The other party hung up the phone.

Beep beep…

After a few words, the other party hung up the phone.

Listening to the almost commanding tone of the person on the other end of the phone, Ito Hidetaka was furious.

“Baga!” Ito Hidetaka cursed angrily.

“What the hell is going on?”

“How dare the wild dog on the other side order me directly like this?!”

Ito Hidetaka was so angry that he uttered bird words.

He stood up suddenly in anger and threw the coffee cup beside him to the ground.

The cup broke instantly, and the rich coffee splashed out, splashing on his high-end suit, leaving a dark mark.

He was really frustrated!

It’s fine that I was ordered by the emperor in the real world, but how come someone ordered me in this virtual copy!

Is he going to be a dog in the copy?

Just when Ito Hidetaka was angry.

The prompt of the sky curtain also came.

[Sky curtain prompt: The behavior of all challengers has triggered a special event: the anger of the Eagle Sauce! ]

[The anger of the Eagle Sauce: Your behavior has caused strong dissatisfaction with the Eagle Sauce Country. Now the Eagle Sauce Country hopes that you will end all illegal behaviors and pay 1 trillion in compensation to the Eagle Sauce Country! ]

[Do you accept it? ]

[Tip: Special events in the copy will affect the subsequent copy process and even change the task status of the year. Please choose carefully! ]


Ito Hidetaka was so angry that he trembled all over.

What kind of bastard special event is this? !

Do I have a choice?

If you choose to accept, you will have to provide 1 trillion to the Eagle Sauce Country!

1 trillion! ! ! !

The annual GDP of Japan is only 4 trillion, which is equivalent to cutting off a quarter of it at once.

If this happens, all indicators will fall into negative growth.

In the remaining four days, let alone catching up with the Eagle Sauce Country, I am afraid that even the capital cannot be saved.

The subsequent mission will definitely fail.


“It is definitely impossible to accept such an unfair proposal!”

Try to sort out your mentality and keep yourself calm in anger.

A thought emerged in his mind.

Even if I reject the proposal, what can I do?

It was confirmed when I accepted the second mission before that the next copy is a completely non-war mode.

All war weapons on the Eagle Sauce side have been blocked.

Now even if I reject the Eagle Sauce, the enemy forces can’t do anything to me.

The sea is wide for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly. This Eagle Sauce Country is originally my competitor. Why should I listen to the hostile forces? !

After figuring this out, Ito Hidetaka let out a long breath, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

“Damn it! I almost fell for that Lin Ye’s trick.”

“This guy is really a sinister villain, good at scheming in mission design!”

“But does he really think that I, Ito Hidetaka, will fall twice in the same place?”

At this moment, in Ito Hidetaka’s cognition, this so-called special event of the Eagle Sauce’s anger is completely something that Lin Ye made up to deceive himself.

Just like the pre-task of the raid on Pearl Harbor in the last copy.

They are all tricks, and they are all set up to influence the mentality of the challenger.

“I will not accept the proposal of the Eagle Sauce Country!”

“Not only will I not agree, I will make it worse.”

Ito Hidetaka now has only one thought in his mind, that is, to stick to it.

The more smoke bombs Lin Ye makes, the more it means that his direction is right.

He called Yama Makoto Kojiro directly to his room, and then said seriously:

“Yama Makoto, I think the economic development of Dongying Island needs to be accelerated, and some policies are not strong enough!”

“I need you to do it more thoroughly, don’t care about the life and death of these NPCs on Dongying Island, and squeeze their productivity for me!”

“I want Dongying to develop faster, even if I reach the goal at this moment and die the next moment, it doesn’t matter!”

“This is just a copy, don’t have any scruples.”

Ito Hidetaka’s sudden manic mood scared Yama Makoto Kojiro.

But soon, Yama Makoto Kojiro bowed to Ito Hidetaka.

“Okay! Mr. Ito.”

“I will give the order now.”

After that, Yama Makoto Kojiro left Ito Hidetaka’s room and executed his instructions as quickly as possible.

Ito Hidetaka did not answer Tianmu directly, but this behavior

In fact, he has already made his attitude clear.

He wants to fight the Eagle Sauce Country to the end.

At this moment, the prompt on the sky screen sounded again.

[Dear challenger, your behavior has made a choice for the Eagle Sauce’s proposal. ]

[You rejected the Eagle Sauce! ]

[Because of the choice you made in the “Eagle Sauce’s Anger” special event, the copy task has been changed accordingly! ]

[Task 2: Economic Overtake (✦✦✦✦✦)]

[The time limit for this round of tasks is shortened to 60 hours. All challengers can participate in the management of Dongying Island. As long as they achieve an economic overtake of the Eagle Sauce Country at any time, the task is considered completed. Each challenger can get 150 points! ]

[Failure of the task will deduct 500 points from each challenger! ! ]

“What? This previous task has changed?”

“Can it be like this?”

Ito Hidetaka felt a little unexpected.

This task adjustment is not the same as the task change in the last copy.

Last time, after the challenger completed the pre-task, a new follow-up task was given.

This time, the original task setting was adjusted.

The time limit for the task was shortened by half!

This is a bit tricky. At the current economic improvement rate, Ito Hidetaka calculated that the economic overtaking time would take at least three days.

Now that the time has been shortened, the difficulty of the task has increased significantly.

In addition, the most important thing is that the completion reward and failure penalty of the task have also increased exponentially!

Ito Hidetaka may not care about the completion reward, but the failure penalty is too fatal.

Because the Dahe challengers who entered the dungeon this time are basically LV1, and 90% of them do not have enough points in their hands.

Before, it was calculated by deducting 100 points, and these people could save their lives even if the task failed.

Now it has become 500 points, which means that if they fail, they will be directly wiped out!

The pressure of death came instantly.

For a while, Ito Hidetaka was also a little panicked, and even felt a little suffocated.

He himself would not die, but if the mission failed, nearly 20,000 compatriots would be wiped out directly. How would he explain to the Emperor? !

Wouldn’t he become a sinner of the settlement?

Ito Hidetaka was uneasy, and the other challengers were even more uneasy, because this was a real threat of death.

All the challengers who were directing the operation of Dongying Island stopped their work.

“Why is this happening?”

“Didn’t we agree that there would be no danger to life? Why did the Emperor lie to us!”

“If I had known this, I shouldn’t have taken the initiative to sign up for this damn copy.”

“Wow, I want to go back! I want to go back!”

Some timid challengers were even scared and cried directly.

They were university students and had been under the protection of the settlement school. They had never felt the threat of life and death.

At this moment, they realized that they might die, and their mentality immediately changed.

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