The most bizarre thing is that the remaining 19,999 challengers are all from the Dahe tribe.

All the challengers in this dungeon were completely taken over by the Dahe tribe…

And do you want to say how strong these challengers from the Dahe tribe are?

Actually, not entirely.

A challenger of level 2 like Ito Hidetaka can actually be ranked among all the challengers.

There are also more than a dozen level 2 challengers, and the rest are all ordinary level 1.

Even most of the level 1s have never designed a dungeon.

This is really confusing for Lin Ye.

What is Xiaori doing? Is he going to launch a suicide attack?

Or do you think you can find some way to overcome it in the Raging Sea dungeon?

Lin Ye shook his head helplessly, only feeling a little funny.

He didn’t expect that he was arrogant in his previous life, and this quality was also reflected in this life on the Azure Star.

Ding Ding Ding!

At this moment, Lin Ye’s mobile phone suddenly rang.

This phone was bought by the way when he bought the villa yesterday.

Because all kinds of information about Lin Ye had been leaked before, if you don’t want to be harassed by lobbyists in various settlements, you must update your mobile phone number.

Pick it up and see that it is a call from Zhao Jianyu.

“Mr. Lin, the difficulties in aircraft carrier design that you pointed out to me before pointed out the direction for our next aircraft carrier research. Teacher Ding said that this direction will at least save us ten years of detours.”

“So Teacher Ding asked me to thank you on his behalf.”

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Jianyu’s voice seemed much gentler.

“You’re welcome. I’m just giving you some suggestions based on my understanding. The research of aircraft carriers still depends on you.” Lin Ye said lightly.

“There is one more thing. I just looked at the list of challengers for the Raging Sea dungeon. They are all from the Dahe tribe… Lin Ye, you have to be more careful.”

“You have just started designing dungeons and you should not know much about this kind of thing. People in the Dahe settlement actually like to do this kind of thing.”

Then, Zhao Jianyu roughly explained to Lin Ye the strange way that the Dahe tribe gathered together to conquer the dungeon.

This way of filling all the challenger quotas by one race is officially called “group attack”.

The origin comes from the Iga-ryu Ninja Group and the God-sealed Suicide Squad of the Dahe tribe.

The purpose is to go all out and take down the dungeon, so as to unexpectedly obtain the technical rewards in the dungeon.

The advantage of a special attack team composed of one race directly conquering a dungeon is that the personnel are regular and easy to deploy in a unified manner.

Generally, the points of team members who enter the dungeon in this way are relatively abundant, and there is no risk of being wiped out.

Of course, there are also those who let a group of LV0 tribesmen go to die voluntarily in order to obtain some information about advanced dungeons.

Although Tianmu does not allow the emergence of a country on the Azure Star, it is relatively tolerant of the dungeon strategy.

These strange and perverted ways of attacking the dungeon of the Dahe tribe can be regarded as taking advantage of Tianmu.

Zhao Jianyu reminded Lin Ye that according to her observation, the group attack of the Dahe tribe this time did not look like a suicide squad.

It is very likely that there is really some shady trick to capture the Raging Sea in one fell swoop.

“Lin Ye, just in case, Teacher Ding suggests that you come to the Institute to rent some points first…”

“Ms. Zhao, thank you for your reminder.”

“But I am confident in my dungeon and can completely stop the siege of the Dahe tribe. I’m driving, so let’s do this for now.”

After saying that, Lin Ye hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Jianyu held the hung up phone, with a flash of loss in his eyes.

She bit her lip, feeling helpless, and sighed softly.

Lin Ye was still as confident as ever.

She also thought that Lin Ye would never accept the idea of ​​renting points.

Zhao Jianyu was naturally confident about the raging sea, but he could not be careless about the strange behavior of the Dahe tribe.

If Lin Ye’s copy was really conquered, and Lin Ye was unfortunately wiped out.

The aircraft carrier technology inside would be obtained by Ito Hidetaka, and then there would be no one in the entire Azure Star who could compete with Ito Hidetaka.

The Dahe tribe’s revenge was so strong that Ito Hidetaka would definitely attack the Daxia tribe in the Longteng settlement.

The consequences were really unimaginable.

Unknowingly, Lin Ye and his copy had become the thorns in the entire Azure Star.

The wind of the situation on Blue Star!





[Welcome to the Purgatory-level dungeon: Earth Online Wuchang’s Raging Sea! ! ]

[The dungeon has been loaded…]

[Challengers are being deployed to the virtual battlefield, 20,000/20,000 people are being deployed…]

[The dungeon has been opened! ]

Accompanied by the prompt sound from the sky, Ito Hidetaka and his 19,999 companions from Dahe stepped into the mysterious and dangerous dungeon of Raging Sea.

Where their eyes met, the scene in front of them was exactly the same as when they first entered here.

The Wu Navy Arsenal on the seaside still stood quietly, as if time had never passed.

The sea breeze brushed across his face, bringing a strong smell of the sea. This smell was so familiar that it seemed to bring Ito Hidetaka back to that terrible nightmare. Every detail was so clearly engraved in their deep memories.

The turbulent sea, the salty smell in the air… everything was reproduced as if yesterday.

The only difference was that this time there were twice as many challengers, and the huge arsenal seemed much more crowded.

But because the challengers this time were generally of low level, there were fewer challenger warships anchored on the coast.


Thinking of the scene of being blown to pieces by the torpedoes of the National Destruction Fleet outside Pearl Harbor last time, Ito Hidetaka felt that the pain was still vivid at this moment.

So he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Before Tianmu continued to introduce, the live broadcast barrage in the dungeon was boiling.

[Oh my! What’s going on? Is this the Dahe tribe coming to conquer the dungeon? ]

[We have to thank the brothers of the Dahe tribe for saving us from being drawn by the raging sea this time. ]

[The people of the Dahe tribe are just tough. Everyone can’t hide, but they take the initiative to lean on it. 】

【This Ito Hidetaka dares to come and challenge, is he going against Lin Ye? 】

【What do you know, this is called Dahe Bushido Spirit! 】


Due to Ito Hidetaka’s disastrous defeat last time, the current barrage is actually a group of pessimistic comments.

In everyone’s opinion, although the scale has been expanded to 20,000 this time, the quality of the challengers is not better than last time.

With such a configuration, no one thinks that a purgatory-level copy can be conquered.

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