Chapter 350

The arrival of the delegation,

It caused a lot of storms in the small town shelter,

However, under the guidance of the top leaders, it did not cause any changes.

Mr. Liu refused the suggestion of his colleagues from the inspection group and went to the home of Fang Bai with the “dumb girl.”


Fang Bai is waiting for honey to arrive,

Counting the time silently in the living room.


“Didi” sounded,

The old man returned to his senses and found that the doorbell was ringing, so he raised the microphone.


“Old man, you are still so careless.”

Mr. Liu’s voice came,

The old man Fang Bai was taken aback for a while, and after a while he recovered, and said in surprise, “Liu Dongxian?”

“Why, not welcome?”

“Hahahaha, welcome!”

The old man hurriedly got up,

Went to open the door,

Welcome two people in!

After closing the door, the two took off their radiation protection suits and tidied the corners of their clothes.

Fang Bai greeted, “It’s cold outside, come here, the warmer is on.”

“You have a pretty good life!”

Old Liu and the silent mute woman behind him came.

Fang Bai smiled, “How can you compare to your Liu University scholar, this one is?”

“My student, Xiao Zhao!”

Old Liu said calmly: “She was dumb due to some accident a few years ago.”

“Oh, now this world…”

Fang Bairen was so mature and did not ask much.

Talked with Liu Lao.

after awhile,

The two talked very happily, and old friends for many years would not have any scruples.

Was talking,

Fang Bai’s wife also came and brought tea.

“The family is poor, it’s not as good as your bachelor’s degree. You only have some tea, so don’t dislike it!”

Fang Bai smiled.

Old Liu laughed and waved his hand: “Don’t laugh at me anymore, I am no longer the number one in Yangzhou, and now I am an old man who is idle at home.”

“Speaking of which, why were you suddenly demoted seven years ago?”

Fang Bai is not small anymore, frowning slightly.

“How many important Jiangnan matters are decided by the Donglin Party, right? You are from the Donglin Party…”

“That’s all in the past.”

Old Liu’s expression sank and said, “Since the modern era, the monarchy and democracy have been chaotic. The Donglin Party has already been shuffled, and our old antiques have long been abandoned.”


Fang Bai nodded slightly without saying much.

In Daming,

The Donglin Party is definitely one of the giant crocodiles.

Even the superior emperor was often shackled by the Donglin Party.

“It just so happens that something good will come later, and I will give you some points at that time!”

Fang Bai smiled.



“Oh? If it’s a carefully cultivated product, it won’t be too bad!”

“You old man, you are still picky!”

Maybe it means that Cao Cao is here,

Just when the two elders were talking happily.

Fang Chimin ran over. He saw a few people in the living room and his eyes focused on the dumb woman.

Noting the latter’s graceful figure that is difficult to hide under the large clothes, he couldn’t help swallowing saliva.

I can see her face, and she suddenly loses her feeling.

He came to Fang Bai and said, “Dad, the drone is here!”

“So fast?”

Fang Bai’s eyes lit up and smiled: “Quickly, bring the communicator!”

“At this.”

With a look of Francis, he passed the communicator over.

Fang Bai took the communicator and connected!

“Is Mr. Wu here? I’m Fang Bai.”


An indifferent man’s voice came from inside.

“Hello, Mr. Fang.”



Wu Di was sitting in the living room while holding a communicator and talking with Fang Bai.

It’s nothing more than polite remarks about how to get the goods and so on.

As for the subsequent Franciscan fare increase, Wu Di did not mention it.

So he didn’t plan to give that 100 catties of food at all, and he had to go over and beat Franciscans!


Wu Di hung up the call and took a sip of fruit wine.

“The fruit wine in the refuge has also been drunk. With so much fruit stored, it’s time to get a winery!”

“You can also make some rice wine, but in this case, maybe the ecological park is expanding?”

Wu Di stroked his chin.

After finishing the dressing room, he began to think about the next step in the construction of the shelter!

As the global radiation weakens,

Although the ice and snow are still there,

However, transactions between the various shelters have begun to become frequent, after all, the daytime weather is still good.

He wondered if he could expand the amount of food he planted, so that he could trade things with others in the future.

Just as he was thinking, the pale beautiful woman came over.

She wore loose pajamas, her rugged figure made her clothes slightly taut, and her long hair shawl made her pretty face even weaker.

“Why did you come out? Rest more!”

Wu Di was a little surprised,

These days, the situation of the beautiful women remains unchanged, and there is no danger, but the vitality still needs to be supplemented from time to time.

“Feel sorry.”

The beautiful woman was a little helpless, and whispered: “I want to ask, have you seen my wooden hairpin?”

“What wooden hairpin?”

Wu Di frowned and shrugged.

“Did not notice.”

“I showed it to you that day.”

The beautiful woman whispered: “That thing is very important to me.”.

(PS: Everyone is great, I guessed it all at once haha.). .

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