Chapter 324

The signal interference is serious,


Drones are very restricted.

In addition, ice silkworms are not easy to grab, and it is obviously impossible to sit back and enjoy the results in the refuge.

Wu Di thought for a while, and immediately made a decision!

Go out in person!

It is not the first time he has come into contact with the mutant giant mosquito, and he has a bottom in his heart.

Understand the danger level of giant mosquitoes and whether you can deal with them,

There must be no danger to go there.

But… to be cautious, Wu Di decided to enrich his arms!

Common gunpowder firearms have been eliminated by Wu Di.

Such as pistols, submachine guns, machine guns and the like, Wu Di can no longer be used.

The exoskeleton armor is equipped with a mechanical component that can launch small missiles!


There are no other weapons.

It’s not that Wu Di is lazy,

Mainly because the weather was too bad before, the earth was turned upside down when it moved, blizzards, and cold currents,

He is not a fool, how could he run out for a walk!

In the last two months, day and night are distinct, the weather has stabilized a lot, and people’s activities have only increased.


Wu Di and Wuyi are standing next to the weapon making table,

On one side of the huge machine, is the erected exoskeleton armor!

The huge armor was unfolded,

All parts can be easily seen.

“If you modify your arm a little bit, you can install a flame gun!”

“You can install an alloy cabin on the waist side to place oil cakes and rockets.”

Wuyi turned around and spoke lightly, his delicate little face full of confidence.

Wu Di couldn’t help but glanced at her.

A beautiful and lovely girl, now she is like a super scientist, with an independent temperament!


Wuyi frowned and said in a low voice: “Time is not enough. According to reason, the flame gun can be upgraded.”

“This is enough.”

Wu Di smiled and waved his hand: “Let’s get started!”


The two immediately started, picked up the tools, and began to modify the exoskeleton armor.

There was a jingle!

About half an hour later, two flame guns have been assembled on the left and right arms of the exoskeleton armor!

There is an alloy cabin in the waist, half moon shape, stretched to the back.


It passed quickly.

As dusk is approaching, the sky is getting dark, the cold current is surging in the sky, and the temperature drops sharply!

Seeing that night is not far away, Wu Di dispelled the thought of traveling at night.

After lunch,

Reading in the living room without clothes,

Han Xiaowu is taking care of the panda and the little fox, and the beautiful woman accompanies Xiao Guozi to study.

Wu Di was sitting in front of the exoskeleton armor alone in his workroom, thinking.

“What kind of weapon does the exoskeleton armor have?”

Wu Di thought hard.

Ming Dynasty officials have already launched an electromagnetic weapon program, mainly because gunpowder weapons were too difficult to use in the Ice Age.

Maintenance costs are high.

Such as Gauss rifle, electromagnetic howitzer, videos are all available!

However, Wu Di did not consider this.

he thinks,

I need a suitable melee weapon!

“Upgrade the weapon manufacturing station.”

Wu Di thought for a long time and made a decision.

He didn’t have a clue, so he simply handed it over to Black Technology!

What do you want so much for?

Got up,

Wu Di opened the properties panel.


【Weapon Manufacturing Station】

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: [Weapon Research Room] (Development) Branch: Open up space (200), overall materials (300-200), cutting-edge research equipment (200), weapon printer (500).

Introduction: powerful weapon support!


“Do you want to open a new room?”

Wu Di’s heart moved,

The weapon manufacturing station has been with him for a long time.

Starting from the earliest 3D printers, an ordinary 3D printer that can only print figures and cups has been upgraded to a black technology machine that prints bullets and firearms.

Old man!


It is also suitable to open a new room!

“Sure! ”

Points -1000!

The white light descended and dissipated in an instant.

The weapon maker in front of Wu Di disappeared, and a metal door appeared on the left wall of the workshop door!

Blue, marked “Weapon Research Room”!


As soon as Wu Di walked over, the door automatically opened with induction, split into two upper and lower doors, and retracted into the wall.

Inside the door,

It’s a room of more than 200 square meters,

The floor covered with yellow lines, all kinds of strange machines, very sci-fi,

Much like a scene in a science fiction movie.

The most conspicuous among them is the middle position (the king’s), a black printer that is two or three times larger than the original weapon manufacturing station!

“looks great?”

Wu Di showed a slight smile,

Turn on the power,

Start the machine.


Start one by one!

Related information is displayed on the screen of the console.

“Wutian, take over the machine in the research room.”

Wutian: “Yes!”

“In self-test…100%!”

“Master, all the machines are very stable and can be started at any time!”

The weapon research room, as the name suggests, many equipment here can be used to research weapons.

Cold weapons, hot weapons, electromagnetic weapons, and…hoar.

Psionic weapons! . .

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