Chapter 361

When Wu Di asked for information,

Behind the convoy,

In an armored car,

The head and several militants were hiding in it~, his expression horrified.


The bald man sneered and said, “I said it earlier, the soldiers who can kill those mice are not yours-they can deal with it!”

“You go!?”

The group leader looked at the bald man,

The latter sneered and said, “You gave me only Fusions, all in the small town shelter! Now… only 3-4 are still alive!”

“The rest of the fusion was all killed by that person!”

Calm words,

But with a desperate atmosphere.

The head of the regiment and several militants swallowed their saliva and looked grim.

“If you don’t make a decision, your subordinates will reveal you.”

The bald man showed sarcasm and said, “You don’t think your men will sacrifice for you, do you?”

If you are a regular soldier, you might rather die than surrender.

It’s a pity…Where can the militants in the Tiancheng Refuge have a moral character that would rather die than surrender?

The head’s complexion changed, he already understood the meaning of the bald man, and said: “Summon all your monsters, drag that person in the past and attack the drone. Let’s take the opportunity to escape!”


The bald man’s complexion changed slightly, as if he had other thoughts.

Upon seeing this,

The commander did not hesitate and said directly: “This is an order!”

The voice fell,

He pressed a wristband on his wrist.

There was a flash of electricity on the bald man’s headband,


The bald man screamed!

“Don’t think about it! Your heart, brain, and skin are all sensors!”

The head snorted coldly.

The bald man smiled sorrowfully and took a few breaths before closing his eyes.

“I see.”


“…I know so much.”

The young man trembling, said the last sentence.

Heard that,

Wu Di nodded slightly.

“That’s it, Tiancheng Refuge uses this as an experimental site…”

“Artificial mutant? Artificial monster…”

“Tsk tsk!”

Wu Di sneered and looked at the armored car behind the convoy!

From the youth,

He also knew that the real leader of the convoy was the leader of the inspection group, and that the man-made variant was in the armored vehicle.

He got up, preparing to move.

The electronic sound of Wutian suddenly sounded!

“Warning! The monster in the town suddenly appeared!”

“Warning! The mutant mice in the town are gathering here!”

“Master, dozens of mice are coming!”

Heard that,

Wu Di looked around and saw mutant monsters in the distance!

They are extremely fast, rushing towards this side!

“Weird thing, I was killed by me just now, dare to come now?”

Wu Di frowned.

He killed all the way, and there were more dead mutant monsters than he could see!


Those mutant monsters are starting to move away from him,

How dare you come here now! ?

“Could it be that mutant?”

Wu Di looked at the armored car, raised his hand, and waved.

No need to speak,

The artificial intelligence immediately controlled the drone and flew over.

This is the moment!

The armored car moved violently, the roar of the engine sounded, the armored car suddenly turned around and rushed out of the town!

Upon seeing this,

Wu Tian hurried to control the drone to chase!

But not a few times,

The monsters that rushed in ignored the human beings who had just attacked desperately, and all went to stop the drone!

The purpose is clear!


Wu Di showed a slight smile, moved his arm and raised the flame gun!

“The heat is released…100%!”

call out–!

A blazing rocket flew out and flew towards the armored vehicle!

Seeing to be hit,

A huge mutant mouse jumped up desperately, blocking the rocket with its body!

···········Ask for flowers··············

With a bang,

The flames rose violently,

In the explosion,

The mutant mouse is screaming in the flames!

“Unlike mosquitoes, this kind of mutant creatures are quite resistant to flames!”


“It’s useless.”

Wu Di shook his head.

These mutant mouse monsters are also strong and weak.

Weak and small, drones can sweep to death,

Powerful, such as the octopus tentacle mutant mouse that I encountered before, with psychic crystals in its body, which is obviously the best batch of experimental monsters.

Can entangle or even destroy drones.

…… ……. …….

There is a big gap in strength!

“A monster with only one month lifespan catalyzed by psychic crystals…”

“I’ll help you understand the rat in advance.”

Wu Di spoke indifferently, grabbed the grip on the waist and walked over!


The golden bullwhip appears!


“Hurry up!”

Inside the armored car,

The head of the group looked nervous,

While urging the driver to flee quickly,

While pressing the communicator,

While looking at the bald man.

The latter did not make any small movements, calling, let the mutant monsters fly in one after another, blocking the attacking drone, and stopping the mysterious soldier!


The armored vehicle drove out of the small town shelter.

The head showed a slight smile.

Also at this time,

Mr. Liu’s voice sounded from the communicator.

“what happened again!?”

“Mr. Liu, it failed… we failed.”

The head panted, and said: “That person! That person is a monster! He…he…”

Was talking,

Through the window, the group leader saw white smoke flying from the sky!

As a retired special forces king,

He recognized it all at once.

That is……

missile! . Where.

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