Chapter 365

Zhao Niannu,

In Feng Qianyi’s mouth, it was a strange woman!

Proud personality, all over the country, unparalleled talent,

Shocked by the wind from the south of the Yangtze River,

The city is turbulent!

He Feng Qianyi is a great friend and a lifelong confidant!

She has a voice throat given by God,

The rumor is only to get a “thank you” from Zhao Niannu, and a wealthy businessman spends a lot of money, which is extremely crazy!

And the woman in front of me, looks…

Wu Di is never a prejudiced person because of other people’s bad looks.

But he deserves to be beautiful and ordinary!

The woman in front of her has ordinary facial features and a rough face, and she has a beautiful voice, which is far from the legendary Zhao Niannu!

“You are joking?”

Wu Di couldn’t help laughing, and said, “I have heard of Zhao Niannu, and Qian Yi has also told me.”

“I don’t despise you, but the way you look…”

The voice fell,

Wu Di didn’t say any more, but looked at her coldly,

Zhao Niannu frowned.

Reach out,

He took off the mask and rubbed it around his neck.

after awhile,

She grabbed a layer of “skin” and pulled it!

A lifelike face mask was pulled down!

Under the mask,

A delicate face appeared.

Fair skin with slightly sharp facial features,

A pair of eyes are like autumn water,

Under the pretty nose,

A pursed crimson lips smiled like a sneer.

She didn’t say a word, and there was almost no flaw on her pretty face.

Under the right eye,

There is a beauty mole, which makes the original cold like a fairy temperament, and suddenly has a little bit of queen style.

Mei Bone Sudden!

This is the real face change!

Wu Di stayed for a while,

But at any rate it can be regarded as seeing beautiful women every day, experiencing the impact of beautiful women,

He quickly reacted, his eyes focused on the mask in Zhao Niannu’s hand!

“Human skin mask!?”

“It’s an ancient thing. It’s a modern technological creation, a fiber mask, and the ability to simulate a chameleon. There is an optical mimicry on it, which allows people to see a pre-determined face.”

Zhao Niannu slowly explained.

“Well, modern technology!”

Wu Di twitched his cheeks and asked, “If you are really Zhao Niannu, why did Qian Yi hear that you died seven years ago?”

“She… knows the news from the Internet, right.”

Zhao Niannu showed a slight smile and said calmly: “Since I dare to use the entire Yangzhou as a chessboard, how can I not leave a retreat?”

“My plan must be perfect!”

The voice fell,

An indescribable confidence is coming!

Wu Di has a weird face, and feels that the beautiful woman in front of him is domineering.

Like a female emperor!

“If she is really Zhao Niannu, this kind of pride is normal.”

Wu Di moved his heart, waved his hand, and a drone fell down.

“Call me the shelter, Feng Qianyi!”

Wutian: “Yes!”



finally reached!

The dim sky and the slightly dark yellow world only lasted for a while, and then it was shrouded in rich darkness!


The wind is howling, and the snow is coming!

The night is coming!

The temperature drops sharply,

Around the town, ruins, corpses, are all frozen!

Armored vehicles,

The corpses have also become ice sculptures.

At this moment…

Several black figures crawled out of the darkness,


A weird mouse has a tail like the stinging of a scorpion, and has a cuticle on its body, like cast steel.

In the dark night, such a mouse is like a demon, enough to make people who see it terrified.

It came to the corpse of the bald man and crawled down!


Is the second one,

The third one!

Unlike the mutant mice killed by Wu Di, these three mutant mice have no artificial traces and seem to have survived for a long time.

next moment,

The three mice neighed, and blood poured out of the body and fell on the corpse!

A drop,

Two drops,

Three drops…

After a while,

The corpse was stained red with blood!

The three mice died soon…

But as they die,

in the dark,

The beating of the heart suddenly rang!

Boom! Boom! Boom!




The bald man woke up and looked at the dark surroundings in confusion.

For a while,

He suddenly woke up and looked around with wide-eyed eyes!

“I’m not dead?”


He touched his head, the damn headband was gone!

He looked at his arm again,

Press your heart!

He angrily cut his skin, wrists, neck, back, legs…

Pieces of induction film, in the explosion and flames, have been burned!

The bondage…disappeared!


The bald man’s face was twisted and his mouth trembled like a lunatic.

He stood up in the dark,

Looking into the distance,

There is unspeakable hatred in the pupils.

“Liu… Tiancheng!”

“Liu Tiancheng!”

“Liu Tiancheng!”

Under the night,

A figure is walking in the snow.

In the screaming wind,

Only one repeated shout was faintly heard.


Return to the refuge.

Wu Di and Zhao Niannu got out of the car and walked out of the shelter.


Just coming out of the garage, before reaching the gate, I saw a few women trotting over.

Headed by,

She is a beautiful woman who is pale, but still does not hide her tenderness!

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhao Niannu!


The arrogance on Zhao Niannuqiao’s face turned into gentleness.

But the beautiful woman didn’t speak, she just looked at her blankly, biting her lip!

Zhao Niannu didn’t speak either, and silently met her.


Suddenly fell silent.


Wu Di shrugged at Han Xiaowu, motioned her and Wuyi to follow him, and walked to the drone warehouse… .

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