The three of them really had nothing to say.

Although Malaysia was indeed the closest country to Mao Xiong, Lin Ye designed it to be a relatively backward and primitive country.

This would also affect the challengers’ preparations invisibly.

The smell of horse manure, sheep manure, cow manure and grass made the three chaebols dizzy.

Who were they?

They were the chaebols of South Korea and the richest people in the entire settlement, but they were left to stay in such a fucked-up place.

This was clearly Lin Ye’s mental attack on them, similar to the out-of-game influence in the game.

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also laughing.

[Hahahaha! I laughed to death! 】

【The Goryeo people thought that the Horse Country was the best choice for the birthplace, but they didn’t expect that this place was really related to horses. 】

【From this point of view, these people have been fooled by Ye Shen again. Perhaps choosing the Chariot Country is the best choice. 】

【These four people are big chaebols in South Goryeo. They are showing off all day long. It’s not a bad thing to let them smell the smell of horse manure more. 】

In fact, the backward birthplace has a great impact on the challenger of a copy.

To a certain extent, it will affect the choice of the challenger’s battle plan.

Jin Genshuo took a deep breath, kept himself calm, and then spoke slowly.

“But you don’t have to worry too much. If you enter Lin Ye’s dungeon a few more times, you will get used to these things.”

“Lin Ye, this bitch, will make you sick in all kinds of ways you can’t imagine.”

“Boss Cui, Boss Park, Boss Li, if you don’t want to stay in this place, you have to cooperate with me. The sooner we conquer the dungeon, the sooner we can kill this bitch Lin Ye.”

Cui Taiyuan, Park Zhengyong, and Li Taiyong covered their noses and said nothing more.

“But there is one thing to be thankful for, that is, the conditions of this horse country are just worse, but it doesn’t affect our operations.”

“After all, we will attack the bear country directly at the fastest speed, and we have never thought of borrowing the troops of this horse country.”

Kim Keun Suk said this not only to Li Taiyong and the other three, but also to other challengers in the dungeon.

At this time, we must not be affected by such insignificant things.

Tianmu continued to introduce the task.

[Task 1: Capture any of the three main cities of the Bear Country, Volgograd, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. ]

[Task success rewards 500 points! Task failure deducts 800 points! ]

[Task 2: Within half an hour after the dungeon is opened, declare surrender to the Bear Country and hand over all your personal skills to the Bear Country! Deduct 20 points! ]

This time, all of them are elites from South Korea, so there will be no surrender.

You know, in the South Korea settlement controlled by the chaebol, if an employee challenger under the chaebol company betrays his boss, his end will be terrible.

[Sky curtain prompt: The system detects that in this dungeon, there are players who have entered the Winter Is Coming dungeon many times, triggering a special BUFF: Wrath of the Bear! ]

With the prompt of the sky curtain, a very bright red light effect ignites on Kim Keun Suk’s body.

This effect is much more obvious than the last dungeon.

It represents his red name status, which is more serious this time.

This is his third time to enter the dungeon. If he fails this time, he will be deducted 3200 points!

Jin Genshuo brought a total of 10,000 people into the dungeon this time, all of whom are the top employees of the Jin family.

Among them, there are 5,000 people in the same situation as him. If they fail the mission, they will also be deducted 3200 points!

There are also the remaining 5,000 people, who basically participated in the last Winter is Coming, so they are red-named level 1, and 1600 points will be deducted if the mission fails.

3200 points are really high, although it is not fatal to the challengers of the dungeon, but some people are still very likely to be demoted.

“Lin Ye! Do you think this method can stop me?” Jin Genshuo cursed.

He actually doesn’t care, even if this BUFF is stacked ten times, it doesn’t matter.

Isn’t it just points? He Jin Genshuo has plenty.

As for the life and death of others, he doesn’t care!

“You’ve been doing these calculating things all day long. Today I want to see how powerful you are in the land battle when winter is coming!”

[Sky screen prompt: Dear challenger Mr. Kim Keun-suk, due to the deputy

The other challengers in this dungeon have a very high degree of recognition for you! You are directly appointed as the dungeon commander! ]

[Next, please ask the dungeon commander to choose the combat method for this dungeon on behalf of all challengers. ]

[Please choose from the four modes of air combat, land combat, naval combat, and total war. ]

“I still choose land combat!”

“I want Lin Ye to see the true strength of my South Korean land combat!”

[Sky screen prompt: Combat mode confirmed! ]

[Since the dungeon commander has chosen the land combat mode, all weapons and technologies not related to land combat will be temporarily blocked! ]

[All land combat units of the challenger will be parked on the grasslands around Ulaanbaatar! ]

[In addition, it is necessary to remind the challenger that this dungeon still has a time limit. Considering the characteristics of land combat and the distance between Malaysia and the Bear Country, the time limit is 7 days! ]

Bang bang bang!

The earth began to tremble violently, and some yurts were even directly overturned in the violent vibration.

The endless grassland was now filled with all kinds of huge weapons, and the steel monsters were stacked one after another, which looked particularly abrupt!

These steel monsters crushed the surrounding grass with a casual move, and scared the NPCs in the copy to flee!

It was as if a foreign race from another world invaded this peaceful land!

The smell of engine oil and horse manure in the air combined to bring a very strange feeling.

Unlike the weapons that appeared in the Black House last time, that time it was only the land warfare weapons of the Jin family, but this time there were three other families.

This time, the weapons and guns are much more than last time!

Jin 7V tanks: 12,000!

Armored all-terrain transport vehicles: 1,000!

Goryeo cannons: 5,000!

Mauser V gold rifles: 10,000!

Mauser G gold machine guns: 10,000!

Mauser M Gold Anti-Tank Gun: 10,000!

Lee 9 Howitzer Carriage: 10,000!

Winchester SB Choi Shotgun: 1,000!

Choi 3B Armored Motorcycle! : 8,000!

Lee M1914 Heavy Machine Gun: 10,000!

Lee No. 15 Cricket Grenade: 3,000!

Park Family Goryeo Steel Excavator: 2,000!

Park Special Submachine Gun: 1,000!

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