Soon, Kim Keun Suk’s army arrived at the border of South Korea.

Unlike Kim Keun Suk’s previous assumption, the relationship between South Korea and North Korea did not seem to be very harmonious.

There were high iron fences on the border between the two countries, stretching for thousands of miles.

There were also high walls like trenches in some sections.

“What is this? Go down and check it out.” Kim Keun Suk immediately gave instructions to the challenger in the front row.

Soon, a response came from the radio.

“Reporting to Master Jin, there is a sign on the iron fence, and it says 38th Parallel!”

“There is also a warning sign on it, but it doesn’t say what it is used for.”

Kim Keun Suk frowned and became cautious again.

It goes without saying that this cordon means that you can’t enter casually, and breaking in directly means invasion.

He then arranged: “Use a telescope to observe and see if there are any defensive facilities on the other side of the iron fence?”

After another round of busy work, the people in the front row gave a new response.

“Report! Reporting to Master Jin, we didn’t observe any defensive facilities.”

“And… the other side looks very poor, all wasteland.”

“Although it is separated by a line, it feels like two different worlds in the north and south.”

Kim Keun Suk touched his chin and finally made up his mind.

“All troops, listen to the order, smash the iron fence directly and cross this Line 38!”

Kim Keun Suk didn’t want to do this unless it was a last resort.

But now if you want to get the Bear Country, you must first pass through North Korea. You have to take this road.

It is impossible that such a place smaller than the Korean country also has top-level combat power.

In that case, the design of this copy is too unreasonable.




One by one, the Jin 7V tanks directly smashed the iron fence on Line 38 and then ran over it.

Soon, the entire army entered the territory of North Korea.

Jin Genshu opened the hatch on the roof and stuck his head out of the command vehicle, then looked around.

It was found that North Korea was really a place where no one lived. Not to mention defense facilities, there was not even a living person.

And it seemed that nothing had happened, everything was fine.

Jin Genshu returned to the command vehicle and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this time the bet was right again!

“All troops, listen up!”

“Approach the east coast of North Korea at full speed, and then drive straight to Vladivostok in the Bear Country!”

But just as he gave the order to the army, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded in his ears.

The world in front of him was suddenly dyed bright red!

[Sky screen prompt: It is detected that the challenger has crossed the 38th Parallel dividing line between North Korea and South Korea, violating the non-aggression regulations between North Korea and South Korea! It is regarded as an invasion of North Korea! ]

[Next, Longguo will launch a Dongfeng-41 ballistic missile bombing on the challenger team! Please prepare for defense! ]

[Countdown 03:60]




Kim Keun-suk was confused, with his mouth wide open.

I have tried my best to avoid any connection with Dragon Country, but in the end, I still provoked this Dragon Country.

The most bizarre thing is that even if I invade, it is North Korea that I invade!

What does it have to do with Dragon Country?

It is completely unreasonable! It is pure nonsense!

“Tianmu! This is unreasonable! Lin Ye’s copy has logical flaws!”

“My army just crossed into the territory of North Korea and did not have any intention of invasion. Besides, what does this have to do with Dragon Country?”

“I protest!”

[Tianmu prompts: Protest is invalid… In the setting of Earth Online, North Korea is a vassal state of Dragon Country. If North Korea is invaded, Dragon Country will automatically launch a counterattack! ]

[Countdown: 02:59]


“What the hell!” Jin Genshuo cursed and punched the outer wall of the command vehicle.

He was already extremely controlling his emotions, but this kind of thing was really infuriating.

Dragon Country wants to use missiles to deal with its own army.

How can I defend against missiles?

Considering that there will be no air units in the dungeon, Kim Keun-suk did not bring any anti-aircraft weapons into the dungeon.


Do we have to rely on tanks and cannons to block and intercept missiles? This sounds stupid.

But now that things have come to this, there is no other choice but to try our best.

“Everyone listen, set up the Goryeo cannons for me, and all the barrels of the Jin 7V tanks should be pointed at the northern sky!”

“We must shoot down the Longguo missiles for me!”

The challengers began to act in a panic.

No one expected the battle to come so quickly, so they were all in a hurry.




[Sky screen prompt: Longguo Dongfeng missile super-saturation strike has arrived! ]

Kim Keun-suk’s forehead was sweating, he climbed out of the command vehicle again and looked at the distant sky.

He found that the outlines of red missiles had already appeared.

These missiles were painted very brightly, the coating was all fiery red, and it was dotted with golden five-pointed stars.


Kim Keun-suk couldn’t help but shudder, because he saw more than one missile!

It was a series of missiles like a chain bullet, which looked like dozens or even hundreds!

They had exactly the same trajectory, and the distance between each two missiles was exactly the same!

“What the hell is this!”



With a deafening bang.

The first Dongfeng missile has landed! It hit the center of the Challenger Legion exactly.

It means that everything was judged well.

This red missile hit the top armor of the tank accurately!

The warhead of the missile caused a violent explosion at the moment of contact. A huge fireball quickly expanded from the explosion point, swallowing up the surrounding air, forming an expanding fiery red hemisphere.

The strong light produced by the explosion illuminated the entire sky almost in an instant, like a small sun suddenly appeared on the horizon!

The strong vibration directly blasted the tank in the center into pieces, and the metal shell of the tank was melted by the high temperature! In an instant, a ball of fire erupted from the inside of the tank accompanied by thick smoke and debris, and metal fragments flew everywhere.

The shock wave generated by the explosion even tore the tank’s tracks and part of the armor apart, and the surrounding ground was littered with burning debris and destroyed equipment!

The strong wind pressure and airflow also spread outward at the same time, overturning all the tanks and armored vehicles on the periphery!

A deep crater was left on the ground, and the surrounding objects were charred and twisted!

Then the second missile landed, still with the same lethality.

Then the third…

The fourth…

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