The phone was disconnected.

Beep beep.

With the harsh signal sound, the phone was hung up directly.

This time, the emperor received the same strange call as Ito Hidetaka.

The emperor frowned, the veins on his neck bulged, and a nameless fire burned from his chest.

“Ito-kun, what’s going on?”

“Why do the Eagles know our movements so clearly?”

“Didn’t I ask you to arrange people to get rid of those Eagles’ media spies in Dongying Island? Why did the information still leak out?”

Learning from Ito Hidetaka’s failure last time, the emperor paid special attention to domestic media organizations this time, and cut off the public’s external communications.

Because the Emperor knew that Eagle Sauce had strong spy warfare ability, as can be seen from the situation in the previous copy that Eagle Sauce knew everything about Dongying Island.

So they were already taking strict precautions.

But such a situation still occurred, which was really incredible!

Ito Hidetaka was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, and said a little aggrievedly: “Emperor, I did everything you said…”

“It’s incredible, how could Eagle Sauce have such a perverted spy warfare ability?!”

“This couldn’t be Lin Ye deliberately set it up in the copy, this bastard has always been very cunning.”

At the same time, the live broadcast barrage also started a discussion, but this time, in addition to the ridicule of Dahe people, there were also some doubts about the copy setting.

[It’s a bit strange to look at it this way… In the last copy, because it was an economic war, and Ito Hidetaka didn’t take precautions, the leak was understandable, but why this time? ]

[If it’s really the setting of the copy itself, it’s a bit too disgusting! And it’s not reasonable at all! ]

[How can we fight this? The enemy forces are fully aware of your movements. 】


The Emperor really couldn’t understand the reason, so he could only ask Tianmu.

“Tianmu, why do the enemy forces know so much about our challengers’ movements? Does this violate the fairness of the copy design?”

【Tianmu Tips: The fact that Eagle Sauce Country can obtain information about Dongying Island is not a setting of the copy, but the influence of technology. Eagle Sauce Country has reconnaissance technology: Keyhole Satellite 20! 】

【According to the copy rules, Tianmu should not give challengers too many technical tips, but considering that challengers question the rationality of the copy, Tianmu can give you some additional information. Eagle Sauce Country has set up a keyhole satellite 250 kilometers above your head! 】

【The keyhole satellite technology principle submitted by designer Mr. Lin Ye fully complies with Tianmu’s review standards, so this copy fully complies with the fairness stipulated by Tianmu. 】


“How is this possible?”

The Emperor’s expression immediately became ugly.

This kind of thing was actually done with technology? !

If Tianmu hadn’t answered him directly, he would never have believed that such technology existed.

In the Emperor’s understanding, only Tianmu could do such a thing!

But Tianmu is a god, the supreme being in this world, so he can always monitor them.

In the Raging Seas copy, it was achieved by technology, achieving almost the same effect as Tianmu.

At this moment, the Emperor’s heart was obviously more terrified.

This horror was even greater than when he saw the aircraft carrier of the National Destruction Fleet before.

Because the technology that Tianmu just mentioned was a direction he had never thought of.

The aircraft carrier that appeared before was powerful, but at least it was something he could understand. Now this so-called “Keyhole 20” is completely confusing!

This is an extremely huge threat, because there is no idea how many such satellites Eagle Sauce has set up above the island of Dongying!

This feeling of being nakedly exposed in front of the enemy makes people very uncomfortable.

“Mr. Ito, have the nearby military base send mortars over. We must shoot down the Eagle Country’s satellite!” the Emperor shouted angrily.

Ito Hidetaka shook his head awkwardly.

“Mr. Emperor… Tianmu just said that the satellite was at an altitude of 250 kilometers…”

“Our mortars can hardly reach 5 kilometers, let alone 250 kilometers.”

“Damn it!” The Emperor clenched his fists tightly, and then he realized how stupid his command was.

The sudden change inevitably made him short-circuit his brain.

Then he left the garden with Ito Hidetaka and walked quickly into the Pine Pavilion.

There is no way to solve this now.

The only way to solve the problem is to hide. The emperor will not leave the house again.

At least hiding in the house, he doesn’t believe that the satellite of the Eagle Sauce Country can still see it.

After a little relief, the emperor looked at Ito Hidetaka.

“Ito-kun, Lin Ye’s technology is actually more terrible than an aircraft carrier. Bringing this thing into any copy is equivalent to having a full-map perspective!”

“We must get this technology!”

“If our Dahe settlement can have such technology, it will be invincible on the Azure Star!”

The emperor wanted to say something, but the phone rang again.

With a sense of fear, the emperor still glanced at the screen, which showed the name “Minamoto Raikou”.

“It’s the Shogun!”

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was relieved.

The first call just now made him sick to death.

Now that the Shogun Minamoto Raikou has called him, it means that he has found a good invasion point or a place to develop bacterial troops in other areas.

The emperor was very depressed now, so he had to have some good news to cleanse his ears.

So the emperor answered the phone directly.

“Your Majesty!”

The other end of the phone came with a very impatient voice from Genraimitsu, mixed with the harsh sound of gunfire.

“What’s going on? Shogun?” The emperor asked anxiously, and an ominous premonition came to his mind again.

“Your Majesty, Dr. Yasui and I landed in a place called Dragon Country according to your request!”

“It turns out that this Dragon Country seems to be even more terrifying than Eagle Country. It is full of people!”

“As soon as we landed, we were surrounded by local troops. They shouted something like… Every inch of land and every inch of blood, and then they started to hunt us down!”

“Dr. Yasui has died in the battle, and my men are almost dead…”

“And I was shot in the knee! I should not survive.”

“Your Majesty, I’m sorry, I disappoint you…”

“They are coming! They are coming!”


Then there was a violent explosion, and Minamoto no Raikou’s phone was hung up.

Then, the Emperor saw the number of people in the background, and the number of challengers in the copy was directly reduced by tens of thousands.


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