Chapter 364

One order goes down,

The few people who had just agreed to let go were swallowed by flames and explosions.

Under the explosion of terror,

I can’t hear the screams,

It is estimated that those few people were more desperate before they died.

There is no doubt that he is ready to take these things away.

Waiting for things to be done,

Mr. Liu and others drove a few pickup trucks and left.

With Wu Di’s permission, they took away enough supplies for the road.


Wu Di also filled all the drones that came over, and Shi Shiran returned to the RV and drove to the shelter.


On the snowy ground,

Two pickup trucks were moving slowly.

Hour to afternoon,

They must reach the second refuge before night comes, otherwise there will be a life and death crisis!

Inside a pickup,

Old Liu’s throat moved slightly and said, “I still have some energy in the second refuge, which can protect us.”

“Xiao Zhao, are you really leaving?”


Xiao Zhao was silent for a while, knelt directly on the ground, and knocked his head heavily.

“…Well, I hope you don’t forget Mr. Yang Ming’s learning! Don’t follow the path of the Donglin Party.”

Old Liu sighed, stopped the car, and waved.

Xiao Zhao knocked his head a few more times.

Mr. Liu got out of the car and rode with the three of Fang’s family.

And Xiao Zhao drove back in the car.

Saw her leave,

Fang Bai was surprised, and asked, “Lao Liu, are you going to go as an apprentice?”

“Go to find her old friend.”

Old Liu sighed.


Dusk is coming!

The sky has dimmed a lot,

Above the dome,

The clouds are gathering, and it seems that another storm is about to arrive at night.

In the snow,

Xiao Zhao’s face was slightly startled, and he drove along the car’s mark, silently following Wu Di’s back.

In a world with constant wind and snow, car marks are obvious and easy to track.


Xiao Zhao muttered to himself, there seemed to be countless pictures in his mind.

There seems to be a sound again,

The smile and figure are shaking.

Her pupils trembled, and she didn’t know whether she was excited or afraid.

Run for a while!


With a bang, the pickup stopped!

“¨”? ? ? ”

Xiao Zhao looked in astonishment.

In front of the pickup, a mechanical figure appeared, waving the black technology whip that killed the Quartet in his hand!

The yellow-gold plasma shredded the car door with just one tap.

“It’s you!?”

Wu Di saw Xiao Zhao and said coldly: “Come down!”

He is not a fool,

There was drone reconnaissance on the road. The pickup truck turned around and tracked it up, but he found it early in the morning.


There will be a scene that is intercepted halfway now!

“Are you looking for death?”

Wu Di’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice was slightly murderous.

“Don’t think I don’t kill women.”

“Please listen to my explanation!” (Wang Zhao Zhao)

Xiao Zhao took a deep breath and whispered: “I have no intentions!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Wu Di snorted coldly.

Xiao Zhao’s expression changed, and he said loudly, “Feng Qianyi!”


“I am her friend!”

Xiao Zhao said: “I want to find her!”


There was a skepticism on Wu Di’s face,

Upon seeing this,

Xiao Zhao calmly said: “That wooden hairpin was originally given to Qianyi by me. It is not a valuable item, it is a hairpin made by myself!”

“Yesterday, I recognized it at a glance!”

Heard that,

Wu Di’s memory turned, and it instantly corresponded to the things that the beautiful woman had talked with him.

Wooden hairpin…

“Are you Zhao Niannu?”

Wu Di was stunned.


Xiao Zhao pursed his lips and nodded vigorously. . .

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