Chapter 334



Above the glacier, at the bottom of the rift valley,

a mess.

The broken ice layer collapsed a large area of ​​the glacier, the green nuclear polluted underground river, and the destroyed large cocoons!

as well as,

The ice net area that has been deliberately avoided until now.

Qin Wushu lay in the pit, escaping from the dead, trembling all over, and already regretted a little in his heart.

He is also an ordinary person,

I think I am a kind person, but I can’t sacrifice my life for others.

He didn’t expect,

With my powerful body, I can’t even hold that strange weapon.

Yellow gold thunder and lightning,

Like condensed magma,

Condensed into a flame of glue!


The other party didn’t kill himself?

Qin Wushu stood up and looked at Wu Di suspiciously.

The swelling on his body is already “jumping”, on the verge of “raging”.

But he kept it under control,

Because he knows,

Once he ran away, he lost even the skin that pretended to be an adult.

“No books!?”

At this time,

Wu Di spoke, wondering: “Your forum name, is there no book?”


Qin Wushu frowned and said in doubt: “You…know me?”

“I am Invincible Son.”

Wu Di didn’t conceal it, and said solemnly: “You sold two copies of the target intelligence? One to me and one to the military?”

Because of Qin Wushu’s words not long ago, Wu Di naturally had such a guess,

So the tone is a bit harsh.

Heard that,

Qin Wushu didn’t react for a while, nodded, and shook his head again. After a while, he said in astonishment: “You are not a soldier in the military~‖?”


Wu Di nodded.

“……I see.”

Qin Wushu clarified the situation and said in surprise: “This is a misunderstanding! I thought that I was dealing with people from the military area who had taken refuge, so I stayed here for them.”

“After you came, I thought it was someone who wanted to make the first step!”

After explaining it, even Wu Di feels ridiculous.

Feelings Qin Wushu tried to drive himself away,

For the sake of dealing with him?

“That is indeed a misunderstanding.”

Wu Di nodded and briefly introduced himself.

Not too much,

But it was enough to confirm his identity.

Knowing that this is a big oolong, Qin Wushu was also quite embarrassed. He looked at his hand and smiled bitterly: “I was beaten, and it was really for nothing.”

“After you mutated, you are invulnerable. It’s already fine.”

Wu Di smiled and said, “Many people want such a strong body in their dreams.”

“I don’t even want it in my dreams.”

Qin Wu wrote white and sighed: “No matter how powerful it is, it is also a monster.”

“The whole body is swollen, it’s nothing more than ugly.”

Wu Di shook his head and waved his hand: “We’ll talk later, I’ll go grab the ice silkworm first.”

“Okay… Brother, do you need help?”

Qin Wushu went to pick up his robe, adjusted the walkie-talkie, and asked the other side.

Wu Di turned his back to him and walked to the ice net, but waved his hand to indicate not to use it.

Watched him leave,

Qin Wushu sat down on the ground and let out a long breath.

“What’s this?”

He was depressed.

At this time,

Wang Luo’s incident came from the intercom.

“No books!”

“Don’t yell Big Brother, I’m here!”

Qin Wushu replied.


Wang Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in doubt: “What’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing, I’ll explain to you in detail when I go back. I’m totally unlucky when I came out today.”

Qin Wushu said helplessly, looking at Wu Di’s exoskeleton armor, and then whispered, “However, our deal should be saved.”


After the mutant ice silkworm was found, it didn’t take much effort to catch it.

Within the ice net,

The temperature is extremely low,

Coupled with the cold air, even a mutated person like Qin Wushu is uncomfortable.

It will be frozen when you come in.

But Wu Di is not worried. The Dawning Alloy Type 2 already has a strong ability to isolate the cold.

Plus there are flame guns,

No need to breathe fire,

After a little release of heat energy and brewing, the hot scent is enough to dissipate the surrounding chill.

He called for a drone to come down, took out the prepared special tempered glass box, and then personally grabbed a dozen chubby mutant ice silkworms and put them into the tempered glass box!

After everything is done,

Let the drone go home,

Wu Di just walked back.

Qin Wushu did not leave in place.

Wu Di took a look at him and said, “¨”Sorry, how is your injury? ”

“It’s okay, I will recover within ten days at most. (Wang Li Zhao)”

Qin Wushu pointed to Wu Di’s waist grip and said with a smile: “Fortunately, you didn’t give me a few more shots, otherwise the results are unpredictable.”


Wu Di smiled and groaned: “I have confirmed your news. According to the agreement, 500 catties of food will be given to you immediately!”

“Very good!”

Qin Wushu’s eyes lit up, as if he had temporarily forgotten the pain in his body.

“You are short of food?”

Wu Di frowned.

Qin Wushu was startled, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered: “It doesn’t matter to me, but in our refuge, there are many mutant people…”

“Food shortage… they will die suddenly.”

“Even, it will become a deformed monster!”. .

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