Chapter 360

Yesterday Wu Di had already spoken with Fang Bai,

The other party naturally knew that he was coming over,

But Wu Di didn’t explain carefully.

Fang Bai only thought that Wu Di would send a drone to pick up the wooden hairpin.

one little thing,

He didn’t pay much attention.

Unexpectedly… Wu Di actually came here in person! ?

Is it necessary?

It’s just a wooden hairpin…

The old man was puzzled,

But the exoskeleton armor looked too scary, he didn’t dare to ask, he just smiled bitterly: “I made you laugh, the small town shelter suddenly broke out, I haven’t recovered.”


Wu Di nodded lightly.

“My wife, where is the wooden hairpin from yesterday?”

Fang Bai turned around and shouted,

The old woman came back to her senses, glanced at the exoskeleton armor with some fear, and whispered: “It’s in the bedroom, but it has collapsed over there…”

“Wooden hairpin!?”

Xiao Zhao next to him heard the keyword and couldn’t help but glance at Wu Di, and said, “Excuse me, this wooden hairpin belongs to you?”

“It’s my wife.”

Wu Di responded casually,

Xiao Zhao’s eyes flickered, and he didn’t ask any more.

Wu Di didn’t pay much attention to her either.

The old woman glanced back and said helplessly: “It’s already buried by rocks over there, I’m afraid I have to clean it up before I can find…”

“Not to mention, a wooden hairpin…”

Before I finished speaking,

Wu Di suddenly said, “The wooden hairpin is not in a hurry!”

“somebody is coming.”

He turned his head and looked over there.

The convoy has entered the town and is heading here!

Wu Di wanted to ask something, so he waved his hand and said, “You go in first.”


Several people were startled and looked into the distance.

To be seen is the fleet,

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

Fang Bai’s family showed fear, Liu Lao’s expression sank, Xiao Zhao slightly narrowed his eyes, and decisively took a few people into the ruins.

When someone left, Wutian’s electronic audio sounded.

“Master, the drone has sealed off the town.”

“Wait a moment, I will ask for information.”

Wu Di spoke lightly and walked over there!


He met with the team.

Several pickup trucks took the lead and stopped.

As soon as the car door opened, dozens of militants ran out, holding electromagnetic rifles in their hands, watching him vigilantly.

Noticed the weapons in their hands,

Wu Di’s eyes moved.

That… does not seem to be an ordinary weapon! ?

Reminiscent of the news I got before, could it be a psionic weapon! ?

Or… electromagnetic weapons?

“A windfall.”

Wu Di smiled.

In his eyes, these are his trophies.

“Enclose him!”

A young man walked down, holding an electromagnetic rifle in his hand, and said: “The soldier in front, raise your hand!”

“Are you the leader?”

Wu Di didn’t move, and asked indifferently.

The youth did not reply,


Many militants came around!

“Why bother.”

Wu Di shook his head helplessly, and walked over!


The youth’s complexion changed and he gave the order directly!



All the militants fired!

Beams of light lit up, and the electromagnetic rifle ejected marbles and shot towards Wu Di!

Seeing electricity and light,

Wu Di immediately understood that these are all electromagnetic weapons!

He relaxed and didn’t avoid it.

next moment,

I saw the light beams flying randomly, and all the marbles that came quickly bounced off!

Countless crisp impact sounds sounded like a song of sad music!

The youth’s complexion changed, and he never expected that the electromagnetic rifle could not even break the defense!

“It’s not steel, I’m afraid it’s a harder alloy!”

The young man whispered to himself.

“Can’t break the defense! How can I fight this!?”


Suddenly stiffened.

The militants stunned, but the beams flew randomly. Wu Di’s exoskeleton armor only had a few more dents!

It can’t be broken at all!


Wu Di is so fast, walking past leisurely, and running out at full speed like a ferocious beast!

The alloy arm smashed away, and a militant was blasted away with a gun!


The screams rang,

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the gun in the man’s hand was blasted to pieces.

The person was also smashed into a “prawn”,

Curled up on the ground, after struggling for a few times, he didn’t move!

To know,

The militants are wearing explosion-proof suits!

The thick explosion-proof suit has an impact-resistant interlayer inside. Even if it is hit by a truck on the front, it is only a minor injury, and it will not die at all!

But… the armored soldier in front of you, with one blow, even with a gun,

Hammered directly!

“Kill! Kill him!”

“The electromagnetic rifle can penetrate steel, why can’t it break his armor!”

“Damn! Kill!”

“Little Axe was killed!”


The militants panicked and attacked desperately.

“Why resist?”

In the rain of bullets, Wu Di sighed and picked up a gun.

Take a look at the rifle situation,

Then I learned that the militants pulled the bolt and aimed at those people…push the trigger!


The current flashed,

The light beam slid across,

An militant was blown his head and fell to the ground.

“Good power!”

Wu Di judged and shot several people to death!

This kind of one-to-one battle can’t be sustained by even elite soldiers.

As soon as the youth’s complexion changed, he turned around and wanted to lead the team to escape.

But didn’t run a few steps,

The whistling sound rang,

A huge figure spanning more than ten meters, grabbed his neck and lifted it up!


The youth’s complexion flushed, and he was struggling frantically.





The tree fell down and scattered,

The leader was arrested, and the others didn’t have the courage to resist. The rest scattered and fled.

Don’t wait for them to escape,

A hidden drone flew around, and the machine gun was ready for them!

Armed drones… are not comparable to soldiers!

Their complexion changed, and they had to stop and drew back.

“Put your hands up!”

The familiar words sounded.


This time Wu Di said.

“lay down your weapon!”

boom! boom! boom!

Without hesitation,

The crowd dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

Wu Di looked at the young man in his hand, who was suffocated, his face pale.

He dropped it casually, threw it to the ground, and said coldly: “I ask, you answer!”

The overbearing tone is not at all discussing!

The young man showed fear and knew that he had no room for rejection, so he nodded hurriedly… .

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