Chapter 370

Little cake shop,

Of course not many points are needed!

Including machine upgrades and material reductions, it only adds up to 350 points.

A few hundred points is a big number for the former Wu Di,

But now,

This can only be regarded as a small head.

Wu Di thought about it for a while and chose to confirm.

next moment,

The two women saw the white light surging all around!

“Familiar white light!”

Han Xiaowu’s eyes flickered, her beautiful eyes fixed on Wu Di.

Understand that this is what he is doing.

The unclothed, white face moved a little, and soon returned to calm.

after awhile,

The white light dissipated,

On the side of the dining room, on the side of the kitchen, a small door appeared!

“The cake shop is inside.”

Wu Di explained,

Took the lead and walked over,

The two women hurriedly followed.

open the door,

What catches the eyes of the three is a small space,

The whole is white,

In addition to the oven and other equipment used for baking, there is also a multi-layer cake machine,

There are round tables and chairs next to it!

Inside, there are mold printers, and some scattered gadgets.


At this time,

Han Xiaowu let out a horror, and it was a set of machines nearby that attracted her attention.

It is a set of vertical machines, in the glass box, there are mechanical arms and probe holes.

“This seems to be a homemade butter cake machine!”

Han Xiaowu’s eyes moved slightly, and he was surprised: “I have seen this before. It is a high-end lifestyle product produced by a company!”

“It’s just that the machine made by their company looks worse than this!”

“Fully automatic machine?”

Wu Di glanced at the introduction of the machine, smiled, and explained it to them.

Heard that,

Han Xiaowu smiled and said, “It just so happens that I have made up some cake knowledge. Why don’t I study it now, and how many copies will I prepare for you in the evening?”

“You like it.”

Wu Di pondered slightly and said, “Don’t force yourself, just treat it as a hobby.”

“Although the refuge is mine, I have never asked for a luxurious life.”

Heard that,

Han Xiaowu was a little moved, her beautiful eyes blinked, and said softly: “Listen to you.”

Bang bang bang!

At this time,

There was a crisp sound from the side, and Wuyi took a wrench to disassemble the outer panel of the machine, looking down at something.

“What’s wrong?”

Wu Di looked at her,

Wuyi groaned for a moment and shook his head.


She got up and said lightly: “The electromagnetic weapon I want you to bring back.”


Wu Di nodded decisively.


There was a cold voice, and the girl got up and left.

Watching her disappear from behind,

Han Xiaowu frowned and said in a low voice: “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t bother Wuyi.”

“Don’t think too much, she is not a stingy person.”

Wu Di laughed and patted Han Xiaowu’s head.

Let her not think too much.

Han Xiaowu let out a hum, went to turn on the machine, and got familiar with it.

Wu Di didn’t bother her either. He left on his own and sat in the living room.


It was in the morning.

Unlike the cold and silent outside world, the atmosphere inside the refuge is excellent!

Luxurious and elegant decoration, paved living room!

Glass cabinets, carpets, jade works of art…

hard to imagine,

The living room of an underground refuge would be so luxurious.

Wu Di lay comfortably on the sofa, resting his hands on the red sandalwood handles, relaxing.

“Food, clothing, shelter and transportation!”

“Live, the shelter has met the requirements!”

“Food, ecological gardens and farms have met the needs! The warehouse is full of materials, so there is no need to worry at all.”

“Clothing, ice silk is enough to surpass ordinary clothing materials, and there are hundreds of design drawings. After learning and deriving, there is no need to worry about all kinds of clothes.”

“Okay! Glacier catastrophe, usually do not go out, there are drones and jet RVs when you go out!”

“People’s four basic living conditions are all carefree!”

Wu Di rubbed his brows and groaned slightly.

Life in the refuge now is “carefree” if it sounds good, and “no purpose” if it sounds bad!

What should he do?

What is he going to do?

What can he do?

From the perspective of Gold Finger, everything must be based on the amount of points.

Now I have a lot of points reserve,

Many things can be done!


Wu Di pondered slightly.

In fact, he has a lot of ideas!

Expand the ecological garden, including staple foods such as rice, wheat, corn, potatoes, and various vegetables, who would have too many! ?

All kinds of fruits, you can eat or make wine!

The brewery can make one!


These things can also be traded with other refuges, which can be said to be profitable and harmless!

and also,

In terms of materials,

The fertilizer factory must be on the agenda, because some time ago, the fertilizer was basically used up.

There are a lot of fertilizers in the materials this time,

But most of them are inferior products. Wu Di is accustomed to the military’s high-quality products. It is absolutely impossible for him to change low-end fertilizers.

and also,

Expand the entire shelter!

Whether on the ground or underground!

and also,

In terms of enjoyment, it can also be considered.

It’s not good to be tight all the time…

“Now the two Jiangnan oirans are in my refuge, it would be a waste not to build a facility for enjoyment!”

Wu Di touched his chin, and for a while, many thoughts appeared in his head… .

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