The next step was a series of missile bombings!

Each explosion left a deep mark on the earth, and finally a huge deep pit within a hundred miles was turned into almost underground.

The seemingly solid land warfare weapons of the challengers were all turned into cannon fodder debris under this level of bombing. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is hell on earth.

The so-called steel blade is actually as fragile as paper.

Thick smoke billowed up, covering the original blue sky. These rising smoke gathered into thick gray clouds…

In fact, as early as when the first missile landed, the violent explosion caused most of the 50,000 challengers to be killed or injured!

When the second missile landed, not to mention that there were no living people, the bones were probably blown to ashes.

To be honest, all the missile bombings afterwards were completely excessive and super-saturated.

Kim Keun-suk was no exception. His radio command vehicle was originally in the center of the legion, which was the area most seriously affected by the Dongfeng missiles.

So when the first missile exploded, this guy was instantly melted by the high temperature.

Because of the buff of the Wrath of the Bear, 1,600 points were directly deducted, and then he was teleported out of the dungeon.

The sky curtain prompt sounded when the third missile landed.

[Sky curtain prompt: Since all challengers have died, the dungeon mission is officially declared a failure, and the Winter is Coming will be closed soon! ]




At the same time, the dungeon information statistics also appeared in the live broadcast screen that was still ongoing.

[The statistics of this dungeon are as follows:]

[The number of people wiped out in the dungeon: 300! 】

[The longest duration of the dungeon: 1 hour]

[The dungeon clearance rate: 0%! 】

[The dungeon completion rate: 0.00%]

The number of people wiped out in this dungeon is still not large. Compared with the scale of 50,000 challengers, this number can really be said to be very small, and it is actually less than many difficult dungeons on the Azure Star.

The duration of the dungeon was shortened by two hours compared to the previous three hours. It can only be said that the time that Jin Genshuo persisted is getting shorter and shorter.

As for the dungeon clearance rate and dungeon completion rate this time, they are all pitiful zeros, which is terrible.

This is also easy to understand. After all, this time, Genshuo did not enter the territory of the Bear Country at all, and did not fire a single shot, so there is no need to talk about the dungeon completion rate and clearance rate.

However, at this moment, the attention of the spectators is no longer on these dungeon information, because in the overhead perspective of the dungeon, the Dongfeng missiles of the Dragon Country are still bombing continuously.

It feels like the whole planet is about to be blown up.

Endless, until the end of the world…

All the spectators were stunned. They had never seen such a tyranny.

【? ? 】

【? ? ? WTF! 】

【All these people are dead, but Longguo is still bombing. Will they wait until the instance is closed before they can stop? Don’t missiles cost money? 】

【Kim Keun-suk’s tank corps is gone? So vulnerable? 】

【This is one of the top tanks on the Azure Star… It was defeated in this way. I can’t imagine what else Ye Shen has hidden in the instance. 】

【There is no way. Missiles are really a massacre against this kind of land battle formation with no air defense capabilities. And it can be seen that the Dongfeng missiles of Longguo seem to be more domineering than the missiles of Eagle Sauce before! 】

【It can only be said that Ye Shen has done something unexpected in the instance again. Although it is a specific land battle instance, this restriction is only for the challenger forces and enemy forces, but there is no restriction on third-party forces! ]

[Alas, this South Korean settlement is really miserable. They just exposed their ambitions and were wiped out… To be honest, I feel sorry for these Koreans. ]


A few seconds later, the dungeon was completely closed, and all spectators were cleared out of the dungeon simultaneously.

Kim Keun-suk’s second dungeon challenge ended with a very funny ending.

It also left the biggest joke for the entire Azure Star.

In the cliff villa, Lin Ye also received a prompt from the sky.

[Sky prompt: Dear dungeon designer, the second opening of your dungeon Winter is Coming has ended! ]

[No one is in this dungeon of Winter is Coming.

After clearing the level, your copy is highly recognized by Tianmu. 】

【This copy has gained a total of 44 million points! This includes 45,000 people who challenged the copy for the first time, who gained 36 million points, and 5,000 people who challenged the copy for the second time, who gained 8 million points! 】

【For the total points that do not exceed 100 million, Tianmu will return them to the copy designer at a rate of 1%. 】

【For the total points that exceed 100 million but do not exceed 1 billion, Tianmu will return them to the copy designer at a rate of 1/1000. 】

【For the total points that exceed 1 billion but do not exceed 10 billion, Tianmu will return them to the copy designer at a rate of 1/10,000. 】

【According to the Tianmu points return rules, you will gain 440,000 points in Winter is Coming this time! 】


【In addition, today’s Raging Sea has also been settled. All copy challengers have chosen to surrender directly, a total of 100,000 people, and the copy has gained a total of 2 million points! 】

【According to the Tianmu points return rules, you will get 20,000 points in the Raging Sea this time! 】

【Since you have the points doubling card given by Tianmu, the points you get today will be doubled, and you will get a total of 920,000 points today! 】

920,000 points!

Isn’t this effective!

Lin Ye showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

It doesn’t mean that only by killing a large number of challengers can you get a large number of points.

Like this time, the coming winter actually only killed a small number of challengers from South Korea, and they were all those LV1 challengers who overestimated their own abilities.

If it weren’t for the stupidity of the Korean sticks themselves, it would be entirely possible that everyone would survive this time.

Lin Ye also has experience. Excessive killing of challengers will only trigger Tianmu’s review.

Designing a copy is a very important process, which is to slowly play a game with Tianmu.

Like now, the people who are killed are ordinary, but they earn a lot of points, which is to make a fortune quietly.

And as the dungeon progresses, the “Wrath of the Bear” BUFF will slowly show its true effect.

Now my points have accumulated to 4.92 million, and I am halfway to the 10 million point promotion to LV4.

If this trend continues, promotion to LV4 is just around the corner!

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