Chapter 331

The defensive power of the giant gray cockroach is very superior,

But in front of the psionic whip,

Still not enough!

Wu Di waved a few times, a set of lightning round the Tai Chi gate ~ five consecutive whips down,


The giant cockroach did not flash-, carelessly,

He was beaten to death by Wu Di.

“I advise you to have rat tail juice!”

Wu Di came to the corpse of the giant cockroach and looked at the corpse of the giant purple mosquito not far away.

Slightly pondered.

This giant gray cockroach can understand,

But the purple giant mosquito… is it the timid giant mosquito?

“No, this purple giant mosquito looks extremely timid, but it can be protected by other giant mosquitoes, so it must have its own specialties!”

Wu Di glanced at the corpse.

Among the broken corpses of the purple giant mosquito,

a mess,

But in a skin bag, Wu Di found a slender crystal pillar!

“This is… the crystallization of biological energy?”

“Or, psionic crystal!”

Wu Di’s face was startled, after thinking about it, he understood it all at once.

This purple giant mosquito is responsible for making psionic crystals!

Although he is not clear about the process and distance, it is clear that there is a clear division of labor among the mosquitoes!

Those giant mosquitoes are not so much protecting purple giant mosquitoes as they are protecting psionic crystals.

“That makes sense!”

Wu Di liked the feeling of clearing things up, smiled slightly, and ordered: “Wu Tian, ​​send two engineer-type drones down!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

The black giant mosquito has been killed by Wu Di, and naturally it will no longer interfere with the signal.


Two engineer drones flew down and hovered in front of Wu Di!

Wu Di opened the cabins one by one and put the bodies of the giant gray cockroach and the purple giant mosquito into the two drones.


The hatch is closed,

“Fly back and talk to Wuyi and others about the source of this thing.”

Wu Di ordered.

Wutian: “Yes!”

The air vibrated, and the surrounding cold was raging, turning the air that was still hot in the blink of an eye into cold.

The drone flew into the air and disappeared into the distance.

Wu Di lowered his head, and on his face mask, a monitoring screen appeared…

He sneered and moved on.

Further down,

We have reached the bottom of the rift valley.

There are hideous icicles on both sides, but at the bottom, there are cratered glaciers.

Mostly frozen in ice,

But there is still a small gap, which is the flowing nuclear contaminated river water.

Above the glacier, you can see many dense cocoons, densely packed,

What you see,

It may be no less than tens of thousands.

In one corner, frost made a big net, and some fleshy silkworms were faintly visible inside.

“It’s here, it really is a mutant ice silkworm!”

Wu Di looked over and nodded.

In this low temperature weather, ordinary silkworms have already cooled down.

“However, you must be careful. The giant mosquitoes and cockroaches here are very ferocious, and they suck human blood and kill people! If the silkworms do the same, I may need to take some severe measures to ensure the safety of breeding!”

Wu Di pondered slightly.


As a Tier 1 being, no matter it is Wu Di, Wuyi or the other three women, they will not be easily killed by mutant creatures.

But he is used to being cautious, so he will naturally take more precautions.

Before this mutant ice silkworm was caught, Wu Di began to think about some related issues of breeding.

“However, before that, we have to deal with something else!”

Wu Di’s face was cold, and he looked around, suddenly turned on the microphone, and said loudly, “Is it good-looking after following so long?”

···········Ask for flowers··············

It’s quiet all around!

Wu Di sneered, no longer talking nonsense, the flame gun was activated, and the heat was condensed!

next moment,

He raised his arm violently, and a blazing rocket flew out, blasting towards a place far away!

boom–! ! !

The explosion sounded,

The flames spread violently, melting the ice and snow,

Cracked ice,

Countless cocoons turned to ashes in the flame!

at the same time,

A figure ran out in embarrassment and rolled on the ground a few times before slowing down.

…… ….. 0

He was so fast that he was not affected by explosions and flames.

It’s just that my clothes are damaged a lot.

“Wait a moment!”

Come, naturally it is Qin Wushu!

He took a few breaths, looked around, and found that where he was originally hidden, and above and around his head, there were drones rising!

at this time,

Even a fool knows,

Since I came down to the Rift Valley, my every move has been monitored by others!


Wu Di also saw Qin Wushu,

Tattered clothes and swollen bags on his body looked miserable.

“I am a mutant…”

Qin Wu changed his writing slightly and said loudly, “I have no malice!”

“I didn’t say whether there was any malice.”

Wu Di raised the flame gun and said coldly: “What are you doing down the Rift Valley?”

In fact, Qin Wushu’s guess was correct.

He has been under Wu Di’s surveillance since he came down to the Rift Valley!

Not tracking,

It seems…the goal is the same! ?

“I’m looking for mutant ice silkworms!”

Qin Wushu did not hesitate. . Where.

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