Chapter 325

Weapon printer,

The core equipment of the entire [Weapon Research Room],

The only black technology in this room!

When Wu Di opened the console, what he saw was a list!

Cold weapons, thermal weapons, electromagnetic weapons, psionic weapons!

Seeing the first three, he nodded slightly and felt calm.

You can see the fourth one,

Wu Di was a little confused.

Psionic weapons! ?

“What the hell is this?”

Wu Di was confused, and asked from the bottom of his heart: “Mechanical Brain, I don’t have a psionic weapon in my intention to upgrade, is this your choice?”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, everything is based on your mind.” “At the beginning of the upgrade, your mind is the most advanced technology on earth now.”

“This weapon printer can manufacture the most advanced weapons in the world.”

Gold Finger’s voice is not emotional, not ostentatious, or agitated.

But just such calm words,

But it made Wu Di feel curious.

Electromagnetic weapons, he can understand!

Let’s not talk about the novel 643 movie,

in reality,

Many countries have long been studying electromagnetic weapons,

Various types of electromagnetic equipment are also common.

After the cataclysm, the country gave up economic development, the military will inevitably explode, and it is safe for electromagnetic weapons to come out.

But psionic weapons…

What the hell is psionic?

State secret research?

“Could it be that this is what Liang Yu can’t reveal?”

Wu Di stroked his chin.

When he was curious, he opened the list of weapon drawings, randomly selected a pistol-like weapon called a “psionic stun gun”, and opened the detailed information to read it.

In the details,

There are weapon appearances, parts information, cost, materials and more!

It doesn’t matter if you look at it, Wu Di immediately discovered the key point!

The so-called “psychic energy” is actually the crystal of biological energy!

“I understand!”

“The spore brains of the dead parasites will eventually turn into pure crystals. The mutant giant mosquitoes also collect nutrients to condense crystals. Other mutant creatures are temporarily unknown!”

“It can be inferred that many organisms all over the world are condensing crystals…”

“This kind of crystal is called biological energy by the mechanical brain, but on the country side, it is called…”


Wu Di muttered to himself,

Suddenly he opened his mind!

Things were connected for a long time.

Many doubts in the past were solved at once!

Of course, human technology is not made out of thin air.

The so-called “psychic technology” is a new-age technology developed by relying on the crystals of various parasites, mutant mosquitoes and other mutated organisms condensed under the cataclysm!

“Humans are indeed the most intelligent.”

Wu Di sighed slightly.

In the face of a cataclysm that almost destroyed the world, human beings were able to draw chestnuts in the fire, not only did not perish, but broke through themselves, it can be said to be a miracle race.

“Obviously, now that Psionic Technology is extremely confidential, even Liang Yu’s noble children don’t know it! Her grandfather may know some information, but he didn’t disclose it.”

“Otherwise, when I talked about crystals before, she wouldn’t be totally unresponsive!”

“Then the secret in her mouth should be the source behind the crystal.”

Wu Di analyzed it.

Why do parasites condense crystals?

Why do mutant giant mosquitoes condense crystals?

No one knows,

Because the mutant giant mosquitoes or parasites have never used crystals.

It seems that they only know about cohesion, without the next move.

“Forget it, don’t think about the long-term, let me look at the weapons…”

Wu Di took a look, then came back to his senses, ready to browse the weapons.

At this time!

He noticed a message under the screen!


Wu Di was taken aback and opened the prompt message.


“Reminder: You are welcome to use Jiaozi Technology products. In order to show your support for Jiaozi Technology, we will present you with a random weapon drawing!”


“Jiaozi Technology?”

Wu Di was a little confused,

“Mechanical Brain, did you buy this weapon printer?”

Mechanical Brain: “Back to the host, this is directly manifested, and it comes from a technological civilization in a parallel universe.”

“Does that science and technology civilization also use points?”

Wu Di was a little surprised.

The drawing of this weapon printer was purchased with points!

Robotic Brain: “No, they use Imperial Common Coins, but the host does not have Imperial Common Coins and can only use points.”

Wu Di: “……”

Wu Di felt like asking a stupid question, and hurriedly shut his mouth, and said, “Then it counts as sending drawings?”

Mechanical brain: “Count.”

“That’s fine!”

Wu Di directly took the drawing in his heart.

next moment,

The data flashes on the screen, and the drawing reveals its content!


【Psionic Magma Whip】

Drawing type: melee.

Picture: (omitted).

detailed data:……

Production: Psionic crystal, titanium alloy…


(PS: It’s really hard to catch a cold in a cold weather, it’s super uncomfortable, I took the medicine and accidentally froze again.). .

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