The old man was in a mess, but the old man was in a mess.

In the copy of Raging Sea.

Looking at his fleet that had disappeared, after a brief silence, Ito Hidetaka suddenly laughed out loud.


“Non-war mode, how ridiculous! Lin Ye really treats the dungeon as a joke.”

“Lin Ye is giving us a chance to pass the level in disguise.”

Seeing Ito Hidetaka’s confident look, Yama Makoto Kojiro also smiled and asked politely:

“Mr. Ito, do you have any strategy to conquer the dungeon?”

“No idea for now, after all, we don’t fully understand the rules yet. I just think that Lin Ye’s non-war mode has lowered the difficulty of the Raging Sea dungeon too much.”

“All weapons are disabled, doesn’t that mean his own fleet of annihilation and his own aircraft carrier are also disabled!”

“Without the gap in military weapons, our chances of conquering this dungeon will rise sharply.”

Ito Hidetaka was really relieved.

In fact, the reason why he was afraid of the Raging Sea before was because he knew the power of the TF58 fleet of annihilation consisting of hundreds of warships in the Raging Sea.

So for this copy, he has only one strategy, which is to avoid direct combat with the fleet of extermination at all costs.

It is for this reason that Ito Hidetaka came up with the method of skipping the mission and directly attacking the mainland of Eagle Sauce Country.

As a result, now Lin Ye has blocked his own fleet of extermination.

It is obvious that everyone has blocked military weapons, and the one who suffers is definitely Lin Ye who has more powerful weapons.

This strange operation can be said to directly reduce the difficulty of the raging sea to zero. In Ito Hidetaka’s eyes, this copy is not the difficulty of purgatory at all, but a simple difficulty.

A copy that does not rely on military power or technical crushing, but purely tests logic and operation, is called equality for all beings in a nice way, but it is self-depreciation in a bad way!

Because if you rely purely on your brain, there is actually no essential difference between a LV0 rookie and a high-level boss.

Even LV0 may accidentally hit the master with a random punch and pass the copy unexpectedly.

Lin Ye probably couldn’t have imagined that most of the 20,000 people who entered the dungeon this time didn’t have the high-level authority to bring weapons into the dungeon.

So it made no difference to them whether it was blocked or not.

On the contrary, the students and professors of Heian-kyō University were all very smart.

It can be said that they were just right for this non-war mode.

The emperor obviously didn’t think so much when he made this decision, but he accidentally gave himself the most suitable team.

“Lin Ye… you are so arrogant.” Ito Hidetaka suddenly cheered up from his nervous mood.

“You will pay the price for your self-righteousness.”

After Ito Hidetaka finished speaking, the other challengers around him also became enthusiastic.

“Mr. Ito has a point.”

“Without facing the aircraft carrier group, we have a great chance to pass the level!”

“What we have been studying in school is the economic operation model. We are professionally matched. If we really want to compete in economic warfare, we are confident!”

“Mr. Ito is indeed a sharp-sighted man. Others only pay attention to the novelty of this model, but Mr. Ito can see the essence of things at a glance.”

The spectators of the dungeon couldn’t help but discuss it when they heard Ito’s opinion.

[It’s a pity, so this time we won’t see the famous fleet that destroyed the country? ]

[I also think that what Mr. Ito Hidetaka said makes sense. What’s the point of a dungeon without weapons? ]

[I won’t let these people take advantage of it this time…]

[If Ito Hidetaka really wins in this way and obtains the technology in the dungeon, it can definitely be blamed on the dungeon design loophole. ]

[I really don’t know what Ye Shen is doing. 】

【Don’t think it’s that simple. After all, in this instance, the economic level of the Eagle Country is much higher than that of the challenger. It’s not that easy to surpass the Eagle Country economically. 】


At this time, Lin Ye had just finished shopping for daily necessities and was drinking a drink leisurely in the car.

He also went into the live broadcast of his own instance and took a look.


Then I saw Ito Hidetaka’s high-pitched speech and the various quarrels of the spectators.

Lin Ye could only shake his head helplessly.

“You guys really think that Raging Sea is too simple.”

“If it is really so brainless, why did I add such a mode to the dungeon?”

Lin Ye was a little disappointed, disappointed that the world’s understanding of dungeons was too shallow.

In the eyes of most people, the strength of a dungeon is completely determined by the quality of the military weapons in the dungeon.

This is naturally not wrong, but it is too one-sided.

Although Lin Ye had never made any dungeons in his previous life, he had played a lot of games.

The difficulty of a game and the cleverness of the level design are actually not completely linked to the hard data such as the capacity and value of the game.

“Dig Survival” and “Sheep Sheep” in the previous life are all small games that look very simple and even a little childish, but they make many game masters scratch their heads.

As long as the mechanism is well set, even without any weapons, the dungeon can still become very difficult.

Especially for the copy of Raging Sea.

The reason why the Eagle Sauce Country can become one of the five permanent members is that its military strength is actually only one aspect.

The various hegemonies caused by military strength are the real foundation of the Eagle Sauce Country.

The hegemony of the US dollar allows the Eagle Sauce to control the monetary structure of the entire world and reap the wealth of the entire world at will.

Let the whole world pay for the Eagle Sauce!

The hegemony of the media allows the Eagle Sauce Country to control the direction of public opinion in the entire world, and then control universal values.

Under the propaganda of the Eagle Sauce, all their actions will be named as justice.

Under this brainwashing, the people of those hostile countries will even think that the Eagle Sauce is right.

The hegemony of oil allows the Eagle Sauce to control the world’s energy supply. Completely linking oil with the US dollar is equivalent to firmly grasping the lifeline of industrial development in other countries!

The hegemony of science and technology has made the Eagle Sauce the world’s well-deserved hegemon in high-tech and cutting-edge technology. In any field of research and development, the Eagle Sauce is basically at the forefront of the world.

When Lin Ye set up the Raging Sea dungeon, he focused on two aspects.

One is naval power, and the other is the setting of hegemony!

In Lin Ye’s view, with the blessing of Eagle Sauce hegemony, the difficulty of economic warfare is not even less than that of military warfare.

“It seems that it is time to let the world understand that war without gunpowder is actually very scary.”

Lin Ye took a sip of the drink, then exited the live broadcast room and slowly started the car engine.

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