The situation has suddenly developed to this point, and the spectators in the live broadcast were actually as shocked as Ito Hidetaka.

[It can actually be played like this, Ye Shen’s gameplay setting is really unique. ]

[Scary! With so many sanctions on you, it is impossible to complete the task. ]

[This is the so-called suppression power of the world hegemon. Even without military weapons, you can be suppressed in all aspects. ]

[This feeling is really suffocating. ]

[But if you think about it carefully, it is actually very reasonable. The country in this instance is equivalent to a settlement in reality. The leader of any settlement cannot manage his people in the way that Ito Hidetaka exploits…]

[What you said above is right, so it is reasonable for these people to be sanctioned by the Eagle Sauce.]

[They deserve it! I have long disliked these Dahe people!]

Without being in the instance, the spectators cannot feel the despair of Ito Hidetaka at this moment.

For them, it is still a matter of watching the excitement.

In the conference room of the first instance research institute of the Daxia tribe.

Seeing the list of sanctions displayed on the big screen, the whole conference room was silent.

Because these so-called “sanctions” stunned all the researchers.

This is something that has never existed in the history of the Azure Star for thousands of years!

“What on earth are these…”

“It feels like Lin Ye has made up things we’ve never seen in this non-war dungeon!”

“How can one settlement be so tough as to bully another settlement? Does this really conform to the logic of the dungeon?”

“Dean Ding, can you tell us about it?”

At this moment, Ding Chang’s eyes were also full of shock.

Even he, who lives in this land controlled by the sky curtain, can’t quite understand what the status of the Eagle Sauce Country and these sanctions lists represent in [Raging Sea].

After a long time, Ding Chang slowly spoke.

“Don’t understand this dungeon according to some rules of the Azure Star.”

“In this dungeon, there is no sky curtain, and each settlement is in a state of free growth.”

“Imagine, if there is no sky curtain in our world, and various military weapons can be manufactured at will by each settlement, what kind of situation will it be?”

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer for a while, and finally Zhao Jianyu spoke.

“Teacher, according to my guess, a real war will break out between the settlements, and all the situations in the dungeon will be staged in reality.”

“Everyone fights on their own, and the weak settlements will be occupied by the strong settlements. It is also possible that some weak settlements will unite to form a large settlement!”

Ding Chang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “That’s right!”

“What you said, Jianyu, is actually what is happening in this Earth Online created by Lin Ye.”

“The Eagle Sauce Country here may be just like what you said, step by step becoming the world hegemon!”

“And his hegemonic status determines that he can monopolize many things.”

Ding Chang looked at the room full of research institutes with a confused look on his face, and could only explain it in more detail.

“Imagine again, if all the food in our world is not controlled by the sky curtain, but by a certain settlement, what will be the result?”

“In that case, this settlement will bully other settlements at any time with food as a threat.” A researcher answered.

“You’re right, this is sanctions! To a certain extent, this kind of sanctions is actually more terrible than military war.”

“If you look at it from this perspective, these sanctions in Raging Sea are actually completely reasonable.”

The conference room was silent again.

Everyone thought about it carefully, and the more they thought about it, the more terrible it felt.

Because these things are too complicated, they are not as concrete as military weapons, but some details covering this world.

Zhanlanxing only does military research, so it has never paid attention to various other industry rules.

But now the so-called politics, trade, and public opinion shown in [Raging Sea] are actually no less complicated than military research!

How strong logic does it take to make all these unclear details in a copy? !

Lin Ye is completely creating

Create a brand new world!

He has considered every detail of this world.

This is too exaggerated!

“Let’s continue reading and see if the so-called sanctions in the copy really exist?” Ding Chang calmed his emotions and said slowly.

“If it is true… then Lin Ye can’t be described as a genius at all…”


In the command room, Ito Hidetaka was sitting on pins and needles.

“Fake! It must be an illusion!”

“This must be an illusion that Lin Ye deliberately deceived me!”

“It is impossible for such so-called sanctions to exist. How powerful does a country have to be to have such a huge influence?!”

Ito Hidetaka talked to himself frantically, forcing himself to comfort himself.

“For a faction to achieve this level in a dungeon, it requires the dungeon designer to have reasonable logic in all industries, so as to support the foundation of this faction to become the planetary overlord.”

“For this dungeon, it is an unimaginable workload.”

“Even if Lin Ye is a genius, he is only a genius in military technology. He can’t be a genius in economics, energy, and politics!”

Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!


Just as Ito Hidetaka was angry about these sanctions from the Eagle Sauce, the door of the command room was pushed open again.

