Chapter 369


【May 23, 2022】


You set off to the small town refuge, points +10!

You find that the town’s refuge has been almost completely wiped out, and your heart is angry. Points +10!

You killed a mutant mouse (fusion), points +10!

You kill a mutant mouse (fusion), points +3!


You kill the mercenaries in Tiancheng Refuge, and you get +5 points!


You kill the mutant (transformation), points +10!


You completed the task and beat Francis, very comfortable. Points +10!


You have retrieved the wooden hairpin, points +5!


You found the original owner of the wooden hairpin, Zhao Niannu, who tried to follow you but was caught by you. Points +10!


Zhao Niannu joined the refuge! Member+1! Points +20!

The new member is a big beauty, and you are satisfied, but the character of the other party makes you feel disgusted. Points +10!


“Final settlement: 1375 points!”

“Remaining points: 7020 points!”


The settlement panel is very long!

So many things happened yesterday, including new members, missions, and attacking the enemy.


In one day, 1375 points were actually settled!

“The more experience, the more points.”

“If nothing happened yesterday, it might only be around 200 o’clock!”

“As a result, there were so many things yesterday. After the settlement, there were 1375 points!”

Wu Di’s eyes flickered and he couldn’t help sighing.

This is actually a kind of linkage effect,

Regardless of random tasks, 500 points are rewarded, not bad,

But in fact,

The settlement can be as high as 1375 points, and random tasks are indispensable!


That map is very useful to Wu Di, but it can’t be eliminated by a few hundred points.

“If I often go out to look for things for the sake of points~‖?”

“No, it’s icy and snowy outside. How can there be so many things happening? Going out is like finding a needle in a haystack and wasting time.”

Wu Di shook his head.

Gold Finger’s settlement panel, even if you stay in the shelter, you still have points credited to your account.

So if there is no incident, it doesn’t make much sense to go out.

“Speaking of which, random task rewards are second, more like a signal, representing an event at the task location.”

Wu Di suddenly understood, and burst into laughter.

Bon Voyage,

He went to the town’s refuge to carry supplies, and moved the supplies to the drone,

Then arrange the drone to come and return,

On the other side of the refuge, Han Xiaowu and Xiao Guozi were asked to carry them.

The beautiful woman is still sick and weak,

Zhao Niannu originally wanted to help, but she didn’t have the power to restrain the chicken, and Wu Di didn’t want to give her genetic medicine and cell enhancement solution, so she refused and let her take care of the beautiful woman.

As for Wuyi, drones are being manufactured,

A new drone was assembled in her hands, lifted off, and participated in the operation!

in this way,

In the evening, Wu Di returned home in the evening.

This day,

He moved about 30 tons of supplies,

There are all kinds of things,

Daily necessities, food, materials!

There are many varieties, such as beer and liquor, peanut seeds, spicy bar drinks, etc.

There are any types.


Seeing the newly arrived goods, Xiao Guo directly squatted in the warehouse and stopped leaving.

When she leaves,

I had already moved a box of snacks and ran into the room.

During this time, the beautiful woman rested, which contributed to her naughty character.


May 25th,

Wu Di came back and forth for another day, carrying more than ten tons of materials,

There are many materials, and some machines.


May 26,

Bad weather,

The cold snap suddenly came, Wu Di had to rest at home for a day, by the way, made an “initial chip”, arranged for Zhao Niannu when she was asleep,

The latter is unaware.


May 27!

Wu Di brought back all the remaining supplies, and the drone has also increased to 50!


May 28!

7 o’clock in the morning!

In the bedroom,

When Wu Di woke up, he opened his eyes and his eyes became pale.

Two beautiful bodies were exposed in front of him.

Han Xiaowu sat up generously and rubbed his eyes.

“¨” Wu Di, it’s time to get up. ”

She turned her head and called,

Seeing Wu Di was already awake, he couldn’t help but smile softly.

Wuyi was also awakened, with a hint of charm on her small face,

The undressed face is cute and beautiful, and the petite body is concave and convex, icy muscles and bones, and the beauty is extremely beautiful.

Wake up early in the morning,

Seeing these two beauties, one big and one small, Wu Di was very satisfied,

But after all, I worked all night,

He is in the time of the sage, and he has no evil thoughts.

Get up and put on clothes.


The three people walked out of the bedroom.

Yesterday, when Han Xiaowu saw Wu Di had brought an oven from the small town shelter, he wanted to get a set of equipment for making cakes.

In this regard, Wu Di naturally agrees,

And said that tomorrow morning (the king’s money’s) will make a big project!

Maybe it’s luck,

Among the supplies in the town’s refuge, apart from the oven, there are also various molds, electronic scales, egg beaters and other basic appliances.

With sufficient materials in the shelter and the assistance of “super-dimensional gene chips”, Han Xiaowu can’t wait.

Reading and studying all night!


Wu Di took the hands of the two women to the restaurant and said from the bottom of his heart: “Machine Brain, open up a small cake shop here!”

Mechanical Brain: “It’s Valley!”


【Cake Shop】(opened up)

Branches: Open up space (100), overall material (-100), equipment upgrade (), sanitation system (50)

Introduction: Are you greedy for cakes? You are the body of a cake-seeking beauty, you are mean!

…. .

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