At this moment, Yama Makoto Kojiro rushed in.

“Mr. Ito, it’s not good!”

“The arsenal is in chaos now, and the challengers have lost their fighting spirit.”

“What should we do?”

Ito Hidetaka took a long breath, and the anxiety and tension in his heart dissipated like mist.

As a commander, he must be calm now, and he must not lose his composure, let alone let his emotions affect other challengers.

In that case, he will completely fall into Lin Ye’s trick.

Now it’s just that the difficulty of the task has increased, which does not mean there is no hope.

But if the challengers are scared and can’t continue to work, it will be a real mission failure.

So he went directly to the loud speaker in the command room and started to speak to everyone in the arsenal.

“Everyone, have you forgotten the oath you made when you entered the dungeon? Have you forgotten our Bushido spirit?”

The huge voice echoed in the arsenal.

“What you said before about doing it for the emperor, is it just a joke?”

Ito Hidetaka paused for a moment, and it was obvious that he was a little emotional.

“If you give up now, you will definitely die. Only by persisting can you have hope of survival.”

“For you, there is no other choice now, you can only believe in me and believe in the emperor!”

Ito Hidetaka’s words are indeed very contagious. After this chicken blood, the challengers also settled down.

“In fact, we have a great chance. Even if the mission time is shortened by half, our chance is still great.”

“As long as everyone uses their brains and tries their best to squeeze the NPCs on the Dongying Island, they can definitely do it!”

“So… don’t be afraid anymore, learn to face fear, and learn to defeat it!”

“As long as you pass this copy, each of you will be a hero of my Dahe settlement!”

After another generous speech, the challengers became excited again.

“For the Emperor!”

“For Mr. Ito!”

“For aircraft carrier technology!”

After brainwashing themselves, they quickly returned to work.

Ito Hidetaka also let Yama Makoto Kojiro leave first, and he collapsed directly on the sofa.

It’s too difficult.

It’s really too difficult.

He had to admit that Lin Ye was indeed a genius at playing with other people’s emotions.

Especially through the setting of tasks to bring endless mental pressure to challengers.

Under such strong pressure, the strength of each challenger is inevitably discounted.

“It’s useless, Lin Ye!”

“I can’t be fooled by you a second time!”

“Although the punishment for the mission has increased, the reward for the same mission has also doubled. I will definitely take these 20,000 people to conquer your raging sea.”

But before Ito Hidetaka could catch his breath, the world in front of him was instantly dyed blood red!

It was as if the entire universe was drowned in the pouring blood, the red was dazzling, the red was suffocating.

Countless invisible red lights flashed wildly around, and the alarm sounded sharp and piercing, like a sharp blade cutting his eardrum and stimulating his nerve endings.

“What’s going on here?”

Then the prompt of the sky curtain appeared again!

【In response to your behavior, the Eagle Sauce Country will impose comprehensive sanctions on the Japanese Island next! ! You will face the real “raging sea” of the Eagle Sauce Country! 】


“What the hell is this?”

On the Azure Star, everything is controlled by the highest authority of the sky curtain.

Whether it is the resources or the economy of each settlement, they are all macro-regulated by Tianmu.

So Ito Hidetaka did not understand what the so-called “sanctions” meant.

But his doubts did not last long, because Tianmu answered him directly.

[Challenger, Eagle Sauce has listed the Japanese island as a global public enemy! You will be subject to the following sanctions:]

[1. Energy sanctions: On the planet, most oil exporting countries will stop trading with your country, and a small number of exporting countries willing to continue trading with you will also increase the oil export price by more than thirty times! ]

[Please control your country’s oil as soon as possible, otherwise your oil reserves will be completely depleted in a very short time! ]

[2. Technology sanctions: Eagle Sauce will stop sharing your technology, but most of your industries are based on Eagle Sauce technology. Without the blessing of technology, the production efficiency of most industries in your country will be reduced by more than 50%! ]

[Please control your oil as soon as possible, otherwise your oil reserves will be completely depleted in a very short time! ]

[2. Technology sanctions: Eagle Sauce will stop sharing your technology, but most of your industries are based on Eagle Sauce technology. Without the blessing of technology, the production efficiency of most of your industries will be reduced by more than 50%! ]

[Please control your oil as soon as possible

Find alternative technology, otherwise within two days, production in all industries in your country will come to a standstill! ]

[3. Trade sanctions: Most countries on the planet will stop bilateral trade with you, your country’s material exports will be reduced by 90%, and you will lose 50% of the import channels. ]

[Please control the materials as soon as possible, otherwise your country will suffer a serious loss of various materials within one day! ]

[4. Financial sanctions: Your country will no longer be able to use the mainstream currency of the US dollar, all US dollars in your country’s reserves will be invalidated, and your country’s local currency will be frozen worldwide! ]

[5. Administrative sanctions: The Eagle Sauce Congress will infiltrate your country’s party system, fund your country’s resistance forces, and incite riots on a large scale. All challengers’ control over the island of Japan will become precarious! ]

[6. Public opinion sanctions: The Eagle Sauce Congress will spread your country’s numerous crimes worldwide, your country’s international reputation will be greatly reduced, and it will also affect the trust of all the people of the island of Japan! 】

In an instant, countless sky curtain prompts rolled rapidly in front of Ito Hidetaka, making him dizzy.

But the sky curtain had no intention of stopping, and prompts continued to pop up.

Finally, Ito Hidetaka counted, and there were hundreds of sanctions! A wide variety of DEBUFFs were all pressed on the challenger camp.

Ito Hidetaka was confused for a while, and slumped on the sofa again.

What followed was that all the data of Dongying Island were rapidly decreasing. The gross domestic product that was finally pulled up actually showed negative growth at this moment!

“Why! Why can you play like this.”

“The setting of this copy is too unreasonable. Why can the Eagle Sauce Country directly control various things in Dongying Island?”

“Sky curtain, this is not reasonable at all! A hostile force that can forcibly control me can never achieve a reversal!”

Ito Hidetaka roared directly, and his voice was hoarse because of anger.

[Tianmu Tip: All the settings of this copy have been reviewed by Tianmu to ensure their rationality! There is no doubt about this! ]

[It is the challenger whose actions triggered a series of subsequent chain reactions. If you had orderly manipulated the Japanese island at the beginning or chose to give in during the Eagle Sauce’s anger, the subsequent events would not have happened. ]

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