The old man was in a mess, but he was still in a mess.

Looking at the mess in the hall, Jin Canxun shook his head in disappointment.

Although his son now has a high score and is on the hero list, it is obvious that his intelligence and tolerance are still far behind.

Points can be inherited, but a person’s military experience and copy strategy experience cannot be inherited.

“I told you a long time ago that Lin Ye would never be so easy to deal with. A person who can rank among the top 50 so quickly must have something unusual about him.”

“You challenge Lin Ye without any preparation, and failure is inevitable.”

While speaking, Jin Canxun raised his crutches and pointed at the sofa overturned by Jin Genshuo.

“Pick up the things you destroyed.”

Kim Keun Suk gritted his teeth, but he didn’t dare to go against his father’s wishes.

After a while of tidying up, the living room of the Jin family villa was restored to its original state, and Kim Keun Suk was sweating profusely.

Kim Chan-hoon sat down, pointed to the opposite side of him, and asked Kim Keun Suk to sit down honestly.

“Keun Suk, do you know where you are wrong?”

Kim Keun Suk lowered his head and stammered: “Please give me instructions, father!”

“You… take everything for granted.”

“Our South Goryeo is very strong in air combat. Do you think Lin Ye doesn’t know? Didn’t he think of this when designing the copy?”

“Since it is a duel between you and him, this copy is naturally tailor-made for you.”

“Now because of your carelessness, the family and the entire settlement are shamed.”

Kim Keun Suk took a long breath and slowly clenched his fists.

“Gen Suk, let me ask you, what are you going to do next?”

“Dad! I must defeat Lin Ye. I will get back the dignity I lost!”

Hearing what Jin Gen Suk said, Jin Canxun finally showed a look of relief on his face.

“That’s good enough. The head of my Jin family must not give up easily!”

“Fortunately, Lin Ye’s points for this copy are set relatively low. 800 points is nothing to you. You have many opportunities to try his copy… It’s not hopeless to defeat Lin Ye.”

“But if you want to defeat Lin Ye next, you must think fully.”

“My advice to you is, choose land battle next time you challenge the copy!”

When saying this, Jin Canxun’s face showed a cold look.

“Land battle? Dad…you want me to choose land battle?”

“But if I choose land battle, won’t my Jin family’s trump card be exposed to the world?” Jin Gen Suk showed a very surprised look.

The trump card that Jin Genshuo mentioned is a plan implemented by your Nan Gaoli settlement five years ago, called “Strong Country Action”.

Under the instruction of the settlement leader Park Chengwan, the Jin family, the Lee family, the Park family, and the Choi family spent a lot of money to buy technology from other settlements.

It mainly includes two aspects, one is to buy warship technology from the neighboring Dahe settlement, and the other is to buy a tank blueprint called Hans 7V from the distant German settlement!

The German settlement is the land warfare overlord of the entire Azure Star, and the Hans 7V tank designed by the Germans is a killer among land warfare weapons.

Although this model is already the sub-flagship model of the German settlement, it still has great research value for Nan Gaoli, which has always lagged behind in land warfare.

The purpose of this action is to make up for the shortcomings of the Nan Gaoli settlement in naval and land warfare.

Although it is just a small place, the ambition of the South Korean settlement is not ordinary. They also want to become the top settlement of this blue star and enjoy the best resources.

This operation is very covert. After the purchase, several major families have made corresponding modifications to the Hans 7V.

The Jin family used the drawings of the Hans 7V to transform it into the Jin 7V with more fierce firepower.

However, this tank model has never appeared in the copy of the designer of the South Korean settlement. It can be said that it is a hidden card belonging to the South Korean settlement.

If you don’t take it out, it’s fine. Once you take it out, it will be a blockbuster!

“Some things, if you keep them hidden, they will become scrap metal in the end.” Jin Canxun sighed and said.

“If there is no challenge between you and Lin Ye, everything will be easy to say, but now that things have come to this point, there is no hiding, because the whole world is watching you.”

Jin Canxun stood up with a cane, leaving only a back view of Jin Genshuo.

“There is less than a day left until the instance is opened again.

All the employees who master the technology of Jin 7V should gather together. If the number is not enough, we should also find employees who are good at land warfare. ”

“Then issue a statement. In the next round of Winter is Coming, we must ensure that every challenger is from my Jin family!”

After saying that, Jin Canxun stood up and walked up the escalator.

Kim Keun Suk looked at his father’s back and couldn’t help but take a breath.

The next round of Winter is Coming will be a scale of 50,000 people!

Bringing 50,000 people from the company and family to challenge the dungeon together, such a large-scale group battle has not happened for a long time.

He really didn’t expect that things would develop to this extent.

Originally, he was just a jerk, but it turned out to be a life-and-death battle!

Soon, Jin Keun Suk’s response video was also released online.

In the video, Jin Keun Suk still had an arrogant look on his face, and there was no sign of any discouragement from defeat.

“Lin Ye! I was indeed careless in the first round and fell into your calculation, but you are right, our duel is far from over! ”

“Next, I will bring the warriors of my Jin family consortium to continue to challenge your Winter is Coming, but this time, you will not have such good luck. ”

“This is the grudge between my Jin family and Lin Ye, all the strangers please leave!”

Kim Keun Suk’s last sentence, all the strangers please leave, can be said to be extremely arrogant.

That means to tell the challengers in this world that this is the top dungeon battle, and no one should get involved.

Seeing Kim Keun Suk’s still stubborn look, Lin Ye on the other side nodded with satisfaction.

He then took a look at the background of the dungeon of Winter is Coming.

Sure enough, the challenger list of the entire dungeon has been filled with Koreans.

[NO1, Name: Kim Keun Suk; Level: LV3; Representative Works: “Grandfather of the Chaebol”]

[NO2, Name: Kim Dayong; Level: LV3; Representative Works: “Battle of Banpo Bridge”]


[NO49999, Name: Song Zihao; Level: LV1; Representative Work: “Secret Teaching”]

[NO50000, Name: Yeon Sang-ho; Level: LV1; Representative Work: “Train to Busan!”]

Looking at these names that are all unique to Koreans, Lin Ye could only smile awkwardly.

I have to say that the Koreans’ style of doing things is really a bit arrogant.

LV1 challengers actually dared to take the initiative to sign up for Winter is Coming.

Do these people really think that Winter is Coming will only deduct 800 points?

That’s really a bit unrealistic.

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