Chapter 371

Confusion of thoughts!

Wu Di thought for a while, frowning,

All kinds of thoughts in my head are fighting,

Mutual exchange!

Some things seem inappropriate, and some things seem to be possible~…

I don’t know when,

Wuyi came over.

She only wore a clean white gown, stepped barefoot on the ground,-sat next to Wu Di.

The girl looked at Wu Di for a while,

Maybe I can feel the mind of Wu Di,

She reached out and touched Wu Di’s forehead.


Wu Di returned to his senses and smiled when he saw that it was a girl.

Hugging the girl’s soft body in his arms.

Feel the warm fragrance of nephrite in my arms,

Wu Di’s head healed a little, and he breathed out softly.

“You shouldn’t be like this.”

The girl spoke coldly, with a calm tone.

Wu Di was taken aback, and said in surprise: “What?”

“You used to be different from now.”

The girl said.

“I haven’t changed!”

Wu Di was a little dazed.

He feels that he hasn’t changed much.

Since the cataclysm,

He is “conscientious” and his life is under his control!


The girl’s tone was determined, and she grabbed one of Wu Di’s fingers and put them together with her own finger.

Wu Di’s fingers have distinct joints, like a mechanical prosthesis, giving people a sense of uprightness and sternness.

The young girl’s fingers are like fat, slender like jade, with a sweet fragrance, beautiful and attractive.

“Before you, you won’t worry about these.”

The girl’s beautiful eyes are clear, but she seems to be able to see Wu Di’s heart.

“Forever, from the very beginning you brought me to the refuge, no matter what you do, you have no worries and flinched.”

“Kill those thugs, ambush those predators, transform and upgrade the refuge!”

“Collect materials, open up the road of ice and snow, research, learn…”

The girl’s voice was calm, but there was a trace of firmness in her words.


Wu Di was startled, and became silent.


I don’t know when, he began to look forward and backward.

On the one hand, there were a few women in the refuge, and he began to look after his “home”.

Once a creature like a human has a home, it is easy to look forward to it!

on the other hand,

It is the refuge where there is no worries about food and drink, and there is no pressure, so Wu Di has some idea of ​​”salted fish”!


I am confused!

People living in the world will be confused if they don’t have a goal!

“Wu Di…”

The girl spoke softly and called Wu Di’s name rare once.

“Be bold, no matter what you want to do, no matter what the future holds, I will follow you!”

“Whether it’s work, research or study, or something else.”

There was a faint radiance on her little face, which was intoxicating.

“I used to be dead, now…only your unclothed.”

This sentence,

Make Wu Di stunned, his whole person was shocked and he came to his senses!

His eyes condensed, his troubles and thoughts in his mind were completely empty!


Wu Di understood, and gave the girl a grateful look.

“I am missing a goal now!”

“If there is no goal, there is no motivation, and there will be salty fish!”

He hugged the girl tightly!

“And, for you, you shouldn’t look forward and backward!”


Long ago, Wu Di had this idea.

But at that time, there were many places that needed to be built and opened up in the refuge, so I didn’t think much about it.

Now that the refuge is excellent, the goal has become a desperate need!


What is your goal! ?

Wu Di thought for a while.

During this time, he has seen a lot!

···········Ask for flowers··············

From Liangyu,

He knew some potential crises,

The actions of the country and the catastrophe are by no means as simple as those seen in front of them.

From the surroundings,

Judging from various mutant creatures, terrifying natural disasters, and human experiments in the natural refuge,

The future is never stable!


“Man-made disaster!”

Wu Di’s eyes flickered,

Countries, companies, honorable families, Donglin Party, mutant creatures…

Picture after picture flashed,

Eventually freeze on his own refuge!

“Develop technology!”

…… …….. …

“Upgrade the shelter!”

“To create a paradise that can withstand all dangers, an infinitely upgraded black technology refuge!”

“This is my goal!”

“Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, meteorite crises, alien creatures, radiation mutations, tsunamis…”

“so what?”

“If the technology is upgraded to a certain level, everything can be solved!”

Wu Di took a long breath and laughed.


He has Gold Finger. Isn’t the goal easy?

Develop shelters, develop technology,

Everything else is just incidental!

With higher technology, everything about food, clothing, housing, transportation, beauty and fragrance, and trading battles can all be solved!

“Let’s start with… electromagnetic weapons!”

Wu Di picked up the girl and walked to the “weapon research and development room”.

While walking,

He said in his heart: “How many points does the complete set of materials for electromagnetic weapons require for the mechanical brain?”

Mechanical Brain: “Host, since all countries on the earth already have a mature electromagnetic weapon system, it does not require many points to obtain the full set of information on this technology.”

“Get the guns first! Then upgrade drones and powerful weapons such as missiles!”

Mechanical brain: “Yes!”. Where.

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