remotely control the drone to catch the mutant ice silkworm!

“Nor can attack… Otherwise, the ice silkworm will be burned to death and it will be over.”

Wu Di frowned slightly, thinking.

“Well, I’ll go there in person!”. .

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