The new situation is not good.

In the dungeon, after Ito Hidetaka confirmed the mission selection for this dungeon, the sky curtain immediately gave a more detailed mission introduction.

[Sky curtain prompt: Since the challengers have chosen mission 2, a more detailed introduction to the forces will be given to you. ]

At the same time, a light curtain appeared in front of everyone, projecting all kinds of scenes of Eagle Sauce Country at this time.

[Eagle Sauce Country is a multi-ethnic country with a very superior immigration policy, attracting all races from all over the world to join this country…]

[Talents from all over the world gather here to pursue money and status together, allowing Eagle Sauce Country to complete comprehensive industrialization in the shortest time! ]

[Eagle Sauce Country’s technology, agriculture, industry, aviation, energy, etc. are all world hegemons! 】

On the light curtain, people of different skin colors and looks began to appear. They were busy at their respective posts in the Eagle Sauce Country, carrying out construction and development in an orderly manner.

Railways were like giant dragons winding their bodies, shuttling across the vast land.

The locomotives roared and rushed forward like warriors.

They carved veins on the vast land, connecting the prosperous cities and the quiet countryside.

On the criss-crossing roads, cars came and went like ants, crawling at a fast speed.

These steel bodies shone brightly in the sun, becoming the most active pulse on this land!

In the factory, the machines roared constantly, and the huge chimneys swallowed and spit out billowing steam.

These factories operate day and night, producing a variety of products!

The high towers of circuit signals rose from the ground and soared into the sky. They are like huge guardians, guarding the unimpeded communication and information of this land.

Satellites, aircraft carriers, transnational oil transportation channels, high-tech bionic robots…

All kinds of novel things were played one after another on the huge light screen.

All challengers were stunned, even Ito Hidetaka was no exception.

Many things shown on the light screen, let alone whether they had seen them or not, they could not even imagine them.

In their cognition, the so-called country in this copy is actually equivalent to a settlement. But if we use the real world as an analogy, the prosperity and wealth of the Eagle Sauce Country can even surpass the entire Azure Star.

Because the Azure Star is uniformly regulated by the Sky Curtain, the Sky Curtain will not allow a settlement to be too powerful, nor will it allow a settlement to be too weak.

In addition, this world itself has a tradition of advocating the use of force,

So for people like Ito Hidetaka, it is impossible to imagine that a settlement can be so prosperous.

[England, annual GDP is 25 trillion US dollars, per capita GDP is 76,300 yuan, CPI is 3.7%, and total foreign trade exports are 3 trillion US dollars…]

[All data about Eagle Sauce can be viewed at any time on the command desk.]

Digital indicators and big data views appear on the light screen.

These challengers don’t really have much concept of these complex economic indicators, but they just feel that some numbers are exaggerated.

[Toyo Island, annual GDP is 4 trillion US dollars, per capita GDP is 30,000 US dollars…]

Then the sky curtain also displayed various economic indicators of Toyo Island in front of the challengers, so that everyone can see the gap between the two forces more intuitively.

[Sky curtain reminder: Attention, challengers, you can directly conduct macro-control of all walks of life in Toyo Island at the main console of the arsenal. Now, all NPCs in the entire Toyo Island will listen to your remote control! 】

【The scope of economic overtaking is not limited to GDP. As long as challengers manipulate the GDP or per capita GDP of Dongying Island to exceed that of the United States at any time, the task will be considered completed! 】

【Now, the task officially begins, countdown 119h59m59s…】

The last tip from Tianmu directly gave Ito Hidetaka and others a shot of confidence.

The population of the United States and Dongying Island is several times different, so if the total economic volume is simply compared, it is difficult for Dongying Island to achieve economic overtaking.

But the task is not limited to the total economic volume, but also includes the indicator of per capita GDP.

Now the data shows that the per capita GDP of the United States is 70,000 yuan, while that of Dongying Island is 30,000 yuan.

There is a certain gap, but it is not invincible.

Because as long as in any time period,

Even if it is achieved in one second, it is considered that the mission is completed.

With a slight burst, there is still a great chance of achieving a short-term economic overtaking.

“Everyone, it is time for us to serve the emperor. Next, we must go all out in the dungeon.” Ito Hidetaka once again gave an impassioned speech.

Compared with the state when he just entered the dungeon, he is now much more stable and confident.

“I don’t understand economics, but you are all first-class talents in our Dahe settlement!”

“Next, everyone should manage their own fields, find out the shortcomings of Dongying Island in the operation, and then correct them as soon as possible!”

“As long as we achieve economic overtaking in one second, it will be judged as a successful mission, so some bad methods of exhausting resources can also be used without considering the consequences.”

“After all, this is just a virtual world, not our real settlement.”

Ito Hidetaka conveyed his thoughts to all challengers, that is, use any means and do as much as possible.

It doesn’t matter even if the Dongying country in this dungeon is played to pieces.

Everyone agreed with Ito Hidetaka’s instructions, and soon the two thousand people were put into work under the leadership of Yama Makoto Kojiro.

“Increase the import volume of oil by 50%!”

“Increase the number of automobile production workshops on the entire Dongying Island by 30%, and replace high-end materials with low-quality and cheap materials to reduce expenses!”

“Use all environmental protection funds for the production of electronic devices!”

“All wastewater does not need to be treated and is directly discharged into the ocean…”

“Implement a full-scale whaling plan in the ocean to expand seafood sales!”

“Vigorously develop the Dongying action film industry and sell it to the entire planet…”

One after another, crazy operations appeared!

Under this reckless management and operation, the gross domestic product of Dongying Island has indeed achieved rapid growth.

These perverted operations soon triggered criticism from the barrage.

[Although it is a virtual world, the actions of these Dahe people still feel disgusting. ]

[Fortunately, it is only a virtual world. If the real world is the same as in the copy, we, the people in other settlements, are afraid that we will be killed by the Dahe settlement. 】

【But to be honest, this method does have a good chance of achieving economic overtaking…】

【I feel that Ye Shen is a little dangerous. He should not have thought that these Dahe people would be so perverted. 】

Because Ito Hidetaka has no knowledge of economics and production, he can only continue to drink coffee in the general command room.

In less than half a day, the per capita GDP has increased to 40,000 US dollars. If it continues in this way, there is a great chance of overtaking the per capita GDP in 5 days!

Looking at these gratifying indicators, Ito Hidetaka showed a very comfortable smile on his face.

“Lin Ye, Lin Ye.”

“I may not be your opponent in terms of military strength, but you are not qualified for this kind of brain-playing thing.”

“I will let you understand how stupid you set up this so-called non-war mode!”

Just as Ito Hidetaka was muttering to himself, his mobile phone suddenly rang.


The sudden vibration and ringing directly scared Ito Hidetaka.

This is in the copy, why did he still receive a call? !

Is there a complete communication system in this copy?

Ito Hidetaka picked up the phone and found it very strange that there was no number displayed on it.

But he finally answered the call.

“Mr. Ito Hidetaka!”

“Your country’s actions have violated dozens of international conventions such as the Basel Convention, the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, the Kyoto Protocol, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and have caused irreversible negative impacts on the planet!”

“I will now give your country a chance to reform. Stop all illegal actions immediately and pay compensation to the Eagle Sauce Country!”

“Otherwise, your country will be subject to comprehensive sanctions from the Eagle Sauce!”

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