The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Ito Hidetaka stood respectfully beside the Emperor, looking at the huge combat power reserve of the challenger, and was delighted.

He glanced at the combat power reserve of the Eagle Sauce Country displayed by the system again.

[The total population of the Eagle Sauce Country is 400 million, the army is 1 million, the air force is 500,000, and the navy is 500,000…]

[There are about 6,000 air units, about 1,000 sea units, and about 30,000 land units…]

The sky curtain did not give the specific weapon names of the Eagle Sauce Country, all of which were expressed in the form of XX units.

This is also a very normal setting. It is impossible for any copy to tell the challenger camp the detailed configuration of the enemy at the beginning. Many specific information requires the challenger to slowly explore in the copy.

Ito Hidetaka made a rough comparison, then smiled with a relaxed look.

“Emperor, it is obvious that our combat power is far superior to that of the Eagle Sauce Country!”

“Except that the country’s population and number of soldiers are not as good as those of the Eagle Sauce, the number of other weapons and military equipment is several times or even dozens of times more than that of the Eagle Sauce!”

“If we can really recruit 9 million soldiers on a large scale in Japan, the number of soldiers will also surpass that of the Eagle Sauce Country by a lot. I have to say that our chances of winning are very high!”

Ito Hidetaka fantasized.

The Eagle Sauce has only 2 million troops on land, sea and air, and if Japan really does what the Emperor said, it will have tens of millions of troops!

Add to that the excessive amount of weapons and equipment, and the Eagle Sauce can be exhausted to death.

“Now is not the time to be careless.” The Emperor said in a deep voice.

“Mr. Ito, have you forgotten the loss you suffered in the previous copy?”

“The sky curtain only tells us the number of enemy combat units in general. If these equipments are all at the aircraft carrier level, it will be difficult for us to gain an advantage!”

Ito Hidetaka shuddered directly, unconsciously recalling the horror of being dominated by the fleet of annihilation at that time.

The dark fleet of huge ships has become his nightmare that will never go away.

“Don’t forget, the completion rate of Raging Sea is only 2% now. We must prepare for the worst. There are still a lot of technologies like aircraft carriers in the copy.”

Ito Hidetaka could only nod repeatedly.

But to be honest, he didn’t agree with it.

For Lin Ye, a newcomer who was previously unknown, it was incredible to have this world-leading aircraft carrier technology.

No matter how strong Lin Ye is, he is still a mortal, not a god!

How could he have so many technologies? !

Although Ito Hidetaka was full of fear for Lin Ye, he felt that he would never believe that Lin Ye’s military power alone could withstand the millions of people in the Dahe settlement.

“Emperor, what do you mean?”

“We must attack when our various forces and combat readiness are ten times that of the Eagle Sauce Country!”

“This development time cannot be too long, otherwise it will attract the attention of the Eagle Sauce, and even directly lead to the active attack of the Eagle Sauce forces. In my experience, all preparations must be completed within a month!”

While speaking, the Emperor directly picked up the phone on the table and started to call.

“General Minamoto no Raikou, I order you to lead 50,000 shogunate warriors to explore several countries around the island of Toyo, make a preliminary assessment of the combat power of these countries, find suitable invasion points, and try to plunder available resources.”

“Also bring Dr. Yasui. If conditions permit, local NPCs can be used as experimental subjects for the 100 special forces!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Hearing the Emperor’s first order, Ito Hidetaka felt suddenly enlightened.

The Emperor was going to launch an invasion directly. Before launching a full-scale attack on the Eagle Sauce Country, he would first squeeze some oil and water from other countries on Earth Online.

Anyway, Lin Ye designed Earth Online so big that it would be a waste if he didn’t use it.

Moreover, the Shogun’s organization, as the combat power ceiling of the Dahe settlement, is equivalent to an elite special forces soldier, who is extremely good at single-soldier combat!

Letting these people go to explore the wasteland is indeed the most appropriate choice.

However, this Dr. Yasui and the 100 special forces are existences that Ito Hidetaka has never heard of.

“Your Majesty, who is Doctor Yasui? I don’t think I’ve ever seen this name before on the hero list.”

“It doesn’t seem appropriate to send a doctor out to open up wasteland.”

The Emperor took a sip of tea and smiled faintly.


“Dr. Yasui, full name Yasui Shiro, he, like you, Ito-kun, is a copy genius specially trained by my Dahe settlement… but he doesn’t have any copy.”

“He has been in the dark, while Ito-kun is in the light.”

“Your task is to act as a facade, and Yasui’s task is to be my trump card.”

The emperor has actually hidden this trump card for a long time.

But now that it has come to the biggest battle where everyone is out and risking everything, there is no need to hide the trump card anymore.

So the emperor didn’t think about hiding anything anymore.

“Dr. Yasui focuses on the research and development of bacteria and viruses, including bacterial bombs for fleas, ants, and flies for plague, anthrax and cholera, which are all Yasui’s best technology.”

“And the 100 special forces are our Dahe’s bacterial special forces, good at using bacterial weapons and killing people invisibly!”

After the emperor finished speaking, Ito Hidetaka was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

He was covered with goose bumps all over his body.

He has lived in the Dahe settlement for so long, but he has never heard of such a thing as a bacterial army.

Or rather, few people can associate these filthy things with weapons. It is only because of this characteristic that this way of fighting is hard to defend against.

Obviously, this is a card that the Emperor has hidden for a long time, and it is not surprising that it is hidden to snipe a certain LV4 elite of the Azure Star.

But now it is used on Lin Ye in advance!

“Mr. Ito, I don’t think you know the power of the bacterial special forces.”

“A few small bacterial bombs can make all the people in a city lose their combat capability within a week.”

“Whether you are driving an aircraft carrier or operating a fighter plane, without the control of a living person, all weapons are zero!

This time I used all my trump cards to take down Lin Ye in one fell swoop!”

“It’s just… the research and development and cultivation of this kind of weapon requires a living person as a primer, so I let Yasui follow Minamoto Raikou to other countries to find a good primer!”

Ito Hidetaka only felt a chill in his spine and began to wipe his sweat unconsciously.

Even he would feel that this method is too cruel and too ruthless.

It is really hard to imagine that the manipulator behind these methods is actually the respected emperor!

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