The emperor stood there dumbfounded, his eyes full of disbelief.

“How is it possible?!”

The emperor stood there dumbfounded, his eyes full of disbelief.

“The shogun actually…sacrificed?”

The war hasn’t even started yet, and he has already lost two generals!

The shogunate special forces led by Minamoto no Raikou and Yasui’s bacterial forces have a total of 80,000 people!

The shogunate special forces are the elite of the elite in the Dahe settlement. Each of them is a challenger who has experienced hundreds of battles and has a lot of experience in dungeon attacks! They are competent in land, air, and naval battles.

It can be said that they are the top combat power among the one million challengers this time!

The bacterial troops were a hidden card in the hands of the Emperor, and also a trump card,

in order to give the Eagle Sauce a fatal blow at a critical moment.

As long as the bacterial and biological weapons are used properly, they can completely disintegrate any weapon of the Eagle Sauce!

As a result, these two groups of elite combat forces were inexplicably destroyed by a force called Dragon Country.

What is this? !

Minamoto no Raikou is LV4, a figure in the top 30 of the Tianmu Hero List, and the strongest person in the Dahe Settlement except him.

Even in terms of single-soldier combat and close-range combat, Minamoto no Raikou is far superior to him.

As a result, it was just… gone? !

The angry Emperor slammed the table twice!

This wave of losses is not small for the Challenger Camp.

Ito Hidetaka on the side was also shocked and at a loss, and asked Tianmu angrily:

“Tianmu, how could this happen?”

“We are not attacking the enemy forces now, why are the challengers inexplicably eliminated?”

“If in a copy, the challengers are eliminated by something completely unrelated to the mission set by the copy before the battle with the enemy forces, then this copy must be problematic!”

“This is clearly a trick of the designer!”

[Tianmu prompts: The system detects that some challengers were eliminated by a force called “Dragon Country”. Dragon Country is a force specially created by designer Mr. Lin Ye on Earth Online. It has very strict logical support and its rationality has been reviewed by Tianmu! ]

[On the copy map Earth Online where the challenger is located, there are not only Eagle Sauce Country and Dongying Island, but also many forces similar to Dragon Country. ]

[Now in the total war mode, while the challenger enjoys a high degree of freedom, he should also bear the consequences of various actions. 】

After hearing Tianmu’s explanation, the Emperor slowly sat down on the chair, his eyes wide open, and his breathing became heavy.

His head was in a mess at this time.

Lin Ye!

Is this the suppressive power of the genius of the Daxia copy design? !

Lin Ye actually designed other forces in this copy! And these forces have a very high degree of completion like the Eagle Sauce Country.

The richness of details of the Eagle Sauce Country alone has already made the Emperor feel exaggerated.

As a result, now Tianmu actually told everyone that there are other forces on Earth Online! And these forces may be stronger than the Eagle Sauce Country!

Does that mean that forces like the “Dragon Country” also have a lot of top technologies?

If so, the technology and technical content in this copy is simply immeasurable!

The Emperor really couldn’t believe that this was something created by Lin Ye alone!

This is not a copy at all, but a world.

“Emperor…” Ito Hidetaka asked tremblingly. “What should we do next?”

The Emperor sighed and calmed himself down as quickly as possible.

“The sacrifice of Minamoto no Raikou and Yasui is a great loss for us, but we still have to carry out our plan.”

“It’s just that this route of foreign aggression will be temporarily stagnant.”

Before, the Emperor thought that there were only two major forces on Earth Online, namely, the Japanese Island and the Eagle Sauce Country, so he dared to expand outward.

But now it seems that there are enemies on all sides and dangers everywhere!

If we continue to think about expanding and plundering resources, and encounter a force like the “Dragon Country”, it will be a complete gift.

He can accept the sacrifice of the people of the Dahe tribe, but he will never accept such worthless sacrifices.

“Although the loss of the absolute combat power of the Shogun is a great loss, it is not fatal!”

“Next, we must focus all our energy on dealing with the Eagle Sauce Country! Expand our forces with all our strength! As for the so-called Eagle Sauce Country’s attitude towards me,

“If we can get some military intelligence from Team Leader Iga Ryuji, we will have a great chance of winning.” Just as the Emperor was thinking about the next strategy, the number of challengers in the dungeon background decreased again. Fortunately, the number was not large this time, only 300 people. “What’s going on?” “Why is the number decreasing again?” Then, the sky curtain prompted. [Sky curtain prompt: Detected that 300 challengers chose to surrender to the Eagle Sauce Country, please manage the challenger camp well, dungeon commander. Since the challenger camp did not officially declare war on the Eagle Sauce, these surrendered challengers are considered to be active surrenders, deducting 20 points and teleporting out of the dungeon at the same time!] “Surrender? ! ”

The Emperor jumped up from his seat!

Surrendering is a personal choice. Even he, the dungeon commander, cannot interfere with this behavior. The reason why he summoned 1 million Dahe people to form a group to enter the dungeon is to avoid this kind of thing.

He really couldn’t understand that some of his Dahe people chose to surrender before the war!

And they openly gave up the challenge in the presence of the supreme commander of the Dahe settlement!

Although 300 people are not many, if they are not controlled, it is still easy to cause people’s hearts to be scattered.

This kind of desertion and betrayal of the Emperor is definitely a serious crime in the Dahe settlement.

“How unreasonable!”

“Such traitors have no honor at all. It is simply a shame for my Dahe settlement.”

The Emperor gritted his teeth and said coldly:

“Ito Jun, help me figure out who these 300 deserters are? I want to know the name of each of them!”

“Such traitors, I will arrange for the Shinobi troops to wipe them out directly! ”

Ito Hidetaka did not dare to delay and immediately checked the background of the copy, comparing the names one by one.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

After thinking for a long time, he stammered:

“Your Majesty… these 300 people who escaped are the leader of Iga Ryuji and his ninja team members.”

“The current list of challengers in the background no longer has their names.”

“What? !”

The emperor felt his scalp tingling, obviously unable to believe such a result.

In the Dahe settlement, Iga Ryuji can be said to be one of his most trusted subordinates, who has helped him do a lot of shameful things in secret over the years.

It can be said that Iga Ryuji is the death warrior he specially trained.

It is understandable that other people deserted the battlefield, but he absolutely does not believe that Iga Ryuji surrendered.

“Sky curtain? Can you tell me what is going on? “The Emperor asked.

[Sky Curtain Tip: After entering Eagle Country, challenger Iga Ryuji and others were impressed by the freedom and democracy of Eagle Country, and were deeply attracted by the high-quality living conditions of Eagle Country. Therefore, they chose to surrender, change their nationality, and become citizens of Eagle Country…]

[When Iga Ryuji surrendered, he also told Eagle Country all the troop deployment and military information of Dongying Island…]

[Sky Curtain reminds the copy commander not to let your challenger teammates enter the territory of Eagle Country easily.]

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