Chapter 368

Inside the shelter,


It stands to reason that there is one more member in the refuge, so many people will be happier.

When beautiful women and Xiao Guozi came in before, they made Han Xiaowu happy for a long time.

Although Wuyi didn’t say anything, he smiled a little more on weekdays.

People are social animals,

There is no doubt about this.


This time,

There was not much excitement in the shelter.

Han Xiaowu does things on his own,

Little fruit is playing,

Feng Qianyi and Zhao Niannu went to the room to relive the past.

Wu Di came to the warehouse and silently opened the warehouse panel.


【Underground Warehouse】

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: [underground warehouse]

Branches: space expansion (500), overall material (400-200).


This 28 times,

Wu Di only needs area,

Therefore, even the name of the warehouse has not changed.

700 points,

For Wu Di, it is naturally not a large number.

He waved his hand and chose OK!

next moment,

The light shines, points -700!

White light flashed by, and the already huge warehouse doubled in an instant, and the area might be a thousand square meters!

“Almost enough.”

Wu Di looked around, nodding slightly.

“It’s time to receive the reward.”

He opened the [Tasks] panel and clicked on the shining task in the “random” category!

Receive award!

Points +500!

at the same time,

A map fell.

This is a modern version of a paper map with markers commonly used in modern maps.

“This is… downtown Heyang?”

Wu Di looked at it carefully, a little surprised.

Downtown Heyang,

Just north of the refuge,

Since the meteorite fragments fell from the sky a long time ago and the city was destroyed, no one cares about it there.

“No, this is just an urban area in the city.”

Wu Di took a closer look and nodded slightly.

In the lower left corner of this map,

It’s Wu Di’s refuge!

Upper right corner,

It is part of the urban area of ​​Heyang City, as well as some small towns and the like.

Unlike normal maps, this is a real-time map, marked with mutant biological dens, various refuges, and… many pan-life forms!

“Good guy, there are so many pan-life materials near the refuge!”

Wu Di took a closer look and made a sound.

“It just so happens that the pan-life matter in the refuge is almost used up.”

Wu Di showed a slight smile.

Pan-life materials are too useful!

This map,

Great for him!

“Not bad.”

Wu Di put the map away.

In joy,

With a move of my ears, I heard footsteps.

He turned around,

Absolutely without clothes.

Speaking of which, now the girl’s hair is also shawl.

Smooth black hair without a trace of oil stains, scattered on the side of the white face, covering half of the ears, a few strands of hair moving with the wind,

Under the long hair, there is a knife-like ice muscle and bones.

The girl’s eyes were indifferent,

There was a touch of aloofness on her beautiful cold face.

After regaining his mentality, Wuyi became more and more like a little fairy.

Not cute,

It’s the temperament, transcendence, like a fairy who really descended from the sky,

Incompatible with this world.

“What’s wrong?”

Wu Di smiled.

The girl gently walked into Wu Di’s arms, and a cold voice came into his ears.

“That person, there is a problem.”

“Zhao Niannu?”

Wu Di nodded.

The girl nodded. “Um.”

“I know.”

Wu Di smiled.

The girl nuzzled in his arms, and said calmly: “Although she is polite, she disgusts me with her words.”

“It seems that we are all dirty and smelly soil in her eyes…”


“You hate her?”

Wu Di lowered his head and kissed the girl gently.

The latter stood on tiptoe and responded.

For a while,

She lowered her head and pursed her mouth.

“Well, I hate it.”

“Then I drive her away?”

Wu Di pondered slightly.

“Need not.”

The girl shook her head.

Her eyes were bright, but her voice was a little bit cold.

“She is stupid, and treats others as mud bugs, but in our eyes, what is she?”

“I don’t like her, but I am not afraid.”

Heard that,

Wu Di thoughtfully, smiled: “What do you want to do?”


The girl shook her head and whispered, “I am going to expand the number of drones to 50, 25 engineer type, 25 escort type, how about it?”


Wu Di agreed.

“Yeah! Also, I want…”


May 24!

6 o’clock in the morning!

The night passed,

The weather in the morning is getting better again.

Wu Di got up early, had breakfast, and set off to deliver supplies.

Wuyi started manufacturing drones,

With the help of black technology equipment, she can do it alone, but the speed will not be too fast.

“Energy: 100%! Sufficient!”

“The reconnaissance drone has lifted off!”

“Set off!”

The garage door opens,

The RV starts,

Drifting out like a ghost, drove to the small town refuge.

On the way,

Wu Di glanced at the settlement panel.


【May 23, 2022】

You wake up full of energy and endless aftertaste!

Points +5!

Looking at the beauty beside you, you feel very satisfied.

Points +2!

The elegant and luxurious sanctuary decoration makes you very comfortable.

Points +3!

…. .

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