It was the deputy commander Yamashiro Kojiro.

Before, Yamashiro Kojiro would knock on the door politely when he came in to report, but this time he didn’t.

This time he pushed the door open directly.

He looked very anxious, his face flushed, and he was holding something like a display screen in his hand.

“Ito… Mr. Ito!”

“Something bad is happening!”

“All industries and departments in Dongying Island have protested against our previous management, and the international community has also condemned us in various ways!”

Ito Hidetaka frowned, and a very ominous premonition came to his mind.

Could it be that the “sanctions” mentioned before are all true? !

He quickly took the display screen and checked it.

The first news was being broadcast on it.

[International Communiqué, Dongying Island has violated international conventions by discharging sewage into the ocean, and has now received strong condemnation from the whole world…]

[The Dragon Country claims that it will cancel all bilateral trade with Dongying Island! ]

[The Stick Country claims that it will withdraw all foreign-funded enterprises in Dongying Island! ]

Seeing this news, Ito Hidetaka’s fingers couldn’t help shaking.

Isn’t this situation the [trade sanctions] that the sky screen just prompted? !

Many, many countries have cut off contact with Dongying Island. Without trade, the impact on the economy is completely fatal.

He slid his finger and continued to read the news below.

[Today’s first report from the Dongying Daily: Due to large-scale whaling, the balance of marine biodiversity has been destroyed, and the income from seafood has been greatly reduced, and fishermen are complaining. ]

[Today’s second report from the Dongying Daily: A large number of spontaneous combustion and explosions have occurred in Dongying’s golden signboard Fengtian Automobile. After inspection by relevant departments, the workmanship materials of the automobiles are obviously inferior! ]

[Today’s third report from the Dongying Daily: Due to the influx of a large number of love action movies into the youth market, the young people of Dongying Island have become a wasted generation… Train pervert behavior occurs frequently. ]



“It’s okay for the international community to sneer at us, but why are even the local media of Dongying Island smearing us!”

“Do they know that this practice will cause great damage to their country! The setting of this copy is simply against the sky!”

Ito Hidetaka was getting more and more angry after reading the news, and he almost smashed the screen directly.

“Mr. Ito, I just learned some things.” Yamashiro Kojiro also said a little frustrated. “In fact, the entire East Japan Island has always been a lackey of the Eagle Sauce Country!”

“What?” Ito Hidetaka was surprised.

“Many companies, factories and media newspapers in East Japan Island are actually controlled by the Eagle Sauce Country’s chaebols.”

“And the people of this country have a natural sense of obedience to the Eagle Sauce Country. They believe in the information conveyed by the Eagle Sauce Country.”

Ito Hidetaka was so confused. After all this time, there was actually such a setting.

He swiped the screen frantically, hoping to find some good news to comfort himself.

As a result, he couldn’t find any news that was beneficial to him.

The overwhelming negative news about East Japan Island, any one of which was bad news that could hinder economic development!

The screen was playing nothing but bad news.

Slide to the last one

News, Ito Hidetaka was completely broken.

[Huaer Street Daily, due to the boycott of the East Island by the international community, many countries’ foreign trade in the East Island has been transferred to the Eagle Sauce Country. It is estimated that the Eagle Sauce Country’s financial report this quarter is expected to rise by 20 percentage points! ]


Ito Hidetaka punched hard and hit the wall of the command room directly.



“Lin Ye, you are really bullying!”

He couldn’t control his emotions anymore.

Disgusting! It’s really disgusting.

He did this and forcibly suppressed the labor force of the East Island. Not only did it not make the economy of his own forces advance by leaps and bounds, but it also accelerated the economy of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Isn’t this just making wedding clothes for others?

At this rate, the possibility of achieving economic overtaking within three days will only become lower and lower.

Seeing Ito Hidetaka’s broken expression, Yamashiro Kojiro was also trembling with fear, and really didn’t dare to say a word.

When Ito Hidetaka was a little stable, he stepped forward again and whispered:

“Mr. Ito, in addition to these news, there is another more important thing that needs your decision…”

“Many people on the East Island took to the streets to protest and march, accusing us of having no human rights and violating everyone’s democratic rights…”

“The Congress has proposed an impeachment resolution against us. If we don’t change, we are likely to be impeached directly.”

“Impeachment? What is that?” Ito Hidetaka was confused.

This is indeed a bit difficult for him, because many of the words in the copy have never existed on the Azure Star.

“Mr. Ito, as I understand it, this impeachment means dismissal…” Yamashiro Kojiro explained slowly.

“If it is placed in this copy, it probably means that we will lose control of the East Island.”

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