Chapter 351

“Wooden hairpin…Did you accidentally drop it somewhere?”

Wu Di was a little puzzled.

“I thought it was accidentally placed somewhere at first, but I usually wear it next to my body.”

The beautiful woman said helplessly, “I don’t know why today I don’t know why~ I’ll see it.”

“Well, did you rest in the room today?”

Wu Di’s eyes moved slightly.

The beautiful woman bit her lip and shook her head, “No, when I came out, I saw Xiaowu was busy, so I went to help.”

Not long ago,

After Wu Di picked the honey, he asked Han Xiaowu to pack it and deliver it to the drone.

Hear this,

Wu Di raised his brows and smiled: “It’s not in the box anymore.”


The beautiful woman pursed her mouth, her eyes filled with distressing sadness.

I can tell,

That wooden hairpin means a lot to her!

Wu Di heard the story of the wooden hairpin and knew that it was the thing of her deceased deceased, so she no longer smiled, nodded and said: “Don’t worry, I will let Wutian look for it.”

“Well, thank you!”

The beautiful woman’s complexion improved a little, and she smiled.

In an instant,

It’s so beautiful and exciting.

Wu Di couldn’t help but said, “Just thank you not enough!”

He pointed to his cheek,

The beautiful woman’s eyes are slightly open, a little embarrassed, but it’s hard to refuse.

She thought about it, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes and went up for a kiss.

“Really good.”

Wu Di patted her little hand, turned her head in the latter’s embarrassed expression, and ordered: “Wu Tian, ​​look up some surveillance records in the shelter, the target is the wooden hairpin!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

After a while,

Wutianhui reported: “Master, there is no target in the record.”

The result is none!

Wu Di is not surprised,

After all, there are few people in the refuge, and it is impossible for him to put the surveillance on his head, so although the refuge is large, there are not many monitors.

The main monitoring is on the side of the gate aisle.

“If it is not in the shelter, then 80% of the chances are that you dropped into the box while you were helping.”

Wu Di analyzed it and said with a smile: “Let me talk to the people over there and let them see if there is any in the box.”


The beautiful woman naturally agreed and sat next to him, looking forward to her.

Look at her,

It is estimated that the result is not willing to go.

Wu Di smiled and dialed the communicator as she wanted.


Communication is connected,

Fang Bai’s voice came. “Mr. Wu, is there anything else?”

“I want to ask, is there a wooden hairpin in the box?”

Wu Di said: “The people in our refuge may accidentally drop anything close to them.”

“Okay, let me ask!”

Fang Bai resolutely agreed, then turned around and shouted: “My wife, see if there is a wooden hairpin in the box!”


The old woman got up.

They had just left the house, had an external drone in the shelter, and got a packed box.


Just returned to his home.

The old woman opened the box, noticed a box of honey in the box, and finally saw a wooden hairpin in the corner!

“it is this?”

The old woman took it.

Fang Bai nodded, told Wu Di about the matter, took a picture, and sent it over with the computer.

This side,

Wu Di turned on the computer, waited for the photos to be sent, and smiled: “Hey, my beauty, see if it’s yours.”


The beautiful woman leaned over, took a closer look, and nodded: “Yes!”

“It’s not easy yet!”

Wu Di nodded and talked to Fang Bai.

···········Ask for flowers··············

My wife naturally agreed,

It’s just a wooden hairpin, just watch it.

The two old men entered the living room, and it happened that Liu and the dumb girl were sitting there. When they saw them coming in, they all turned their heads.

At this look,

The mute girl shrank her pupils and noticed the wooden hairpin… Where.

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