The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Daxia gathering place.

In the Shenlin Sanatorium.

Ding Chang and Bai Tianhao stared at the live broadcast screen that had been extinguished for a long time without saying a word.

The room was silent.

After a long time, Bai Tianhao showed a touching and admiring smile on his face.

“Dean Ding, you think you are worrying too much.”

“Mr. Lin finally helped Sister Jianyu get rid of this bad breath!”

Ding Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

“What a domineering air battle…”

“I didn’t expect Lin Ye’s air combat thinking to be so advanced… How did he manage to lead the world by so much in every technology?”

“And the design logic of this dungeon is completely different from the previous Raging Sea!”

After being shocked many times, Ding Chang was a little accustomed to it.

In fact, as an expert specializing in the field of naval dungeon technology, Ding Chang could not feel too much about the advanced level of air combat technology in Winter Is Coming.

Being able to annihilate all the fighter planes in the South Korean settlement naturally proves that the fighter planes in the dungeon are very strong, but Ding Chang has no idea to what extent.

He is more concerned about Lin Ye’s method of designing the dungeon this time.

If the previous Raging Sea method was ingenious, relying on special events and special mechanisms one after another to play with challengers.

Then this time Winter Is Coming is simple and crude.

From the endless snowy plains and the sky full of ice and snow, to the Su-57 fighter array that destroyed Moscow in five minutes, to the PAK-DA bomber that dropped bombs even in the face of unarmed challengers.

The whole feeling is domineering!

And Ding Chang obviously has a feeling that the copy of Winter is Coming cannot be just this little thing, and there must be more hidden military forces.

At this moment, Ding Chang’s phone suddenly rang.

He took the phone and it was a familiar name: Zhao Shun.

Zhao Shun is the dean of the Fifth Copy Technology Research Institute, and the Fifth Research Institute focuses on air combat research, especially the design of combat aircraft structure.

The deans of several copy technology research institutes in Daxia often hold meetings together, so they are naturally familiar with each other.

Without thinking, Ding Chang can guess why Zhao Shun made this call.

“Old Ding, have you watched the live broadcast of the new dungeon Winter is Coming? The Su-57 fighter jet that appeared in it is really too advanced!”

“I know you have a close relationship with Mr. Lin. Can you ask Mr. Lin to help give a class in our fifth dungeon research institute, even for an hour or half an hour!”

“Even if the researchers of the institute can learn a little from Mr. Lin, it will be enough for Daxia’s air force technology to rise to a higher level.”

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Shun sounded very excited.

In fact, as a dean, it is a bit inappropriate to make such a request directly.

But Ding Chang can also understand why Zhao Shun is like this at this moment.

Among the research directions of Daxia, the most backward one is the air force. It seems to have encountered a bottleneck in recent years and has not made any progress.

It is even far behind the neighboring South Korean settlement.


Ding Chang was silent for a while, and finally spoke.

“Old Zhao, to be honest, I don’t have any status to ask Mr. Lin to do this.”

“I won’t ask Mr. Lin for this kind of thing. You also know the rules of our Daxia. For young design talents, what we have to do is to protect and recruit them as much as possible.”

“But for top designers at the TOP100 level, our purpose is to try not to disturb them…”

Ding Chang’s words did not mean to evade Zhao Shun.

On the contrary, the reason why he said this was actually because he knew the limits.

On the Azure Star, because there is no country, there is naturally no hard power to control the residents of a settlement.

Think about it, it is the same. There is no police system, no real army and weapons, and even no corresponding laws for the settlement. What can the settlement use to restrain the residents?

In fact, the only thing that can really make the residents obey is the sky curtain.

The way of managing residents like the Dahe settlement relying on the emperor’s faith is very rare on the entire planet.

It can even be said to be an alien existence.

Most settlements are actually managed in a relatively peaceful manner, with more management of the daily life of ordinary residents, but they do not interfere in the design of copies.

Daxia settlement is also

That’s right.

These research institutes representing the official authorities don’t actually have clear and definite actual power. They are just organizations composed of people who are good at copy design and have a certain say in the settlement.

In essence, they just unite to share and research new technologies to make the settlement stronger.

In this way, everyone can benefit.

But to be honest, the benefits that several research institutes can bring to a settlement are far less than what a TOP50 strong man can bring to the settlement.

What qualifications do deans like Ding Chang and Zhao Shun have to ask Lin Ye to do such troublesome things?

“Old Ding, that’s what you said, but don’t think so rigidly.”

“The rules of the settlement are the rules of the settlement, but everyone knows that Mr. Lin has some private feelings with you and Jian Yu.”

“Otherwise, why would Mr. Lin accept Jin Genshuo’s challenge…”

Ding Chang shook his head helplessly and said, “Old Zhao, you really think too much.”

“You also know that it was Jin Genshuo who provoked Mr. Lin first. As for why Mr. Lin accepted this challenge, he naturally has his own ideas.”

Ding Chang knew that Lin Ye would accept Jin Genshuo’s challenge for himself, but he would never say such a thing, because it would only bring trouble to Lin Ye.

In the end, Zhao Shun could only hang up the phone in disappointment.

Ding Chang sighed.

In fact, it’s not that he doesn’t want to speak for his colleagues in some things, but in comparison, he pays more attention to Lin Ye’s development.

He doesn’t want to delay the development of a big summer because of his own little things. Now Lin Ye is in a period of vigorous development.

If he exposes his core technology because of helping Zhao Shun to teach, it will definitely be a loss.

Such a loss is something Ding Chang cannot afford.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly spoke to Bai Tianhao beside him:

“Xiao Bai, although we should not affect Mr. Lin too much. But this time… you should try to contact Mr. Lin.”

“Tell him some details about the Jin family chaebol and Nam Goryeo chaebol organizations, so that he can take precautions in advance.”

“Kim Keun Suk lost so badly this time, he will never give up.”

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