Chapter 333



Qin Wushu was so fast that he rushed to Wu Di in the blink of an eye and tried to hit Wu Di.

This seems a bit of a small and big feeling,

It’s not that Qin Wushu has a bad mind.

It’s that he knows his power.

Under the collision, even a small building can collapse,

In his opinion,

It’s not a problem to stun the steel soldier in one hit.


The air is scorching hot,

The sonic boom sounded,

Qin Wushu just rushed over, not yet approaching Wu Di.

An alloy arm stretched out suddenly and clasped his neck!


Qin Wushu’s eyes widened, watching this scene in horror.

next moment,

Wu Di lifted him up and slammed him on the rock wall!

With a bang,

28 earthquakes around.

Qin Wushu screamed, broke free abruptly, and attacked frantically!


He is fast.

Wu Di is faster!

Tier 1 life forms are inherently superbly fast, plus they are equipped with exoskeleton armor and are assisted by technology.

Qin Wushu’s every move is clearly visible in Wu Di’s eyes.

The alloy arm sticks out like a big dragon, and directly buckles the opponent’s shoulder, and falls to the ground!


The ground shook,

Wu Di slammed his punch down!


Second punch!


Third punch!

Three full punches, each punch is at least 24 tons of power,

The ice broke, the ground shattered, and a big hole was born.

In the big pit,

Qin Wushu coughed up a mouthful of blood, very embarrassed.

“It’s not dead?”

Wu Di was a little surprised,

The mutants in front of them are at least resistant to fights, far more than those before!

At this time,

Qin Wushu recovered, gritted his teeth, leaped from the pit, and hit the exoskeleton armor with a punch!


The air blasted,

However… the exoskeleton armor stands still!

“Without weapons, mutants only possess pure power, and they are not too threatening.”

Wu Di subconsciously analyzed it.

Then he came back to his senses,

Thinking of fighting now, he pressed his patience and punched his backhand!


The alloy arm smashed down,

Qin Wushu was knocked away more than ten meters away and crashed into the ice!

But he refused to give up, got up soon, and continued to rush over!

He has almost no combat literacy,

Pure rush,

Fist hit,

Or try to kick the leg of the exoskeleton armor and make Wu Di fall.

In Wu Di’s opinion, he is like a college student, comparing his knowledge with elementary school students…

The ability gap is too big!

“Rough, full of errors and omissions!”

Wu Di easily defuses the opponent’s offensive,

Then there was an offensive and defensive turn,

Knock it out.

The icicles shattered, the ground broke apart, and countless cocoons were shattered and affected.

Wu Di will naturally not pity those mosquitoes,

If it weren’t for environmental restrictions, once he fired a small missile, a kilometer radius would be turned into a sea of ​​flames!

Of course, missile weapons are used in the Rift Valley… Wu Di is not that rudimentary yet.

The gap between the two sides is too big,

Wu Di casually attacked, Qin Wushu couldn’t hold it at all, and he was always working as a car!

after awhile,

The curiosity in Wu Di’s heart was also consumed, and he turned on the extraordinary features a little boringly, and took a look!

“This is……”

He was very surprised, the vitality of the mutant in front of him, the fire was raging, and it was not worse than the first-order life form!

“Can mutant people reach this point?”

Wu Di frowned.

“However, the opponent’s strength is too bad.”

“In terms of threat, such a powerful mutant is not as big as a mosquito.”

At this time,

Wutian electronic sound came.

“Master, the real-time data has been collected! The mutant model has been burned, and the data analysis is 100%! Complete!”

“Data collection is over? Then I won’t play anymore.”

Wu Di smiled and grabbed the grip on his waist.

With a click,

The grip is activated,

A plasma whip was condensed.

Blazing high temperature, thunder, and plasma, a deadly breath came,

Qin Wushu looked over in fear.

Until this moment,

He just felt the crisis of death!

Will die!

The moment this thought appeared, a feeling of being unable to control oneself appeared!


Qin Wu’s written content changed, and he looked at his body.

Those swollen bags… are shaking and seem to be about to open!


After all, the swollen bag has no chance to open.

The plasma whip smashed the air and directly blasted Qin Wushu around!


He screamed and wailed, all in pain.

Dry and cracked skin,

The swelling bag is vaguely broken,

Even the air is distorted.

The breath of death…

at this time,

In a broken pit not far away, a walkie-talkie hung on Qin Wushu’s broken robe.

It was when the previous battle started,

Qin Wushu dropped the robe,

The walkie-talkie was lucky and was not affected.


A voice came from the intercom.

“No book, are you there yet?”

“No book, reply? The Rift Valley is very dangerous, I want to confirm your safety!”


No books! ?

Wu Di frowned and looked at the dying mutant in front of him.

A little pondered,

A loose hand.

next moment,

The plasma disappeared,

Qin Wushu fell on the ground, panting desperately. . .

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