Chapter 372

As a threat, Wu Di knows a lot.

He understands where everything comes from,

I also understand what my greatest heritage is!

Mechanical brain!

With a mechanical brain, he can get to this point.


How to use it and how to develop your own Gold Finger is the most important thing!

Points are the most important thing!

The Robot Brain has a very interesting setting. As long as any member of the refuge knows the relevant technology, then a lot of points can be reduced in the upgrade of the relevant technology!

To make an analogy,

Wu Di wants to upgrade a drone,

Upgrading new weapons out of thin air may cost more than 1,000 points!

But if Wu Di or someone else would have a new weapon technology,

Then upgrade out of thin air, you may only need 500 points!


Before that, Wu Di often let the women learn all kinds of knowledge.

He felt that with the assistance of “super-dimensional gene chip”,

This point must be saved!

“Electromagnetic weapons, you can buy drawings in the weapon research and development room!”

“If I can, I can still buy blueprints for psionic weapons!”

“Countries in the world have mature electromagnetic weapon systems, but psionic technology is just in its infancy, so many psychic weapons are beyond the current countries of the world!”

“For example, [Psionic Magma Whip]!”

Wu Di’s eyes flickered, put the girl down, and started the machine.

Open the console and browse.

These days,

Wu Di will occasionally contact Liang Yu.

Unlike her grandfather who is a great scientist, Liang Yu is not very interested in science, so she only knows little about new technology.

But because of her family’s relationship, she is also a small official at present!

The country has made great moves in the plateau, and it will do its best to build many plateau refuges, woven into a net, like the stars in the starry sky, bright and amazing!


Various electromagnetic technology shines,

Some psionic technology products have also appeared.

Electromagnetic technology products are everywhere, but psychic technology is very rare.

Liang Yu has seen psionic weapons, but has never heard of such a reliable product as [Psionic Magma Whip]!

“Purchase the “Giant Tower Star Electromagnetic Rifle” drawings!”


Wu Di spent hundreds of points to buy some basic weapon drawings,

After making a batch,

Compare with the previously captured electromagnetic rifle, and then give Wuyi related technical information.

The two gnawed knowledge together!


Three days later!


May 31!

2 o’clock in the afternoon!

In the “drone warehouse” on the surface, Wu Di dismantled a drone, disassembled the original machine gun, and installed a new version of the “electromagnetic weapon”!

A weapon similar to a machine gun, electromagnetic system, small aluminum-zinc alloy marbles as ammunition!

“No, performance is unstable!”

“I used a normal electromagnetic rifle before. It seems that the problem lies in the adaptability of the drone!”

Wu Di experimented, and there was everything in the huge drone warehouse. He prepared a slate to turn on the new weapon, but found that the marbles were soft and weak. It is estimated that the electromagnetic rifling was “extinguished”.

Just when he was about to study it,

Wutian’s electronic sound suddenly sounded in the empty warehouse!

“Master! Warning!”

“Warning! A warning target was found ten kilometers away! There are so many!”


Three warnings,

On behalf of artificial intelligence, that is a big threat.

Wu Di returned to his senses and asked in doubt: “You mean…mutant creatures?”

The alert target was specifically ordered by Wu Di before.

Among mutant creatures, such as mosquitoes and cockroaches, drones are difficult to observe!


Wu Di deliberately asked Wu Tian to be on guard in this regard!

“Also, how did you run ten kilometers away?”

Wutian: “Master, the drone found a few mutant giant mosquitoes one kilometer away, so I chased and observed it!”

“As a result, a large number of mutant creatures were found ten kilometers away. It seems to originate from the rift valley, and the direction is the owner’s side!”

Heard that,

Wu Di frowned and said: “The drones are all coming back, and I will check around. It is impossible for nothing to happen. These mutant creatures will not run here for no reason!”

Wutian: “Yes!”

As Wu Di walked towards the underground shelter, he said: “Transfer the screen and transfer the screen to the computer!”

Wutian: “Yes!”


Artificial intelligence can do things in place of humans,

But in terms of distinguishing some things,

After all, there is something lacking…

not to mention,

There are black giant mosquitoes in the giant mosquito group, which seems to carry a mysterious biological magnetic field, which can affect the signal!

Wu Di killed the giant black mosquito before, took the corpse and brought it back for research.

The results are slim.

After Wu Di entered the living room and turned on the computer to check the monitoring screen of each drone, the target was quickly locked!

One kilometer away, a place covered by ice!

It was originally a large gas station by the highway, but later there were hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets.

After the cataclysm, these buildings were buried in snow and ice along with the highway.

at the moment,

I can’t see the highway,

Only a section of the frozen building can be seen!

But in the building, several corpses appeared!

Dead human parasite! ! !

Behind their heads,

The spore brain has been condensed into pure purple crystals!

Bright and charming! . .

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