Chapter 332

The goal is the same!

Wu Di’s eyes moved, and he understood.

It seems that

This is also a person who is interested in mutant creatures.

Although he doesn’t know what he did for that refuge,

But obviously,

The relationship between the two sides is the competitor!

During the cataclysm,

Mutant creatures emerge in endlessly,

Officially, major companies are naturally not clubs, they have been studying for a long time.

Some results have been published on the Internet,

Such as spores, such as mutation,

But some things have been kept secret, no one knows.


Mutant materials, mutant creatures, have always been urgently needed “materials” in major refuges.

“It’s a pity, it’s mine already here.”

Wu Di smiled in his heart, but his voice was cold.

“The mutant ice silkworm belongs to me, go away!”

“and many more!”

Qin Wu changed his writing and asked, “Excuse me, are you from the military?”


Wu Di was a little strange, and replied, “No, why?”

“Feel sorry!”

Qin Wushu’s heart sank and gritted his teeth: “I have already made a deal with the military. These mutant ice silkworms are for the military!”

Heard that,

Wu Di smiled faintly.

This mutant actually did something for the military asylum…

This has nothing to do with him!

“I don’t know how to rain, I don’t want to talk nonsense, let’s get out of here.”

Wu Di waved.

The drones popped out of the hatch, and the machine guns shone with an icy light.

Stared at by a machine gun,

Individuals will be frightened,

Although Qin Wushu has mutated, and he does not know how far he has mutated,

But he still had a heartbeat and thought of leaving.


Thinking of the dilemma faced by the ruin refuge,

His heart sank, and his expression became firm.

“Sorry, I can’t give you these mutant ice silkworms!”

Qin Wushu spoke, his body moved slightly.

Upon seeing this,

Wu Di frowned and didn’t bother to talk nonsense.

“kill him!”

Wu Di spoke lightly and gave the order,

Then he turned and walked towards the ice net.

next moment,

The drone moved!

Da da da–!

Sparks flew everywhere, and one by one shot out of the chamber, turning into a rain of bullets and falling down.

Qin Wu’s expression changed, and he hurriedly avoided, extremely fast, almost turning into a phantom!

Boom boom boom!

The ice is broken,

Qin Wushu had actually jumped tens of meters, using an icicle as a support point, leaped into the air, and hit the drone with a punch.


The air howled,

The strength of this fist is of course not trivial.

But the drone is controlled by artificial intelligence, so naturally it won’t move.

Before Qin Wushu jumped over,

The drone exploded in power and hovered in mid-air.

Qin Wushu blanked out and looked around warily.

“Da da da–!”

Intensive bullet rain,

Qin Wushu soon couldn’t avoid it.

But he was surprised to find that these bullets could not penetrate his skin…

“Have the opportunity!”

Qin Wushu’s eyes lit up and he rushed towards the drone with the bullet!

the other side,

Wu Di, who was halfway there, heard Wu Tian’s report, and turned his head in surprise, and looked over there!

“Machine gun effectiveness: 0%!”

“The machine gun is turned off!”

“Missile device…activate!”

“The ammunition is ready!”


Whoops whoops——!

This is a battle between artificial intelligence and mutants,

After judging that the bullet has no effect,

The artificial intelligence decisively shut down all machine guns and replaced them with missiles that came with the drone.

As an escort drone, there is almost no pause in the launch of the missile.

Missiles shot out one by one,

The goal is fixed on Qin Wushu who is running fast!

White smoke, trajectory, calculation…

This is a set of smart locking system, code written by Wu Di himself.. ……..

“Mini missile!?”

Qin Wu’s expression changed, and it was too late to avoid him, so he could only grit his teeth!

Bang bang bang!

The ice layer of the glacier was shattered, and the surrounding icicles were also shattered into pieces.

The green underground river reveals part of its face,

The mountain wall of the rift valley also reveals the soil layer.

The white smoke dissipated,

Qin Wushu was blasted off and knocked down several icicles before he got up in embarrassment.

He coughed up blood, and it seemed…just injured.

“Small missile…”

The artificial intelligence is “angry” and will immediately launch the drone’s killer feature.

It is also the most powerful small missile with the least amount of ammunition.

This kind of missile is powerful enough to smash a street!


Wu Di spoke, this is the Rift Valley, you can’t use that kind of weapon!

“Yes! Master!”

The electronic sound went silent.

The drone disperses…

Qin Wushu got up and looked at the “steel soldier” ahead.

“I have seen many mutants.”

Wu Di spoke lightly and said, “But they all died in my hands.”

“Without exception!”

His voice was flat and he didn’t appear angry.

But Qin Wushu’s heart was cold, and he felt the chill that had penetrated into the bone marrow!


Qin Wushu felt fear, and his expression was uncertain.


After all, he was not reconciled, gritted his teeth and rushed towards Wu Di!

“Go away!”

He roared, smashed the ice, and ran into it for a few dozen meters in an instant! . .

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